Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic (Sign-Ups Open)

That wouldn’t work at the moment, seeing as she’s in her personal chambers in the Primal Basilica. But the next time she leaves, which shouldbe soon, yeah. Sure thing.


Nice. Makes sense he’d be waiting for her. He lacks a level of… subtlety.


Dude…this guy practically worships the Primes, right?


This is for everybody to do whatever they want to do with it.


Absolutely. Long story short, he believes the Primes ascended to godhood, beyond Leige Maximo who was cast out for his manipulation, and Megatronus who made the sacrifice of not ascending to raise up the other 11 primes. I laid out the story in detail in his bio.

Also, @MaxinePrimal

Same vibes:


Axis meanwhile is just


Kitai is heading to kaon,is there like a portal there,or does he have to fly?


You’d think Ground Bridges would be just as common as Space Bridges, but surprisingly they’re not.

Kitai could fly to Kaon himself, yeah, or he could get aboard a transport craft and take a flight to the city. It’s up to you.


He just going to fly there.


Dude, he is harassing and assaulting an actual Prime….

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…Axis is a prime?


Yes, as a matter of fact she is. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes. She was made one at the end of TOTGA.

If he wants proof, the Matrix is in her.


I see, having not been in TOTGA, I was unaware.

That proves to be… a problem.

I mean, first I was unware that there could be morr primes beyond the original 13, let alone Axis being one.

Second, now I have to figure out the implications of this on the Followers.

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Maybe the cult believes that only the original thirteen ascended to godhood? And that all the others that came after them are pretenders or false idols, or something?


Maybe? I guess it depends on the nature of successor primes.

Like, what’s their relation to the original 13?

Because my thought was that they were seen as demigods or gods-in-waiting that must prove themselves before acension.


Considering your guy holds Sentinel Prime in such high regard, I think Axis would also be in that same boat.

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Here’s how I’ve always imagined the line of succession working out:

After the Thirteen, the next Prime to be chosen by the Matrix was a guy named Aether- who became Aethus Prime after he was chosen. Aethus reigned for severeal thousand years and saw the cybertronian people through the Fourth Quintesson War (@MakutaOisli I was mistaken when I said Nova Prime was the leader then- I apologize), and then the Matrix chose a successor after him. It’s worked like that ever since, with the Matrix being passed down from person to person. Counting Axis and the Thirteen, there have been over 1300 Primes.

Maybe, since Axis is still relatively new to the job, the cult feels like she needs to prove herself more before she earns their devotion?


Not just one prime, all 13 of them.

Hrm… I was thinking maybe more that she needs to ascend to godhood by her heroic death before he will worship acos like he does the others, but otherwise he would treat her like a god in waiting or a demigod. Still worthy of deference but not of worship.

Obviously, he wouldn’t be aware Axis was a prime. It’s not like he intends to fight her either way. He’s just not above intimidation.


Additional NPCs

Other characters who inhabit the universe of Dawn of a New Age.

Liege Maximo

Name: Liege Maximo

Homeworld: Cybertron

Appearance: Liege Maximo is twenty feet tall, with a slight build and dark green armor accented by dull silver trimming. He wears a tattered, high-collared cape, and used to have two black horns protruding from the top of his head. The left horn was snapped off in a battle with Onyx Prime back in the First Golden Age, and while Liege could easily get it replaced, he has elected not to.

Credit to artist Ken Christansen.

Alt-mode: none

Weapons: Liege Maximo wields the Liegian Darts: tiny projectiles stored in his wrists that he can throw at enemies. The darts inject acids and cybervenoms into their targets, producing a multitude of adverse affects. The darts’ points are sharp enough to pierce heavy armor, and like most cybertronian weapons, Liege’s body can construct more of them to replenish his supply when needed.

Abilities: Liege Maximo is well-known for his extraordinary charisma and his power to charm those he converses with. With his silver tongue (not entirely a metaphor), he can persuade others to do his bidding, or convince them to believe his lies and half-truths. While he is certainly a persuasive speaker, there is a supernatural element that augments his speech.

Bio: Once, Liege Maximo was a Prime- one of the original Thirteen, to be precise. Using his way with words, he negotiated on behalf of his people with Cybertron’s allies, sowed discord among the ranks of their enemies, and eased tensions as a mediator in disputes. But over time, he grew jealous of his fellow Primes and their powers, and felt as though they were merely using him for their benefit. He spread insidious lies throughout the kingdoms of the Thirteen, turning the Primes and their subjects against each other in the War of the Primes. Liege was eventually found out as the mastermind behind this plot, and sealed in a stasis pod for millions of years as punishment for his treason.

Five thousand years ago, the heroes of Twilight of the Golden Age found Liege’s stasis pod on the abandoned world of Clemency, and awoke the Prime of Lies to enlist his aid in defeating the Heralds of Unicron. Over the course of their journey, Liege learned to feel remorse for his past transgressions, and found absolution by helping the heroes save Cybertron and the colonies. Though his sentence has been served, Liege may never truly forgive himself for his past transgressions. He lives on a remote island in a sea on Astrum.

Present Memory

Name: Present Memory

Description: Present Memory is a relatively small ship, with a triangular body and two trapezoidal thrusters on either side of the cockpit. Said cockpit is covered by a translucent blue canopy, and the ship’s hull is green and black. At the rear of the main body is a set of plasma engines that glow blue when active.

Occupancy: Present Memory is a single-occupant craft, though she does have a small storage compartment behind the port thruster that an average-size cybertronian, or a couple of smaller creatures, could stuff themselves inside.

