Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

@TheJerminator @Racie02
What Keplers said, actually. MOCists can choose main color, secondary color, main body and limbs shaping, and yes, eye color. And for the most part all of armor shaping. Artists would decide armor color, Masks (as usual) and sometimes change identical armors for different ones.
Several thoughts:

  • Studio
  • Painting
  • That might happen only with the golden part of Hagah, which already makes it not so likely.

Im gonna just throw this out there, not because It’s something I want do do, but because it’s something we can do.

Obviously we don’t WANT the art contest to completely do away with the MoC contest. However, there is literally nothing stopping us, collectively, from voting for our favourite mocs and then, come the art contest, collectively deciding that some of them must be altered to better fit together as a team.

I am all for trying to hash out rulesets and minimize the risk of bad-outcome-scenario-A happening, but we also have the gift of being able to tackle issues as they come.

Sure, we could minimize the risk of two Hagah having the same mask or colours by making a list of “allowed” masks and colours for each Hagah. Or, we could wait and see what happens, and if a scenario arises where two mocs have the same mask, we could always… I dunno, ask the creators if one or both have alternative masks they’d like to put forward. Poll the community quickly on whether or not one should be changed over the other.

Ultimately, the MoC’s in these contests exist for two reasons: They’re the medium of Bionicle, and replicability is important. The MoCs, as per agreement with BS01, do not become canon anyways - they serve to inform and ground the art and as such, if absolutely necessary, I see zero issues with dealing with the potential issues of “too many similarities” if and when they arise.

Is it less than ideal? Absolutely. While I myself prefer the art-only option for this contest for the same reasons as most, it is abundantly clear that the wind isn’t blowing in that direction. We do actually have the capability to, as a group, change things that need changing if the reasons are compelling enough.

TL;DR, I would personally avoid getting too worried about low-probability outcomes because they can, ultimately, be dealt with. Art contests go live well after the MoC contests, after all, we have plenty of time to figure out how to tackle those issues in the art contest before they actually go live - assuming those issues arise at all.


I have changed my mind, I am feeling more for just an art contest now. :slight_smile:


The issue there though is that we still have the same problems of cohesion, only now it’s doubled down with art style as well.

I’ve spent way to long writing out my in depth analysis but it’s almost done

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Best option for sure. Because of the way these contests are set up, with the art being what’s canon and not the moc, we’ve got a buffer zone of sorts to fix up any issues (and let people still have a say in those fixes, since the art gets voted on too) that older canonization contests didn’t have. Like the example I like to go back to sometimes about how Artakha’s sand green was handled. Luckily nothing needed to be changed in that front (and hopefully that’ll happen with the hagah too), but keeping the option open isn’t a bad thing, even if some moc builders aren’t super pleased with one or more of their decisions being overturned.


I’m going to call you out on this, because despite it being off-topic, I will adamantly note that the creator of the entry, a certain Mr Wombat Combat Pictures, did in fact promptly release an updated design that negated this issue entirely while only cutting into articulation to a miniscule degree and preserving the aesthetic integrity of the entry. The instructions and parts list were summarily updated.

If you’re going to criticize the Artahka contest for anything (which, to be sure, there is plenty to criticize; the trouble with Dorek of BS01 is what comes to mind first, followed closely by the debate on mask changes between moc and final art), then don’t choose a minor issue that was promptly addressed by the creator of the winning moc.


the final, canon, piece of art will be a group shot of all the hagah made by one person, so art style differences isn’t really a concern there.


Hence why I feel one group shot contest is the best way to go.


hoo boy here we go

This post is meant more as my own personal suggestions for the people running the contests. Read and critique at your own risk of wasted time.

