Hey there! I’m a newbie at this forum board, although I’ve been following TTV’s content a long time ago. If there’s any kind of feedback or criticism to my contribution, please do with fairness.
To me, The Brickonicle Proyect is by far one of the most exciting events that could ever happen to a fan of the franquise, specially by the fact that it’s powered by the contribution of the BIONICLE Community. So, while I was truly excited when I first saw the original 6 Toa in minifigure form, I was also eager to see another element: The Kaita/Fusions.
Akamai & Wairuha were quite underused (is that a word?) in G1, maybe because the main purpose was to establish the Toa as a group hard to harmonize with each other. But, if there’s enough room for unison and inseparability between the Toa in this G3, not only we would see the incarnation of Valor and Wisdom, but also the dayview of another entity, said to rival the power of the Three Brothers… The Toa Nui.
This minifigure, using the base of @IllustriousVar’s final art, takes inspiration from @tahtorak’s designs, NickonAquaMagna’s sketches) and the Omnimon. You can also recognize the Kanohi Ignika, most specifically, its VNOG design; I know that the mask itself isn’t canon, but this is one of my favorite Kanohi designs, and I thought it could be a nice addition to the concept itself, the mask power is up to your opinion…
I imagine Toa Nui as a forbidden alliance, as if each Toa’s personal conflicts with each other, or the Gods of the Elements, or even the world itself would conspire to prevent this union from happening. Unfortunately, the odds have become way too critical to fight it like the Toa have previously done; it is time to embrace the virtues and give all their spirit to the test.
So, this is my first contribution to the proyect (and to the TTV board), what did you think?
Please let me know, I’m observant!