Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic (Sign-Ups Open)

that’s actually mad impressive


Welp, now where to…

EDIT: @Chromeharpoon to be clear, I’m using “father” as that’s the typical term for priests I’m used to. If there’s another name specifically for the angelicons, I’ll use that.

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I think “father” is good. Blackbelt’s played Angelicons before that have responded to that title.


Sure thing. :+1:

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I think I should clarify that there aren’t checkpoints or anything between each level of Iacon. People can just go where they want through the city without much trouble.

I figured, but Conjoint went back to Iacon and Tokamak is still over at the repair place. If it’s Ajtazt’s intention to say the full hour of Conjoint’s travel back occurred during Tokamak chilling and before the officer appeared, I figured Conjoint should be doing something to kill enough time to allow them to feasibly travel to his location if they choose to do so.

And if not, the amount of time he spends watching cat videos can be easily called something far shorter.

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Unrelated note, but I’ve been meaning to ask - what sort of personal computers/digital devices would these guys have? I’m assuming Snowblind would have some way to save the files Hotfoot is sending her for later access.

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All cybertronians can store external data in their brain units and have built-in communicators.

Oh. Yeah I guess that makes sense. The perks of being a robot. :stuck_out_tongue:


The wobbly timelines. Well currently he’s just going where he knew Conjoint to be last, regardless if he’s still there or not. Tokamak wouldn’t have much reason to think Conjoint returned to Iacon, the Junkion could be anywhere. Unless, you know, maybe that Insecticon saw him run off that way.


that is possible, he could have been seen. He doesn’t exactly blend in well

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Hey wait a minute. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you give me a chance to hurt Conjoint I WILL TAKE IT DO YOU UNDERSTAND


I get the funniest feeling Conjount and Waspinator would get along famously.


I can easily see that happening. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Close enough :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will be unavailable for the rest of the day, and probably most of tomorrow. Power outage


Yikes; stay safe and good luck!


Just want to be clear @MaxinePrimal, a lot of what he says is for effect, trying to keep on the front foot. While he’s privy to some rather conserning government secrets, he’s not dealt with anything to do with the primes, living or dead.