Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

Is that possibly cannon?

It is in this universe.

Well sorry mate @Toa_Vladin can’t really do much to help you out. Though, it would have been a good call to not have said, her weaponry was removed, giving her a chance to escape. I’m just saying, so I hope you don’t mind that, Chrome.

Vladin, if Brainpan cannot be convinced, you have two options: drag her or leave her. Either way, Wildsong needs to run as fast as possible from the execution and hide. While hiding, try to find a way to ditch the cuffs and then the claw. The claw can be broken by repeatedly bashing it into something or bashing something into it.


Yes let’s do that! Just saying, should Zepar search for sneaky people and defining ones…Scorchlock is available. He is around Hangar 12. I just wanna do something with my Wrecker.

First off, these are both autohits.

Second, this version of Wildsong doesn’t have these cable-spikes listed as weapons on her character sheet, nor do I recall her using them as such prior to this. So as far as I’m concerned, their function is purely decorative, not offensive.

OK, towards instead of into.

And… Uhm… Can I say that they exist?


I’d say no.

Fine. I’ll edit.

Oh-ho-ho… color me intrigued…

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Yo @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister! Have you heard of the new Mysterio movie Sony confirmed they are doing?

Oh are they now?

Will this be part of the MCU or will it be its own thing?

Seeing that Sony officialised it, it will be part of the Venomverse.
However, it will use the MCU character, with Jake Gyllenhaal in the main role.
It is yet another attempt on Sony’s side to try to shove their universe into the MCU. First we will have Morbius, which is cannonically part of both universe, linking them together into one big mess, and now we have this.
Like, don’t misunderstand me. I loved Venom. I wanted him in the MCU. I think I will love Morbius too. I want him into the MCU too. But these two movies form a lot of unavoidable plotwholes to an already kinda unstable universe.
Or at the very least Venom does. Morbius hasn’t even came out yet.

You know, even if things aren’t looking so good for Wildsong right now, I have to acknowledge that she’s done a lot to hurt the New Decepticons during her time in their ranks.

Those five predacons won’t be ready for deployment anytime soon, and Thunderblast is now actively mustering forces to betray Bludgeon, which might help y’all out later on.

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Tho they’ve got the blueprints for her combiner team.
I mean, they aren’t completely ready, but it isn’t like they can’t figure out the rest.

Yeah, the whole reason Thunderblast has stepped up her schemes now is because she got a hold of Wildsong’s designs. Using those along with whatever they have left of Shockwave’s research, she’ll probably be able to have her scientists piece something workable together.

Though again, she’s aiming to use what she comes up with against Bludgeon as well as you guys. That schism in the New Decepticon’s ranks is gonna come in handy for y’all later, so stay tuned…

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The captains of the Salvation better let Song try her experiments, otherwise they will have no weapon against these new combiners.

I don’t think Wildsong’s getting out of this one, man. She’s alone on a ship full of bad guys with nothing better to do than hunt her down and destroy her.

She only need to get a shuttle and she is out of there. How hard would that be?

Very hard, if not impossible. The hangar is full of New Decepticon troops, and she’s unarmed and alone. I think this is it for Wildsong.