The Wild Masks

Ch 6

Chapter Seven
Closer To Home

“The Demon?”

Ren made a fervent hushing motion, dragging Race by the shoulder somewhat away from her very distracted news crew. “Yes. That’s what he was able to get out of them before the last one petered out. The driving into the tree seems to have been rigged by him as well.

“Everything good, boss?” The boom operator asked, taking the cigarette out of his mouth for a brief moment before returning it. “You want to interview the fish guy too?”

“Shou, I told you not to smoke in here.” Race pressed the base of her wrist against her forehead. “Alright people, let’s call it. Nothing more we can get here, and with enough of a live broadcast that the other stations will be piggybacking off of us for a change. Let’s move out.”

Ren watched as she departed with her crew, the limited amount of customers still in the market returning ever so slowly to their usual pace as they meandered about the store. Ren turned back to the seafood counter, thin enough to walk normally through the small entry point and into the imminent conversation with Fred.

“Kohaku’s okay?” He immediately inquired, barely giving Ren the time to get his gloves back on.

“She should be, yeah.” He sighed, both regretting being that straight-forward about it and dreading what it might mean if she wasn’t. “What else?”

“Later.” Fred replied, turning back to the counter and grabbing a lobster from a crate, slipping it into a glass tank filled with others almost identical to itself. “We’ve got the rest of the day to get through first.”

Ren turned back to the crabs, fully distraught over what had occurred. The safest place he could possibly be is right there… With the side entrance locked, of course.

“What’s the point of it, then?”

Tone sat on the bench with his legs swung out, his arms over the back, visually about ready to die at any given moment, while the normally bombastic Kohaku sat with her knees impossibly close together, her elbows against her side. Neither of them looked at each other, instead both staring across the lake at the massive flock of ducks which combed the edges, looking for anything remotely edible.

And, of course, Tone was still wearing that ruined fish costume. Disgruntled or not, it still technically hid his identity.

“Him.” Tone responded, his eyes moving down to look at Corey, happily tearing pieces of bread and tossing it in the general direction of the ducks. “Wild thought it would be within our best interests if we expanded our organization whenever someone with capabilities to offer turned up.”

“And little Corey needed an awful lot of help, too.” He sighed, watching him with a weary air. “From his death onward, we’ve focused our efforts on not just flashy shows of power, but real, devastating blows to the infrastructure of the criminal empires making everyone’s lives worse. In the past, we’d return gestures of arrogance with humbling responses on the same scale; they’ve tried to hit at us before, but never to such an incredible and efficient extent.”

“What will you do now?” Kohaku asked, her voice unusually small.

“Right now, I…” Tone looked across the lake, the suddenly straightened. Jumping off the bench, he bolted down to the edge of the lake and dove, shoving Corey with all his strength into the water, causing the entire flock of ducks to panic and rise.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR??” Corey coughed as he surfaced, spitting out water. “I WAS JUST-”

“Dive! Reeds!” Tone snapped urgently, getting off his stomach and scrambling towards Kohaku. “Run! Move! NOW!!”

Kohaku turned to run, but Tone grabbed her arm and yanked her the opposite way. “Not the car!! He’ll just take it out easier that way. We have the cover of the ducks, for the moment, but it won’t last.”

What-” Kohaku was barely able to blurt out before Tone abruptly stopped, then broke into a sprint once more. “I just need to find where I saw…”



The wall was still white and boring. Just the same as it had been for the last nine hours. No matter how Rook tried to envision it differently, it still remained the exact same boring white wall.


Kohaku slowly opened her eyes, her mouth set in a scowl.

Despite her indisputable inexperience in the realm of avoiding professional hitmen, she was learning fast, and even flexing her intellectual mindgames at the same time. When the BANG echoed across the lake, she fell with the same timing as Tone’s static body, hitting the walk rather hard. She had a hunch, and now was the only time she could attempt to prove it.

The other people at the pond had begun to flee in all directions after the gunshot. Screaming at random intervals also appeared to be a favorite pastime. Before too long, it was relatively quiet once again.

Her thoughts didn’t stay put for long. What about Corey? Had the shot been directed at him instead? Was he now dead, floating on the surface of the water? Were the reeds not sufficient for him to hide in?

This destructive train of thought ended when a glint of light suddenly hit her eye, and she felt a costumed hand touch against her hair, as Tone ever so slightly pushed himself upwards.

Gotcha.” He grinned, then stood up and dusted himself off. “Well, let’s get out of here.”

“But won’t he-?” Kohaku inquired, using Tone’s hand as leverage to rise. “I mean, he just took a shot at-”

“I’m sure.” Tone tried to slide his hands into his pockets, but the costume simply didn’t have any. “C’mon, Corey’s gonna be soaked.”