Winger’s Compilation Extravaganza

So after a day of exercising my argue-with-randoms-online muscles, This is my final, in-depth analysis of the topic presented in the OP, along with it’s immediate implications, and nothing else

This post will address:

  • The 3-4 options for running the contests
  • Separate blurbs about context-relevant discussion of maintaining both canonicity and creativity within the contests, including Kanohi, metallic colors, and rule restrictions in MOCing as they relate to cohesion
  • Suggestions for eliminating at much controversy as possible in this and future contests (which will be in a separate post)

It will not address:

  • The absolute definition of Metru builds
  • Nitpicky postulations regarding Kanohi or metallic coloration

The Four Options

A lot of this will probably just sound like a rehash of what has been previously stated in the document, but it’s a way for me to restate exactly how I interpret the options, to avoid misunderstanding.

The First Option - run the contests exactly as before

This option has pros and cons, but on closer examination I think it could be one of the better possibilities, with certain stipulations.

The reason this is a better option is that it can easily eliminate the issue of Kanohi. Simply run the contests as before, allowing MOC entrants to use whatever mask they so wish, and art entrants to change the mask as they so wish. The lore of the masks as I understand it, at the end of the day, opens up possibilities for mask shapes, but not requirements. Whether or not some or all of the Hagah have masks in the shape of past heroes’, whether those shapes are preexisting mask shapes, whether the masks are unique shapes, doesn’t matter at the end of the day.

Yes, you could make the argument that we should take this chance to introduce new canon mask shapes. But that adds a layer of complexity that can lead to more controversy. However, if an entrant’s art, using a unique mask shape, won that portion of the contest, there is no problem in canonizing the mask as a new Kanohi shape.

This option does raise into question whether or not the artists would be required to follow the metallic coloring and other points of the MOC, or whether they could change it maintain cohesion with other winning MOCs. But doing that then renders the MOCing contest redundant.

The one instance I think this option would work is if there were no requirements regarding the actual MOC, and the off chance that one of the custom builds won. Any other way, we’ll end up with the same art regardless.

The Second Option - run an art-only contest

This option also has pros and cons, except that they are more extreme.

The biggest negative impact of this option is, obviously, that it completely eliminates a significant portion of the community. The main question then is if they are needed for this contest at all. I would say they aren’t, for two reasons.

Firstly, because in either MOCing option, there is the inevitable eventually of 150+ entrants looking essentially identical. Ironic I know, because I spent a lot of time arguing against this point yesterday, so let me elaborate. Yes, it is entirely possible to make creative spins on the Metru build. But it isn’t as cut and dry as one or the other. My prediction is that out of, say, 50 entries, 45 will be essentially identical, and the rest might have some variance. In my eyes, it would be more efficient to simply skip over that portion, since the artwork of a winning MOC will most likely be the same either way.

Secondly, we already know much of what the remaining Toa Hagah look like, more or less - clones of Norik and Iruini, maybe with some different limb pieces and armor. If we want to be 100% canon consistent, we should technically require that, and if we do, it renders the MOCing contest redundant, leaving the art only contest. Obviously there is the loophole of being able to change the design and maintain it being a Metru build for the sake of creativity which, while an option, falls flat when you consider the likely possibility of the winner of a MOCing contest being a true Metru build anyways.

But then, there is again the issue of maintaining cohesion, not only in the construction of the Hagah itself but also in the art style. And in this option, there’s no real way to get around it, because the art is going to be the finalized version of the character.

The Third option - run the contests as a free for all between art and MOC

This is certainly an interesting option, but it has the problem of major inconsistency in the team in four different ways: art style, building style, actual appearance (coloration in relation to the rest of the team), and format (art vs MOC). It seems somewhat counterintuitive for there to be some Toa Hagah with MOCs, others with only art. Some with Metru builds, some with custom torsos. Some with gritty, realistic art, such as the winning Artakha art, and some more akin to preexisting BIONICLE art, such as the winning Helryx art.

The Fourth option - run the contests as a free for all, followed by a group shot in art format to rectify cohesion problems

This option seems interesting, or even appealing, but for the fact that in circumventing the problems of cohesion, you eliminate the need for a MOC contest at all - again, we’d have the same art either way.

