Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

Hey, I call it like I see it.

Also, this spaceport is reminiscent of Disney World.

No thank you



Oh god, it happened again.
TotGA was a very cool rp. Although I wasn’t there for the better part of the second half, it was still an extremely enjoyable game.
Salvation… I just don’t know why it doesn’t stick with me. Maybe because it is a prequel instead of a sequel, and we are not exploring the actual world that was set up by TotGA.
This is the last time I try. This is the last time I ask for a summary of what happened. After that I will try my best to stick to this game, but if I fail, I will not have any other choice but to abandon it.

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Not too much. Juliana left because Redstock didn’t reply, and @Chromeharpoon is gently herding us outside.

For the record, one thing that helps is setting it on watch so that you see everything that happens. It helps you stay on top of things.

I tagged you, along with just about everyone else, in two important posts that were meant to serve as jumping-on points.

Blight is having some variation of a midlife crisis

I would too If i found out the the most annoying thing in my life just duplicated.


I just had a beautiful image of Blight and Juliana’s wedding, with Pixel and Spectrum as ring bearer and flower girl, and Shockwave officiating. Halfrunner would walk her down the aisle. Assuming Blight and Juliana go anywhere. Maybe I’m putting too much thought into this.


Better yet, Pixel is both the ring bearer and the rings

Okay, that’s odd. so, they live with pixel on their finger for the rest of their lives?

and I thought it couldn’t get any weirder

Pixel sacrifices a few blocks of himself to make up for everything he’s done to Blight

I don’t think Pixel is capable of that kind of thought.

Wait is this going to be a thing
please let it be a thing

@Jcton was this the ship you discussed?

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I would love for it to be thing, but I don’t know if this will run that long.


I am not the liberty to either confirm or deny that.

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Sorry for my inactivity. My older brother is in town today, and I don’t get to see him a lot. I hope you’ll understand me wanting to spend some time with him.


No. Why should you ever be allowed to spend time with your family? That’s ridiculous to expect that we would be fine with you doing something so practical and important.

As I have said time and time before, real life comes first.


If each of y’all’s characters were to receive a piece of loot that was in some way related to that character’s strengths, personalities, or something like that, what would it be? I already have ideas for most of the cast, but I wouldn’t turn down some input for the characters that I don’t know very well.