Sure enough, Corey was soaked, as once Tone had stood and peered at the water to determine which of the reeds was wobbling about uncontrollably and making gasping noises, gave off a couple of tones in the reed itself to indicate the coast was clear. “I didn’t think I’d actually have to do that someday.” Corey complained, smacking the side of his head repeatedly in a vain attempt to clear his ears. “And if you say it’s-”

“-Because you never know if you need it, yes, that’s why you do need it.” Tone grinned. “Now wring yourself out; we’ve gotta get you a fresh set of clothes before you become ill and get even shorter somehow.”

Thin ice, pal.” Corey grumbled as he climbed directly through a clump of weeds. “I thought your plan of going to the park seemed too easy.”


This was getting excruciatingly boring. Absolutely nothing happened from day to day, week to week, month to month. It was almost utterly intolerable for poor Rook, and he would give just about anything to have some excitement going on for a change.

But, nothing would happen. Because the only way for something to happen would be for someone to come inside, and that would need the massive, four-inch-thick mechanical door to somehow open on its own, without the presence of a key - which it literally could not do.

Just as he pondered over this, however, the door clicked. Someone had just inserted the key, which could, of course, only logically mean one thing.

Finally, Rook thought. Ren’s come home.

Ren folded the bright orange rubber overalls over his hands, awkwardly trying to hide how much he was eyeing Fred, who was eyeing him right back. But Fred seemed to be much less hampered by awkward social situations, as he noticed the approach of the store owner far sooner than Ren managed to process.

“Sir?” Fred began, but he was waved off by the approaching gentleman, who dominated the room. “Go on home Fred, me and Ren will lock up.”

“Yes sir.” Fred grabbed up his things and glanced at Ren worriedly as he departed. Ren stared up into the black, beady eyes of his superior, as an uncomfortable silence dragged on and on.

Ren had no insecurity about his height, but the presence of Mr. Oisim Makuei was a concerning one. The difference between his modest six-foot-one and the imposing six-foot-four figure of his superior really did feel like David and Goliath, the disparity making he feel much shorter than he actually was. Not to mention that, in spite of his features not bearing any sort of indication to it being his race, he bore heavy tribal-style tattoos across his bald head and perpetually-scowling face, leaving barely any skin uncovered.

“You’re getting sloppy.” He frowned, finally speaking after what felt like an hour of silent judgement.

Ren sighed, making himself break from his superior’s rather observant eye. “You’re right, sir. And I can’t afford to be sloppy now. We’ve got someone else under our care, another member of the masks.”

“You do his will in death; it is good.” He made a rather animalistic grunting noise which indicated his shifting of topics. “I have given you much in order to ensure the survival of his ideals. It is useful to know there is some good coming of it.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Ren replied, making no indication that he was anything other than tensed.

“I will lock up; you may go, wolf mask.” Oisin turned, walking off and staring with his well-developed hands in his pockets at the rest of the store, even as Ren slunk away towards the entrance in the hopes of finding a bus still operating at that hour.

“I wonder.” He continued to speak as he heard the doors close behind Ren. “Will it be enough?”

ALL The stairs??”

“So this is what going up in an elevator feels like.” Corey pretended to gawk at the process, earning an even more guttural reaction out of Kohaku, who threw her hands towards him in disbelief as she stared in stark disbelief at Tone.

“He’s the boss. I don’t make the rules,” Tone replied with a shrug. “Even if those rules seem awfully arbitrary and silly, they’re still the rules and we still have to follow them. It’s nice to not have my legs feel like they’re burning off at every given second.”

“Is that because of the-” Corey began, but instantly clammed up when he realized he was running his mouth. “Sorry.” He retreated into the far corner of the elevator and looked about with injured eyes.

“So… Why are you riding the elevator now?” Kohaku raised an eyebrow.

“If you’re willing to keep it a secret.” Tone raised a finger to his mouth and gave a wink in reply. He couldn’t help but smile as he did; it helped to have someone with as blazing of a personality as Kohaku had to lessen the stress of the situation and give him something to bounce humor off of every now and then.

“Finally,” He glanced at the doors of the elevator as they opened. “Ladies and pond swimmers, allow me to introduce you to the greatest overly cramped apartment on earth.” He stepped out of the elevator, but suddenly jumped back inside, whacking Corey on the nose and nearly bowling him over.

Take him back down.” Tone whispered.

“What? I don’t-”

Take him back down, drive to Ren. Tell him to call me. Go.” Tone stepped out of the elevator once more, pressing the close doors button as he exited. They slowly responded, sealing Kohaku and Corey inside as they continued downwards.

“Well,” Kohaku awkwardly opened conversation,clapping her hand over her knuckles. “You’re gonna have to help me out here, kid. I have no idea how to get to the supermarket from here.”