The Thesis (i.e. My ideal option - the best (or worst) of both worlds)

In my own opinion, the best, most time efficient option, which avoids every issue discussed in this post, is (please don’t kill me), an art only group shot contest of all six Hagah.

The main premise for this is what I’ve said already, but here it is more succinctly: in any instance, including a MOCing portion followed by art is redundant in almost every situation, because we’re going to end up with the same art either way.

As I stated in my analysis of the first option, the only instance where this is not a problem is when you don’t include any building requirements (which at the end of the day goes against canon) and then on the off chance that one of those custom builds wins against the sea of Metru builds anyways.

That’s my suggestion. A longwinded way to get here, but I needed to explain that main issue in perspective of the other options to make my point.

Now we have my analysis of the two main problems, under the assumption that my personal suggestion is not what is used.

Maintaining cohesion and how that pertains to the four options

In every option but the fourth, maintaining cohesion is a problem that cannot be fixed without again rendering the MOCing portion redundant. How much freedom are we supposed to give artists, etc?

Basically I just got Kapura’d and this was my solution:

Basically just deal with the issues as we come to it.

MOCing Requirements for options 1, 3 and 4

So there are only three options here, in my eyes:

No requirements - entrants are allowed to use whatever custom designs they want.

The most blatant issue with this option, in my eyes, is that it goes against canon, which has stated that the Toa Hagah should all have Metru builds. Obviously that opens up an entirely different can of worms and loopholes, which were discussed in the first 350 posts in this topic, and which I will leave to TTV to sift through, rather than restate my opinion here and restart the conversation.

Require an identical build to preexisting Metru, and essentially run a mask contest

This opens up the option for a different kind of contest entirely, but it seems somewhat futile to argue over something as simple as a mask. Again, if we know the outcome of the MOCing contest and the art is allowed to change masks anyways, then the MOCing contest is rendered redundant.

The Compromise

Obviously, this is what I would suggest we do, if we do in fact have a MOC contest. TTV would make a poll, or come to some form of agreement, defining what a Metru build is, and then instate that as a requirement for all entrants.

For me, a metru build is defined as using a Metru gearbox and matching Metru proportions, more or less. Hunches, Pohatu-style torsos, etc, would be examples of how this design could be used creatively.

The main problem with this option is that it’s not specific, because it can’t be. And since it isn’t specific, there will be loopholes.

Ultimately, and no matter how arrogant this sounds, I feel like my own option is the best and most logical, time efficient one.



Destroy me as you wish.


Whoa, someone compiled everything and laid it down (and came to the same conclusion I did :P).
Well put.


While I see your argument for a art contest only and even agree on a fundamental level. Yes, we don’t need MOC contests for these guys. In that case the same argument could be used for Nidhiki and Tuyet as well. Now I’m not super versed in Tuyets apperance to feel that I can faithfully represent her as a moc but Nidhiki and the Toa Hagah were contests I kinda was looking forward to as I could make cool Metru mocs for them. Now thats why I rather go with option one even though the art contest only is probably the best solution. Because I personally want to enter a MOC contest for these Toa since I feel at least in this contest my MOCs wont be buried by 50 people who has several more years of moccing expertise than me. In that way the Hagah and Nidhiki or Tuyet contest can really easily be used as even playing field contests. Yes I know I’m being very biased here but if I’m gonna enter any contest these are going to be it. Also I’m aware that these contest wont make my entries more likely to win but maybe I at least dont have to feel ashamed if my moc is below the qualities of everyone elses masterpieces. You all can judge me or disagree with me for having such a personal opinion but thats how I feel about moc contests in general because I know there are way more talented people out there who deserves more credit than me simple because I’m not generally a moc builder, I’m a collector.

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I have a proposal, which I think, will smooth out all of these issues. You ready?

All of the Hagah must be hoseryx builds.

