A place for those who’ve been around the Boards for a long time (maybe even since it’s inception) to fondly (or not so fondly) remember the good old days.
Remember when the Boards had mafia games every other day?
Remember when @Political_Slime’s Metru Nui Governor topic was one of the most active on the Boards?
Ah, I remember back when I was Axonn126 and @Vasa inspired me to make my own photography topic after making a topic with pictures of his Hewkii Inika and Brutaka, those were good times.
Also, Metru Nui Build Crew anybody?
Hey I was asking TTV you guy >=(
Remember when the boards constantly went down?
I still get flashbacks.
Also that Wookie dumpling/Meso impersonator guy.
Remember how Lime got banned on day 1?
He was banned so quick-fast I don’t even know who he is or how.
Chronicler and I flagged his posts and tried to explain the rules to him. As a reward, Chronicler got mod and I got… Huh. #seems legit /s
Lemme finish that.
…him banned.
I got him banned twice actually. He came back later with a second account.
Any one remember that topic where you took a mugshot photo of your self MOC?
Remember the “BIONICLE Week?”, last to post, and BIONICLE memes topics? The DDoSruption?
Remember when I was Matoro
And then Makuta Verakion
And then Matoro again?
Remember when I disappeared for a month? XD
I try not to remember anything before january.
But I do remember joining the metru nui build crew
Remember when I posted the picture of the CCBS Stormtrooper set first on this board hours before ttv covered it.
It’s nice to have moments of glory.
Also the memes topic was great.