“Don’t you have a GPS?”

“Oh right, duh.” She whipped out her phone and typed in the address. “So what’s it like in there, huh? In the apartment? Is it nice? Do you at least have separate rooms or whatever?”

“It’s fine.” Corey responded, slipping his hands into his pockets. It was clear that without Tone present, he was in no mood to enter into conversation, and the pair exited the building in silence. As they drove off, Tone waited in silence for another five minutes, considering his options.

Options. As if there was somehow more than one option available. It read like a trap, a big and blatant trap, set to blow the minute he walked inside. Was it men with guns lying in wait for him to enter? Was it a bomb of some kind, or a camera to catch their identities when they all came home? And why would they leave the door open for such a trap as well?

Ah, well. He adjusted his collar, quietly stepping forwards and through the open door. I’ve done stupider things today, it seems.

It was a nice wall.

Nice, white, and pure. Not a spot anywhere on it. That was the nice thing about that wall; it didn’t have any kind of mark.

It was a little hard to see at the moment, but the wall was surely just as clean as before. Just because the warped fingers and distorted faces wouldn’t let him have any other thoughts, it didn’t change the purity of the white, now did it? Of course not. It was still immaculate in spite of it all, the cries of agony etched into those wretched faces, the shrieks they uttered at the unholy pain they suffered, the faces, their faces…

The door had been left open. So as the elevator ascended, opened, and descended in turn, Rook could only look at the previously on guard and now aghast Tone and whisper out his reply.

The walls are immaculate. They aren’t screaming to me,” Rook said, his pillow almost entirely hidden by the pile of well-dressed corpses. “They’re so quiet, Tone, so quiet, so very, very quiet…

Ch 8


This goes so hard I would absolutely listen to this album




They dumped him there and had the one opportunity to question if he stayed there but chose to write it off as being more hidden than remembered


Stop projecting :angry:

Lemme ask you this

You’re driving on a massive, busy road, and you hear a gunshot
Except it sounds more like a loud metallic bang than a gunshot

Would you stop to check it out?

What makes you say that :goo:

I have to spell it out for the users who read but do not theorize :pensive:

Read the quote

“from his would-be assassins”

Not saying the second one isn’t true - I cannot confirm or deny allegations of good writing - but there’s definitely a face-value implication meant to be gleamed from this.

It’s true I am so smart :star_struck:

Did all of your knowledge of the Japanese schooling system come from anime :dizzy_face:

Why don’t you start theorizing you goobity goober :triumph:


I know that you said that you don’t like chapter 7 and you’d like to rewrite it, but theorisers are cruel, Jack

I’ll put all of your mistakes on display so that everyone can see them even after you edit it :triumph:
You asked for war and this is how war is done in this neighbourhood :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

Any musicians among the book characters, anyone?

I know we have Hawkflight and I’m pretty sure Cordax plays violin (???), but we need an entire band :smirk:

Also, there’s something from a while ago that completely slipped my mind and I completely forgot to address it

You’ve been able to gaslight two people into believing that Rook is not Rukah (which he is not, he’s obviously supposed to be Rook from Togav for real for real no cap) :smirk:

Born in flames, I have been blessed My family crest is a demon of DEEEATH

Oh, okay that makes sense. Shooting him in the face would certainly knock him out or at least stun him.

I thought that he tanked the bullet, dealt with the guy on the spot, tracked down their car and dealt with the rest of them, which makes no sense because the guy was already in the car, but it was 11 PM when I read it, okay :triumph:

(Projecting = working on projects)

Yes, I project a lot :triumph:

You’re Kohaku, Fred and Ren (yes, all three at the same time), you hear a gunshot
It sounds more like a loud metallic bang than a gunshot, but the source of the sound is directly in front of the shop

Would you go out to check it out?

Probably the appearance of Ren’s boss in chapter seven, which I predicted with my infinite foresight :sunglasses:

From them he only found out that they are after the demon, he may or may not have already known that Ren is in possession of it.

But given that he outright told Race about the mask in ch 7, they all most likely already know that Ren has it. But it doesn’t mean that they know that he plans to use it to revive Wild, so my theory still stands :goo:

This… isn’t right. You would never respond to praise this way. There’s something fishy going on here :imp:

Nuh-uh, it came from someone with first hand experience. Anime only confirmed it :triumph:

The what? What’s this referring to? When did that happen?

Or is it? :smirk:

If the enemy knows about the shop, what stops them from sending reinforcements there?