Weapons: Present Memory has a laser weapon mounted beneath her nose, made to slice up whatever stellar debris may occasionally find itself in her way. She is also equipped with a supply of flairs which her pilot can deploy to baffle enemy targeting systems.

Beta Maxx

Name: Beta Maxx

Homeworld: Cybertron

Subtype: minicon


Credit to artist Alex Milne.

Alt-mode: Beta Maxx transforms into a small sonic jet for his vehicle mode.


Weapons: Beta Maxx has a laser cannon built into the nose of his jet form. It is very powerful for its size.

Abilities: Beta Maxx is connected to the Allspark through Vector Sigma; like the great supercomputer, he has access to the entirety of the collective knowledge of the cybertronian race. This also grants him limited pseudo-telepathic abilities.

Bio: Beta Maxx is one of the oldest transformers alive today, created alongside the Thirteen to assist Alpha Trion in his duties as a chronicler. Beta is also one of the few immortal cybertronians, gifted with an eternally-burning spark so that his race could never forget their history. He is ever-inquisitive, and does not hesitate to share his vast wealth of knowledge with those who come to him for help- so long as their intentions are good. He is often straightforward and blunt in his speech and behavior, though he never means to be hurtful.

Since the events of Twilight of the Golden Age, Beta Maxx has lived with Optimus Prime on Trecedim, though he frequently visits the other cybertronian and human worlds to remain conscious of the goings-on of this corner of the galaxy.


Name: Spotwelder

Homeworld: Astrum

Appearance: Spotwelder is nineteen feet tall, with pink armor accented by white trimming. The hood and engine assembly of a cybertronian hovercar form his torso, and the repulsors which allow the vehicle to float form his shoulders and his waist. His silhouette is mostly humanoid, though he does have two small antennae on either side of his head. His eyes are blue, and there is a large spotlight mounted over his left shoulder.

Alternate Mode: Spotwelder transforms into a cybertronian hovercar with a low profile and an interior space to comfortably seat a few humanoid creatures.

Weapons: Spotwelder has a laser emitter built into his left hand, to use as a tool as well as a weapon. His hands can transform into various other implements, as well.

Bio: Spotwelder is a mechanic who specializes in non-military starships. People from all over the galaxy come to him to modify or maintain their personal spacecraft. He is a friendly and easy-going bot, with a love for conversation. He helped Liege Maximo build his new ship, Present Memory, and he also tinkers with small and usually inconsequential gadgets and pet-projects in his free time. He works out of Meridiem’s spaceport on Astrum, using the profits he accrues from his business to rent a collection of docking bays which he has converted into a workshop.


Name: Hotfoot

Homeworld: Velocitron

Appearance: Hotfoot is a thirteen foot tall bot with a blocky torso and lightly-armored arms and legs- much of the inner workings of his limbs are exposed. His scant armor plating is primarily red and grey, and a large pair of turbines are mounted on his back, folded over each other. He has two large eyes that glow blue, and his vocal unit is hidden behind a silver mouthplate.

Alt-mode: Hotfoot transforms into a hoverbike, with the turbines on his back repositioning themselves on either side of the vehicle. The bike and seat one human, minicon, or similarly-sized creature comfortably.

Weapons: Hotfoot is armed with a simple laser pistol for self-defense.

Abilities: as with most velocitronians, Hotfoot possesses superior speed and reflexes to most other transformers of his size. This serves him well in escaping firefights.

Bio: Six hundred years ago, Hotfoot was a courier for a particularly nasty crime syndicate headquartered on the lost colony world Clemency. He left the organization, however, after he was tasked with delivering information to a bounty hunter that would’ve put innocent lives in danger. Instead, he brought the intel to Snowblind, who helped him pass it along to the authorities. Though this has made him many enemies, Hotfoot remains in hiding on Clemency, now serving as an informant for Snowblind and any other do-gooders that seek him out. He lives inside the wreck of an Autobot warship entombed in a glacial chasm near Clemency’s south pole, in which he has set up an enviable intelligence suite to monitor the datanet and communicate with his allies. The ship is also packed full to bursting with traps and automated weapons- Hotfoot is a very, very paranoid man.

Leslie Jiménez-Hansen

Name: Leslie Jiménez-Hansen

Homeworld: Earth

Age: 68 years

Appearance: Leslie is approximately 5’‘10’, and sports dirty blonde hair that she typically wears in a bun. She wears a black coat, gloves, and boots over what appears to be a lightweight environmental suit of a model common among interstellar journalists. It likely wasn’t built to endure the rigors of combat, but its climate control systems can keep her alive and comfortable in a variety of other hazardous environments- including brief forays into hard vacuum. A faint, narrow scar runs along her jawline on the right side of her face.

Weapons and Equipment: Leslie wears an augmented reality visor that can record video and audio data. She also carries a tablet that’s presumably of standard make and model for a human of her profession, with all the bells and whistles that she requires for the trials and tribulations of journalism. She does not appear to be carrying any weapons.

Bio: our heroes met Leslie Jiménez-Hansen at the Tomb of the Primes, where she took interest in their meeting with the spirit of Sentinel Prime and other previous Matrix-Bearers. She expressed interest in our heroes’ activities and motives, introducing herself as a journalist working for an independent media company in the Sol Conservative called Seventh Section Broadcasting. Our heroes have invited her to accompany them on their adventures, so that she might document their exploits and relay them to the human race, and she has accepted that offer. Leslie has shown herself to be an inquisitive person who is unafraid of danger- the latter quality being especially necessary for what’s to come, no doubt.

Excalibur II

The Pack Mule