The Relationship Topic

I’ve been drinking a lot so pelase exucuse my bad grammar

you guys

we should all hold our partners to high standards, and oureselves as well

everyone deserves to love and we sohuld only be prepared to give people our best if you’re goin g to make yourself part of their lives

relationships die because of a lack of communication, and a lack of effort is probably the second bigget reaoson in my opinoin


arigato wise drinking man, i shall take these words to heart


I’ve low-key given up on finding someone; I

  1. like bionicle
  2. Am a weeb
  3. Am disabled
    And I could keep going.
    So I’m not really expecting anything to happen.

I’m “disabled” too (autism spectrum); hasn’t stopped me. Maximize your strengths. Find someone who doesn’t care about your weaknesses.

Anyway, while I’m here… there’s a friend of mine that I’ve seen today for the first time in months, as part of a film project. We were the only two actors, which meant I spent the majority of the project looking at her.

I’ve thought about asking her out, or even just letting her know how I feel and seeing where it goes for a while. We have a few common interests (games and acting), she likes my brand of humor, and I think she’s pretty, if not the standard of beauty that I dream of (and don’t know if I should care about). As always, I’m unsure whether I should continue to learn about her without showing my cards, or pull the trigger and see where it goes.


Hey, my partner has chronic health conditions (and I’m aspie), and we have (and are) helping eachother through some pretty dark times. I have my nerdy interests, she has hers, we can relate to eachother. I know it can be soul destroying, but if you keep muddling through, you never know when you might bump into someone (I didn’t, we were both active in the local queer community and knew eachother for a couple years before first hooking up).

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I’m not really saying that disabled in a woe is me way or that it’s impossible to find someone because of it, but it just narrows the field. That was my point in my original post; that I’m not really looking, but if something happens…

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Fair enough, ‘the field’ is pretty overrated anyway… and today I learned what a weeb is!


Giving up is the best way to never find someone

For all you know, that someone may already be in your life.
Or maybe they’ll fall through the ceiling and crash-land in your life, as love often does


This is what happened to me. My best friend brought his cute cousin to a church event where I briefly met her, I was on destiny with my friend and she joined, added me on insta, and we hit it off immediately.

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I’m not really giving up… I’m just not focused on trying to find someone.

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Yeah that’s a better attitude to have.
Focus on making yourself someone who can maintain a healthy and stable relationship first, that way when the chance comes along (Yes, when), you’ll be able to take it.
That’s what I’m trying to do


Finally finished reading this monster of a topic. It took me about 3 weeks and I even read like 60% or more of it. Dunno why I did I bothered reading this topic though. I have never been in a romantic relationship and have never had a crush. I get a bit lonely most weeks but at least I still live at home so I have my family around. I guess in my mind there’s no point in rushing and I have all the time in the world.

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my girl and I have been going to couples counciling and soon we’ll be going to disneyland

wish us luck!


Right on time.


So I think I may have feelings for one of my friends. The only problem is I only figured out that I had these feelings after someone else asked her out.

So, uh

Yeah, I’ve had a bit of an awkward few days. Oh well. Hopefully I’ll be less stupid next time.

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;-; pat pat
That sucks runa

I do know which two friends you’re talking about, I figured there was something there.

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Thanks. As long as they’re happy though, that’s the main thing I care about here.

And was it that obvious to everyone but me?

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My relationship’s fine. We watched The Princess Bride on Saturday.

Now I just need to be brave enough to talk to my normal “friends”


No, I figured it out when one of them joined a server I was in and someone else mentioned a movie bot. I was probably the last to find out.

…I feel like I misunderstood what you meant at first. I was there when she asked her out. But we’re getting off topic, so that’s probably the most I’m gonna say here.

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