I am going to assume that this is Tone having an in-world stroke and not a typo for now :dizzy_face:

Maybe going to such an open area as a park to hide and letting your guard down to chat while Corey is feeding the ducks was not the best idea in the world


The amount of thugs Tone beat up off screen is rising rapidly :dizzy_face:

Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about


I panicked for a second because Ren gave away the keys and Tone couldn’t have returned so quickly, but I guess we did a bit of a time jump

Ren when he stares up into the


Alright, three strikes, you’re out (Baseball reference by the way). As punishment you must make that baseball chapter happen :triumph:

In Japan displaying tattoos in public is extremely frowned upon because of the association with the yakuza, who are known for wearing them. So, I’m guessing that he’s a member of the yakuza as well.

And he seems to oversee the Wild masks. I’m guessing this is how Ren got this job in the store, through the connection with this guy

Crazy ? I was crazy once . They locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy

That’s a good question. What can you say in your defence, N01?


Remind me in a month or two when I’m done with my EP, I’d like to get back into silly one-off ideas like that


Ayy, we got a few in here

Im liking where this has been going, youve done a good job at bringing in attention and keeping it.
Also the fact that tone has been doing all of this in a destroyed fish costume amuses me


hey look another sprite


Interesting story you’ve got so far Ghid


Wild is here!


Man, chapter 15 was amazing! I love Ren’s character arc.


cmon what were you expecting.

All of these thoughts runnin' through my headArm on fire, veins burnin' red Frustration is gettin' bigger Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger

Okay so like right now I don’t know if this has been stated by anyone else yet but my current theory is that wild and the “demon” have kinda fused into one being.( I have absolutely zero evidence for this besides that it sounds really cool. ) like just imagine that the “demon” is like this amalgamation of all who have tried to harness its power before.

Anywho that’s about it, not much to go off right now, but that’s just my government mandated N01 long shot for this story.


Ch 7

Chapter Eight

“Sir, please move.”

It didn’t do any good. Not even grabbing him and shaking him produced any reaction, his mind far too absorbed in trying to find some guilt he could latch onto. Eventually two of the disgruntled nurses were able to drag him away from the window and seat him on a bench just opposite of it, but it would take another five minutes before his mind fully processed his new location.

But his eyes still saw Tone.

The agonized screams, the thrashing figure of his friend paying no heed to the flames licking across his body, focusing entirely on his inability to remove the powerful mask he once freely wore, so fused to his skin had it become.

And now, lying in a hospital bed in critical condition, his entire head encased in an oxygen bag, with no one allowed inside, all Ren could do was stare at him through the glass, the image remaining in his vision was allowed to wane from it.

But he couldn’t allow that to happen. This was all his fault somehow - he just had to find the proof for it. Wild dead, Race dead, Tone about to die, and-

You.” The commanding voice from his left finally drew the last traces of Tone’s condition from his mind, although much against his wishes. “You will listen without speaking. After that, you will reply.”

He was a powerful figure, despite being only six-foot-four, he felt like a giant. His gaunt limbs began in wide shoulders and ended in muscular hands, and his well-defined facial features were absolutely covered in tattoos, almost resembling some horrid demonic mask of their own, with long horns in the design running across his scalp and temples. There was barely anywhere on his whole head that lacked tattooing of some kind.

“You are Ren Fukushi.” The giant commanded, as if Ren now had to be himself for the rest of his life. “I am Oisim Makuei. Now we know each other. Now we understand.”

The peculiarity of his word choice finally drew Ren’s tired eyes toward the character, not visibly intimidated by his presence nor his stature. “What do you want…?”

“Their lives.” A large hand rested on Ren’s shoulder, the perpetual scowl remained viscerally present on Oisim’s face, waiting for the only unharmed member of the Renegade Masks’ tired mind to figure out what exactly he said. Adrenaline rushing into his system, Ren swiped the hand off his shoulder, jumping diagonally off the bench and landing in a ready stance, reaching into his open jacket for his mask.

It wasn’t there.

“You are looking for this.” Oisim turned his hand upwards, revealing the wolf mask. “I do not intend to keep it from you. Know that I could have worn it myself.” It was casually tossed into the air, with Ren cradling it in his hands as it fell towards him. “Ren Fukushi. I want the lives of your friends. Possibly more than any of them. Possibly more than you.”

“…What do you mean?” Ren’s eyes finally lifted from off the mask and onto the hard face of his visitor.

“We discuss.” The large figure turned with a beckoning gesture, and only after walking nearly the entire length of the hall turned around to see if he would follow. Ren felt the bandages around his head, as if a little pressure and gauze would undo a concussion. Could he really afford to simply walk away from Tone and place his life into the hands of this brutish stranger?

I don’t seem to have much of a choice. He jogged over, joining Oisim in the elevator as they descended below. The slow descent was completely silent, leaving Ren to hyperfocus on what exactly he might say next.

