Toa Hagah Canon Contest Ruleset Feedback

I don’t see how ambiguity around Rahaga Bomonga’s true spinner color creates general ambiguity for the rest of the Hagah, whether their spinner colors portray either their primary color or armor color. It just means nothing is definitive for Bomonga specifically.

I realized that I have another concern. What is your policy on hands and heartlights? Because most of the rules are designed for the sake of consistency with Norik and Iruini, I assume the purpose of this contest is to determine set-style designs. It would make sense not to consider entries that have movie-style details like hands and heartlights, no?


And gunmetal grey+black is 100% Magnetism. But that still doesn’t mean they’re invalid here. We’re not even dealing with natural armor color, and even if we were, tribes overlap - Taipu and Hafu are the best example here, as they establish it as early as 2001.

I hate to do this, but I feel the need to say it in this case:
If you don’t want a gold Gaaki, don’t vote for it.
If you want a silver Gaaki, vote for it.

There isn’t that strong of a reason to mandate them.


I’m pretty sure they’re allowed, given that TTV said artwork doesn’t even have to look like it’s depicting real lego pieces. It might be a can of worms to then not let the physical builds not include the same details.

If someone doesn’t like them, it’s really not hard to just swap out for the other, anyway. It’s not contradicting canon because the MoC won’t be canon anyway.

Then we should ban this combination too.


Sounds good, doesn’t work.

Except this isn’t a problem in the first place. If Gaaki ends up with gold, so what? Gold is a color of precious metal as described in the book?

This doesn’t retroactively erase these “inconsistencies,” and you’re acting like they’re a bad thing or some kind of contradiction, but they’re not? What I meant in referring to Taipu/Hafu is that it is established as being 100% fine.


You’re going to be sorely disappointed if you expect every single winner to align with your preferences. (Which I agree with, by the way; I don’t want Gaaki and Kualus to have gold either)

The point of the system is to ensure that only canon-compliant entries are allowed. Canon does not make any specifications on metallic armour colour. The system allows any metallic colour. Therefore, the system works.


I still don’t understand why some people are so against gold on Gaaki or Kualus when Inika and Mahri Hahli are a thing. And I guess Onepu must be a covert matoran of gravity. While you might not find it ideal, there’s plenty precedent in canon.

And again, sorry if this was clarified or if they’re still deciding on it, (I unfortunately don’t have time to thoroughly read through this increasing large thread) but what’s the rule of changing masks for the artwork?

Let’s say I give my Hagah a nonorganic inika mask or an unshapeshifted moral brotherhood mask. Would the artist just be allowed to give their own take on said mask? Or could they change the kanohi completely by turning a Shelek into a standard Miru?


Got to agree with this.

I almost certainly won’t be voting for gold Gaaki, but I don’t think she should be disallowed.

If Gaaki ends up red and green, so what?

Consistent worldbuilding is better than inconsistent. Or is this statement controversial?

That’s not what I was saying and, I believe, not what Wolk was saying.

It’s changed quite a bit.

First, it was that custom masks could be changed, and “official” masks couldn’t.

Then it was decided that all masks could be changed.

Then, after an argument raised by @ToaKebaka, Meso said there would be a third poll opened to get feedback specifically on the changing of Kanohi.

Do you mean her metallic armour, or her base colour?

Because her base colour would have to conform to “Water colours”, given that it’s part of her.


I get this, but it’s not quite a true argument.

We know that she, as a Toa of Water, must have blue. In this case, specifically Metru blue. It’s one thing to say that she needs the colour scheme of a water toa, and another thing entirely to say that her scheme cannot be potentially similar to any other element.

There is no reason a Toa of Water, canonically, has been confirmed to never have gold armour. Even if it means she looks similar to Psionics, and even if it means I won’t be voting for most gold Gaaki builds.


And blue+gold are “Light colours”. What is the point of having colour coded armour if it isn’t mandatory?
For @Sharnak and others who’d want to bring up Hahli

She won’t. The metru blue is mandated, and only one metallic color is allowed. And as I said prior, in regards to the metallic color we’re not even dealing with there tribe’s natural colors. Gold is not an air color, silver is not a fire color.

In this case, consistency is that overlap is allowed.
The entire ussalry consists of Onu-Matoran, not Ba-Matoran.
Hahli didn’t turn into a Toa of Lightning nor a Toa of the Green, she was always a Toa of Water.
Taipu is an Onu-Matoran, Hafu is a Po-Matoran, despite their shared colorscheme.


It’s a good question, but one for Lego, not TTV.

This is a canon contest where the canon has already established the Bionicle world can work in this way. I assume that almost nobody likes that the inconsistency is there. But the rules are there to make sure the entry is eligible for Bionicle canon, not to make sure that it aligns with a prevailing opinion.


You didn’t answer the question.


All we have is set designer’s choices that contradict lore because set designers have other goals than story team.

I honestly don’t see what’s the problem with it…

I did. The scenario you proposed won’t occur.

This is just going in circles. I’m gonna tap out until Meso or Eljay give their response.


These are the Hagah we’re talking about; what’s the point of having standard mask shapes if they can just be changed?

Yeah, but it’s not like these choices don’t count towards canon.

Yes, we do, and I think we should take advantage of it. But that isn’t the place of the rules.


Because it was established that their masks were in honor of and etc.

Because they weren’t in line with other characters. And now we have a ton of different excuses instead of a consistent worldbuilding.

consistent worldbuilding in bionicle is an illusion, AVe 0_0
a mere trick of the mind

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