Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

They just might be buried by 50 other identical MOCs.


Not if you try to make em stand out, being creative and all but yes I see your point. Even though I like to have these as moc contests.


he’s systematically dismantling my argument.


He does that.


Ghid is the kindest person ever he would never do such a thing/s


my pouks’ thunderthighs poll got closed and now the canon contest is completely meaningless :sob:

Bumping MOCing out of the contest entirely is going to be a buzzkill for a large amount of people, even if the alternative is to only build exact clones of the existing Hagah with predetermined colors and only different masks, which would limit those with any chance of winning to those with a 3D-printed mask. Yes, it’s restrictive and at that point utterly pointless, but the broccoli community loves it some mocs.

Also you failed to cover the canon compliance of thunderthighs and I am therefore canceling you, pack your belongings

I hate to bring it up again, but in determining how to run the contest, what exactly a Metru build is really does matter. If the contests are confined to the popular definition of a Metru build - torso and hip piece or just torso piece - what kind of entries you receive depends heavily on how that is enforced.

Confine it solely to torso, you’re going to get entries with custom hips, limbs, head designs, enough system greebles to drown in, and models significantly bulkier than the average Hagah build. Any ultra-diehard Metru build fan will already be putting in their set-clone Hagah MOCs with no deterring. Enforce hips and torso, and the results will likely be almost identical, with the exception that the ultra-diehard Metru build fans will have no potential advantage over the rest of the crowd.

Have the Hagah MOCs be virtually identical to the existing sets, and you will have LEGO sets. And nothing more.

Now undoubtedly the most free option is to have anything that exactly matches the proportions of a Metru torso qualify and safeguard that definition heavily, to force people who wish to deviate from the existing torso piece to be very creative with how they build their MOCs. This would also put a lot of extra pressure on the people running the contest because, y’know… You have to moderate, measure, and potentially reproduce every existing build. Which is stupid and therefore shouldn’t happen.

But Ghid, why are you bringing this up in a post which will probably get you intro trouble because for the uptillionth time, stop talking about the Metru build?

Because earlier in this topic Kini asked if Nenon is a Metru build, and if the answer isn’t yes - it uses a Metru torso, after all - what the definition of a Metru build actually is in the eye of the community seems to lean towards basic copies of sets and little else.

My suggestion is define what a Toa Hagah is rather than a Metru build; set the definition in stone, and then run the contest as normal with possibly a group art contest at the very end.

A model acceptable for submission into the Toa Hagah canon contest(s) must consist of and no less than:
A base color identical to that of the Rahaga set it is based on; Shoulder and chest armor identical to the color of its mask (or to itself if no mask is included);
Proportions and scale within reasonable approximation to that of the existing Toa Hagah sets.
Any entry that fails to meet these qualifications cannot be considered a Toa Hagah.

This is purely a hypothetical ruleset. But I think this discussion and decision needs to be had and reached before the one in this topic. Because if a Metru build is just a set, there’s no reason - outside of making people happy - that we shouldn’t just have a group art contest and nothing else.

the way I used to make text tiny doesn’t exist anymore and I need your secrets


Use hashtags.

like this
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but that’s not what Willess did

I need his secrets not yours you conventional crouton


This doesn’t really cover metallic armour on the lower half. Is it acceptable to put the metallic armour on the shins, rather than the thighs?

I say yes.

Well I assumed he used the same method.

<sub>tiny text</sub>
can be stacked, like this:

<sub><sub>tinier text</sub></sub>

Minor nitpick, but this adds a restriction that isn’t technically canon. Everything else is valid, though.


Yeah, I wasn’t offering it as the solution, just an example of how something could be formatted and what it might entail.

As I said, this conversation needs to be had, only… Not here. Please I don’t want to be banned

Wait why did it break in your original message but work in my quote


Your secrets have been revealed to me, Now no one is safe!



I want to use Metru Torso, but I don’t want to restrict it to be used in a stereotyped form,

While many constraints can limit creativity, but a few constraints, can spring up more creativity.


Why don’t we just make it whoever can jam the most tiny parts onto a build the height of Iruini wins? Boom its done

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So what you’re saying is, the discussion of what defines a Metru build should happen before the discussion about how the quontests are run, instead of after?

Correct. And not here.

What TTV intends to define them as will determine what exactly occurs in the canon contest, which will determine how it is run. So yes.


Wow this topic blew up…

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I’m glad my biggest and most remembered contribution to this discussion is Pouks’ thunder-thighs.


These hurt my soul

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