“Your leader had vision.” The giant spoke, his words as friendly and heartfelt as a block of ice with a knife inside. “He knew exactly where to strike the evil of this nation to make it bleed. Had he continued to live, he would have driven organized crime out of Japan forever.”

Stepping through a large metal door held open for him by a suited individual with thick sunglasses, he gestured for Ren to follow. “The wicked ones found the Demon mask somehow – they planned to use the power of the eyes to make a pact; to command him to do their will. Be prepared for what you are about to see.”

Ren turned towards the glass and nearly cried out in… Fear? Anguish? The word to describe his reaction seemed impossible to find. There, in the center of the room, Race lay on an operating table, practically smothered in medical cloths, the only part of her body even remotely discernible aside from her face was her exposed stomach, and this was impossible for Ren to properly see, but what did meet his eyes was a metal ring, flayed outwards at the top, attached to the ceiling by numerous mechanical arms, with all sorts of complex pneumatic devices running from it down to the cavity being operated on by seven or eight surgeons, all contributing in one fashion or another.

“She will live.” Oisim grunted, his hands folded in front of him, his knuckles nearly touching the glass. “She lost her stomach and her entire intestinal tract. This system will only do so much. She will need to unfold it every time she eats.”

“This does nothing.” His brows shot downwards until his eyes were encased in shadow. Ren had thrown a vicious punch at the glass out of pure frustration, but the massive hand of his unsociable host had swung out and caught the fist before it could make contact. “You will only harm yourself.”

Do you have any idea how tempting that option is right now?” Ren growled, his body unsure whether to start generating tears or more adrenaline. “I could’ve prevented this, I could’ve… The entire team is either dead or on death’s row. Wild is gone. I could’ve done something…

Ren’s eyes went wide for a moment, possibly due to his lack of experience suddenly being ten feet in the air and possibly due to the massive muscular hand now holding him by the throat. A look much more dangerous than any Ren had thrown around was present for a moment, but he was lowered just a second after, the large hands of Oisim straightening Ren’s collar for him and dusting off his shoulders.

“You did not kill them.” The giant spoke calmly, his eyebrows flattening as neutrally as could be managed with his facial structure, as he put way more effort into Ren’s collar than he himself had ever done in his entire life. “But you cannot leave it at that. There is a gaping wound in this city, Ren Fukushi, and we must cleanse it.”

“Or else the same monsters that did this will do it again.” One hand rested on Ren’s shoulder, the weight alone pushing his joint down, while the other swung towards the glass. “This power will go unchecked. Thousands would die. Japan would descend into chaos.”

“I have arranged a position for you at my legal operation.” Oisim strode past Ren, his hands calmly folding behind his back. “All records of you and your allies having ever been here will be eliminated in approximately sixteen hours. There is a safehouse your masks can reside at. It has the very best in medical technology hidden there. The rest of my resources are at your disposal.”

“Why… Why do you care?” Ren turned towards him, feeling his suddenly not sloppily thrown-together collar. “Why do you want a vigilante group running around if you’re still partaking in illegal activities?”

“What would you have sacrificed to save your Wild?” The cold voice replied.

Ren didn’t answer.

“Then,” Oisim rotated his head back, one domineering eyeball looking viciously out of its socket at the weary Renegade. “Do not ask me my price to avenge him.”

Ren still didn’t answer, glancing towards the bottom of the doorframe as Oisim left. After several minutes of silence, he slowly removed Rook from his pocket, wordlessly angling him towards the glass.

The silence would still be ringing for many months after.

Ch 9


In this chapter, Ren greatly underappreciates having his hospital bills taken care of :dizzy_face:

Futures Made of Virtual insanity

Haha guess what time it is rn :smirk:

No, because it’s muffled by an entire supermarket exterior, you’re on the clock, and security cameras exist for a reason, don’t they?

I mean…

…They also all know that it exists because Wild told them all to their faces, so…

whatever helps you sleep at night, french for bread :dizzy_face:

yeah it’s your dayjob at the supermarket :goo:

Patience we’ll get there :smirk:

Might be the next chapter, might be the one after that. We’ll see :sunglasses:

The original hitmen existing? :imp:

Why would you send reinforcements if you don’t know you need them

you’re clearly misreading things, um, I definitely didn’t edit it… read it again.

I would love to hear of another place guaranteed to have people present but not so many that they get lost in the crowd so that there are dozens of witnesses to whatever might potentially occur (that Ghid would know exists in Japan for certain :smirk:)

beat up?

They say to write what you know :goo:

we actually didn’t :smirk:

you’re clearly seeing things, um, I definitely didn’t edit it… read it again.

baseball IS a thing that exists in Japan, hmm… perhaps I can shoehorn this in :goo:

Bingo :goo:

The best kind of theory :sunglasses:


Interesting - I wonder what kind of connection Wild and Oisim had?