  • Metru build debate? nullified.
  • Metallic armor issue? Hoseryx doesn’t have armor.
  • Have you seen the art for Hoseryx? There’s some pretty awesome stuff.
  • No need for a moc contest at all – I mean, come on, how much customization can you do on a Hoseryx build? just the mask and weapon, that’s basically it.
  • team cohesion? Hoseryx is meant to stand next to the whole Order of Mata Nui, so I think four of them would fit well with Norik and Iruini.


  • making them all Hoseryx builds might make them seem too OP for just regular Toa.

Okay, seriously though: I’m really starting to agree with the concept of one Art contest for a group shot. I agree this is the best option, and I think this sums up the issue with the Hagah:

We know exactly how they’re built, just not how they look.

Tuyet’s exactly as open as Helryx is, and Nidhiki just has a mask established.

man, Ghid’s been typing for a long time… what could he be preparing to say?


They just might be buried by 50 other identical MOCs.


Not if you try to make em stand out, being creative and all but yes I see your point. Even though I like to have these as moc contests.


he’s systematically dismantling my argument.


He does that.


Ghid is the kindest person ever he would never do such a thing/s


my pouks’ thunderthighs poll got closed and now the canon contest is completely meaningless :sob:

Bumping MOCing out of the contest entirely is going to be a buzzkill for a large amount of people, even if the alternative is to only build exact clones of the existing Hagah with predetermined colors and only different masks, which would limit those with any chance of winning to those with a 3D-printed mask. Yes, it’s restrictive and at that point utterly pointless, but the broccoli community loves it some mocs.

Also you failed to cover the canon compliance of thunderthighs and I am therefore canceling you, pack your belongings

I hate to bring it up again, but in determining how to run the contest, what exactly a Metru build is really does matter. If the contests are confined to the popular definition of a Metru build - torso and hip piece or just torso piece - what kind of entries you receive depends heavily on how that is enforced.

Confine it solely to torso, you’re going to get entries with custom hips, limbs, head designs, enough system greebles to drown in, and models significantly bulkier than the average Hagah build. Any ultra-diehard Metru build fan will already be putting in their set-clone Hagah MOCs with no deterring. Enforce hips and torso, and the results will likely be almost identical, with the exception that the ultra-diehard Metru build fans will have no potential advantage over the rest of the crowd.

Have the Hagah MOCs be virtually identical to the existing sets, and you will have LEGO sets. And nothing more.

Now undoubtedly the most free option is to have anything that exactly matches the proportions of a Metru torso qualify and safeguard that definition heavily, to force people who wish to deviate from the existing torso piece to be very creative with how they build their MOCs. This would also put a lot of extra pressure on the people running the contest because, y’know… You have to moderate, measure, and potentially reproduce every existing build. Which is stupid and therefore shouldn’t happen.

But Ghid, why are you bringing this up in a post which will probably get you intro trouble because for the uptillionth time, stop talking about the Metru build?

Because earlier in this topic Kini asked if Nenon is a Metru build, and if the answer isn’t yes - it uses a Metru torso, after all - what the definition of a Metru build actually is in the eye of the community seems to lean towards basic copies of sets and little else.

My suggestion is define what a Toa Hagah is rather than a Metru build; set the definition in stone, and then run the contest as normal with possibly a group art contest at the very end.

A model acceptable for submission into the Toa Hagah canon contest(s) must consist of and no less than:
A base color identical to that of the Rahaga set it is based on; Shoulder and chest armor identical to the color of its mask (or to itself if no mask is included);
Proportions and scale within reasonable approximation to that of the existing Toa Hagah sets.
Any entry that fails to meet these qualifications cannot be considered a Toa Hagah.

This is purely a hypothetical ruleset. But I think this discussion and decision needs to be had and reached before the one in this topic. Because if a Metru build is just a set, there’s no reason - outside of making people happy - that we shouldn’t just have a group art contest and nothing else.

the way I used to make text tiny doesn’t exist anymore and I need your secrets


Use hashtags.

like this
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but that’s not what Willess did

I need his secrets not yours you conventional crouton