Toa Gaaki (BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard)

Read the topic.


Some people just don’t like it and are extremely vocal about it. Apparently mocs are not allowed to have anything even slightly curvy


listen if norik and iruni sets had dummy thicc nuva cheeks, then sure lol, but that aint the scenario we have here chief. If you wanna make dummy thicc bionicle mocs not meant to represent a canon character by all means go for it and have fun


At the risk of questioning the rules and authorities, I wonder if the controversy over this entry couldn’t just be contained to this topic and, hopefully, not be addressed during voting. People have already made their views clear, and though it may be too idealistic, I’d expect that everyone who either likes or does not like the controversial design choice would proceed to speak with their votes, not their text.

I’d also like to draw attention to a MOC in the Helryx contest that exhibited a very similar design choice but was not disqualified. While I understand that this one is being challenged over the controversy (which the Helryx one didn’t have), not the design itself, it seems unfair to mandate the removal of this design when that one was accepted.


How are we supposed to know shes female without big, juicy, glute plates?


looking at that helyrx im surprised it wasnt DQed lol. I guess they have learned a few things since then. that being said, this contest also is, and should be, more restrictive due to us having 2 hagah sets already. I am still unclear how anyone can look at this and say with a straight face that they think that this entry as is without major changes is remotely a good idea to be allowed to be voted on as a potential canon depiction of gaaki lol


Sometimes it feels more like Eljay says “I don’t want this, this, and also this thing to be a canon, so I’ll punch them to death because I just can”


I’ll support those fists on this one


I think that this is the main reason for why this one’s getting more flak than that Helryx. Before the contests, we didn’t know what Helryx looked like, so there was more room for less traditional designs.

For the Hagah contest, on the other hand, we know what 2/6 of the Hagah look like, and a noticable buttocks doesn’t fit in with Iruini and Norik’s aesthetic at all.

I personally don’t think that any modifications should be required for this moc. I won’t vote for it, but to me it isn’t all that offensive or egregious.


I suppose that’s a decent reason, but I personally like set variation and don’t believes this deviates far enough to be totally out-of-the-blue.

The key word here is “allowed.” It’s a contest: if it fits within the rules, it should be allowed to be voted on as an entry.

I don’t get the feeling that’s what Eljay does, nor should he be attacked just because he enforces the rules agreed upon. We should be grateful he and TTV are running these contests–despite the fact that I didn’t want them in the first place, many people did, so they’re doing their best.


I mean partly yeah. Dummy thicc gaaki is a horrible idea in part due to us having norik and iruni. Lariska on the other hand…

I mean as far as I can see, entries like this are exactly why rule 11 was made


Look forward to it :wink:


I mean… this goes back to that long discussion on the “Hagah aesthetic.” Norik and Iruni look one way, but that’s only one-third of the team. The others could look different depending on how closely a person wants them to resemble the existing ones.

I doubt Lariska with a booty will get anywhere, but do submit one, I guess. It’d be interesting to see the reaction.

Imagine being grateful for something you didn’t want nor asked for

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sure maybe but just look at it

some deviation im cool with but this is clearly too far lol

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Let’s just say hoseryx was also allowed at the time when the Helryx contest was held and let’s just be clear, we all know how that went. I’m all for dqing this moc if only not to repeat past mistakes. Thicc Gaaki is something extremly memeable and should be kept away from these contest. While my stance is obviously harsh to some extent and maybe its unfair to dq this moc, I’m not in the position to decide what gets dq so my opinion is just that an opinion. The creator shouldn’t take it personally even though the design is questionable I think the shaping is well excuted.


ye they did a very good job making a thicc gaaki building technique wise, but just why?

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Pov: You make moc you adore, and put effort into, this is how you see you the character. And then it gets taken down for being “memeable”

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Well, I didn’t want the contests, but I appreciate the effort the TTV staff is putting in. Hence, gratefulness goes a long way to diffusing confrontationalism.

I don’t think it’s too far, but you do, so we’ll just stop there. =P

I think you make a good point. I was just hoping that people could let it rest when voting comes around, and that way it wouldn’t cause a ruckus and be in violation of the rules. That’s probably a false hope.

tbh the overly complex leg construction and to a much lesser extent the shoulders are too far on their own, but thats something that can go to voting. Adding a big ol booty to the moc for no other reason than because its a female toa is some yikes stuff right there

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