Tonight on Top Gear
I make a deal with the yakuza
Hammond recovers from third degree burns
And james is an inanimate object

now Always seem to be governed by this love we have

Yes but do they know that Ren has it, that’s the question :smirk:

Come on Ghid we both know that I hardly sleep at night

A park, obviously :roll_eyes:
Come on Ghid, this is so easy how did you not think of that


No we did not.
I made a lapse of judgment whoops

Yeeeees :goo:

More than that, it’s one of the most popular sports there apparently. Must be the corruption by influence of the west, along with McDonald’s and Starbucks :dizzy_face:

I am physically unable to do the review for chapter 8 today because I’m way too tired, but there’s one thing I know I can do


I will return to this tomorrow with a fresh mind because this chapter has some interesting stuff in it, and also there’s some stuff from ch 7 that I didn’t elaborate on last time

Exactly that, thank you :smirk:

Why do Devil May Cry 5 soundtracks go so hard

It has been approved by the Council of Theorising (NOTaHFfan and the voices in his head)


Cacophony of horrid laughter
Oh yes. I don’t care who this is based off of, and frankly, I don’t care. This character has me hooked. He’s cryptic, he’s unpredictable,
He’s perfect.


first a knife, now a mask, ol’ Rukah’s moving up in the world

For useless twisting of our new technology

It is certainly the question :sunglasses:

And you and I both know that’s because the animatronics tend to get a little quirky then :dizzy_face: :bear: :tophat:

How would they know???????????

That’s an awfully smug statement for you to make, mr. weeb :dizzy_face:

Can you make him actually read the whole story though :imp:


Dante when he is unsure about the level of sorrow Satan is currently experiencing


A speaking mask that has special abilities, controls a huge artificial body and is one of the main characters. If that’s not a huge upgrade, I don’t know what is :smirk:

Oh, now there is no sound For we all live underground

Perhaps one of the questions of all time :vampire: :vampire: :vampire:

The corruption works both ways :smirk:

Unfortunately this is outside of my ability :pensive:

At first I mistakingly thought that the person who opened the door was Tone and that the corpses were a part of Rook’s imagination caused by him going insane from loneliness, but they are, in fact, real.

The theory I have right now is that these guys are hitmen that were sent to retrieve the Demon mask by the same enemy that tried attacking Ren’s workplace. And something killed them. Rook couldn’t have done that, because I assume that he has no power when he’s not attached to his body, and even when he is, his ability still doesn’t allow him to do something like this, so the only conclusion I can make is that this is the work of the Demon.

Or maybe the flat has special defensive systems against unauthorised intruders what were installed by Oisim. He seems like the kind of guy to do something like this.

Oh why do I have a feeling that this is going to go horribly… Leaving these two alone without any protection whatsoever is certainly not the best idea on Tone’s part. Somebody is about to get kidnapped for sure.

“Only” six foot four? He’s significantly taller than Ren and the story is set in Japan :dizzy_face:

All of them? All of his limbs end in muscular hands? :anguished:

I still stand by the theory that he’s a part of the yakuza. You still didn’t confirm or deny it, which means that it’s true

Ren’s full name had already been revealed before, but it attracted my attention only now. It can’t be a pseudonym because the line “as if Ren had to be himself for the rest of his life” suggests that it’s his real name, however all of his comrades are referred to by names that are clearly not real (Rook, Race, Tone) and Race has his contact saved under the name “T”, so there’s a clearly a lot more going on, even though there’s not enough info to say what exactly yet.

What I know for now is that Ren is somehow different from all the other Renegade masks. He is referred to by his real (?) name that is not related to his mask power, while everyone else has nicknames that match their mask powers…

Tell me if I’m on the right track before I start digging deeper

I have to wonder, why Japan?
None of Wild’s group are locals, yet they seem to be very well-established here and they don’t act abroad. I think that they moved here because of the Demon mask, as it’s something he seemed to be hell-bent on.

I am guessing that the story takes place in the future, given the kind of technology available to characters, like Corey’s drone, Race’s stomach and the gang’s flat

air an possibly

Rook, how did you manage to sneak in here?!
You’re supposed to be a mask in Ren’s pocket… or a bearded man with no hands crashed at the beach on a random island in the middle of nowhere while Dolphus repeatedly almost dies and cries two times, Alexis almost kills a man, Ari kills a man and goes to sleep, Mariner gets harassed by Mako, Nico is dead, jade doesn’t exist and Karl behaves like the most adequate person in the crew :angry:

@Atobe_Brick post in togav

:bell: :man:

It think it only makes sense that this man has a connection to Wild, the only question is what kind of connection is it?
Both of them seem to be demon-themed, with Oisim having demon-like tattoos and Wild having an Oni mask. Wild was after the Demon mask and Oisim certainly knows about it, so I wonder if their connection is somehow related to it…
Perhaps Oisim, who seems to be much older, was Wild’s mentor and taught him about the Demon, leading to the creation of the Renegade Masks

So anyways how do you like the book so far?


Pretty good. I like it


Ch 8

Chapter Nine

“Calling in.”

The wide black brim of the assassin obstructed his perfectly round black-lensed sunglasses from view for a moment. He was dressed in all black, with the only exception being the tight-fitting dress shirt under his almost trenchcoat-like jacket, and stood inside the phone booth exhibiting blatant impatience.

What’s your status?

The assassin adjusted his glasses in the middle. “He broke my lens.”

Your orders were not to physically engage.” The voice replied, clearly attempting to intimidate its conversation partner, which was evidently old hat to the dark-dressed dealer in death, who wasted no time in offering a rebuttal.

“He cracked the lens from across the lake.”

There was silence on the other end for a moment. “Were you spotted?

“Almost instantly. The lake gave off too many unpredictable reflections.” A thin line of smoke emanated up from the assassin, curling over the brim of his hat. “Hit the ground right after I first fired, spotted me the moment I turned to find the kid.”

You fired? Without confirming your shot?

“I never guess.” The assassin flatly replied. “First shot is always a blank if I need a crowd breaker, and he had the ducks as cover. The girl went down the moment he did and cut me off from any clear shots. Plus he had that stupid costume on.”

We will discuss your failure when you arrive.” The voice crackled. “You’re reporting in alongside the others. There’s one or two little matters that will need to be cleared up with that news station which we may have you attend to tomorrow, which you’ll need briefing on.

The phone clicked as the call ended, the assassin slowly returning the receiver to its place. Another curl of smoke wrapped its way around his brim briefly. “Wish I was getting paid in painkillers…”


The older man jolted, having been entranced by the security camera screens aside the steering wheel, making some kind of nonverbal apology and shuffling off towards the rear of the bus. He stopped halfway, noticing Ren staring off into space, and chose to settle down into the seat across the aisle from him as the bus lurched forwards.

“Light?” He mumbled, gripping a cigarette holder in between his lips, but after several seconds of trying to process what had been said, Ren slowly turned towards the man and gestured at the sign above his head which meant, in any language, no smoking.

“Ah.” The old man’s voice remained cheerful despite this revelation, smiling as he returned the cigarette holder to his pocket. “I suspected as much. Fortunes always change that way.”

“…It’s not my business, but,” Ren began, eager to take his mind off the frantic call Kohaku had sent not too long ago. “How come you’ve got a perfect American accent? I’ve spoken to a few people who all seem to have lived in the states.”

“Hm.” The old man chuckled. “It’s necessary to do just about anything. All the foreigners speak English, all the young folk speak English almost as a first language. It’s nearing the status of a universal language.”

When Ren didn’t reply, he took it as a free pass to continue. “It’s difficult to find purpose in anything once it loses its distinction, y’know? Had to quit holding out after a certain point and actually learn English if I intended to keep finding ways to afford food, and it seems I’ve done a good enough job if an American’s complementing it.”

“Not quite that,” Ren replied with a light smirk. “But I understand what you mean. Some things are easier to hand over than others.”

“Especially if it’s all you have.” The old man kept smiling, but his voice held a twinge of sadness. “What will I have left after this is over? My flute hardly puts money bread on the table. I don’t have any special skills that could get me anywhere in society. All my have is my culture, my language, and my home.” His fingers tapped the hard fabric case resting against his knee. “And I’m losing just about everything but the flute.”

Ren tried to think of something to say, but it cut a bit too deep and too personally for him to interject anything other than bias. The old man seemed to notice this, too.

“Don’t feel bad for me.” He smiled widely. “You’re growing up in a new world where everyone speaks together in one coherent tongue, something everyone throughout history could only dream of having the luxury of. But don’t give up what you have, even if they seem antiquated and irrelevant. So we don’t lose it all on the way to the future.”

Ren smiled briefly. “You don’t have to convince me,” He held his hands up in slight protest. “I’m still trying to learn how to use chopsticks. But you said you play the flute?”

“I never said I play it.” The old man replied, pulling a small flute out from an inner pocket. “But yes, I do play the flute. The hichiriki, more specifically.” He partially unzipped the hard fabric case and took out a stack of paper stapled in the corner. “Now if that grouch driving doesn’t mind, I’ll be happy to demonstrate.”

The grouch gave a grunt in reply.

With no verbal order to stop, and a complimentary smile from Ren reflecting back in the old man’s perfectly round sunglasses, the sharp sounds of the hichiriki filled the bus, pulling Ren’s mind off the stressful future which awaited him in mere minutes and directed it towards the melancholy of the old man’s words. What would be left after all this was over?

“You didn’t let Corey see this, did you?”

Tone slowly paced back and forth, his hands unsure where to remain, swapping between various positions on his body and never staying there for long. “Not even a glance at the door. Sent him and your coworker to pick you up, just as I said.”

“Well my having taken the bus must’ve thrown a wrench in things somehow.” Ren ran a finger across one of the grey, twisting wounds, set well into the skin, filled with swirling grooves, and devoid of any life or color. “Take Rook so he stops muttering to himself and track down my car. We can’t have anything happening to either of them until we get a handle on things.”

“You gonna be able to-”

Yes.” Ren sharply replied. “I can get rid of them. Now move; we don’t have any time to waste.”

With something of a curious glance at his boss, Tone gestured for the lumbering figure of Rook to follow, him having spent the last several minutes standing in the corner and staring intensely at the bodies, as if they would suddenly begin speaking to him. After the pair had gone, Ren swiftly walked t the door of his room and cracked it open, slamming the cot down and abruptly kneeling on the mattress.

“Wake. Up.” He growled, his eyes shut as he waited for the telltale sign of the mask’s presence. It eventually became obvious when he heard it clattering about with the pipe loosely in its teeth. Before the mask could get a word out, Ren stormed over and ripped the pipe away. “Why did you kill them?!”

" 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓈𝒶𝓌 𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓉𝓁𝓎." The mask replied, the same devious tone in his voice despite being on the defensive. “𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓃𝑜 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓁 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃𝑒𝒹. 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝑜𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝑜𝓅𝑒𝓃𝑒𝒹, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓂 𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓁𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓉, 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓅 𝑜𝒻 𝒶𝓇𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓈𝓊𝒾𝓉𝓈. 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓃 𝒸𝓁𝓊𝒷 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓈𝑒.”

“Cut the jokes,” Ren snarled, jabbing a finger at the mask, which pretended to bite at it. “I don’t think such levity is appropriate right now. Can you make this disappear?”

“𝒪𝒻 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒.” The mask chuckled, floating out to the pile of bodies, the black form which emanated downwards clinging to the wall as he traveled. “𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝐼 𝒹𝑜. 𝐼’𝓋𝑒 𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒾𝓉.”

The mask chortled as Ren stormed out of the apartment, locking the door behind him. I sure hope Tone’s having a better time than I am…

“GPS tracking doesn’t really help that much.” Tone complained, glancing at his phone before giving up and tucking it away. “We’re going to just have to guess based on the likeliest route-”

What?” Rook hollered above the rushing of air as he traveled forwards with no visible resistance.

“Just keep an eye out for them!” Tone replied, scanning the streets for any sign of any similar cars. “There’s so many basic boring cars in this part of the city that it’s going to be incredibly difficult to narrow down just where exactly his basic boring car-”

Don’t you have a GPS?” Rook hollered again.

It’s not very useful right now!” He yelled back. “Goodness, sometimes I really wish you had Ears so I could communicate more efficiently with-”



YEAH SO DO I!” Rook replied, getting flustered. “I WISH I HAD THE ENTIRE REST OF MY BODY TOO!!

“Wait.” Tone grew very quiet, his hand slightly tugging on Rook’s head to make him stop moving. “There. That rooftop. I think I’ve just found her. Set me off on the side, go in low.” He wrapped his arm back around Rook as the large artificial figure descended sharply and glided over to the edge of the roof before helping him over it.

“Not very polite to go stargazing without binoculars.” Tone slid his hands into his pockets as he spoke, sauntering forwards with a casual air. He suddenly stopped, a dangerous look entering into his eye.

“Ah. You’ve gotta be the sound guy they warned me about.” The figure said, breathing through his ever-smiling teeth. “The one who can make noises. My eardrums are ringing right now, so if you’re saying anything else I can’t hear you. Heck, I can’t even hear myself. But I’ve lost the weaknesses that go along with being in pain, so I apologize if you thought it would stop me.”

“You move, I break her arm.” His muscular hand lifted Kohaku off the ground by the wrists, his impressive six-foot-four height only overshadowed by his incredibly wide shoulders and intimidating build. “She used to cry out in pain when I did that. But I kept telling her about what would happen to Corey if she didn’t shut her mouth more often, and after she bawled a bit I guess she got the message.”

“They said we weren’t allowed to hurt civilians, but they can’t exactly see me from here, can they?” The stranger grinned even wider, the rest of his face and eyes concealed by a pointed, scowling wooden mask. “You won’t snitch though, would you?”

Ch 10