Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

I’ll have to answer this later; I’ve got work again today and won’t be on again until after 7 PM, EST.

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How I understand it is, he can write all three languages, but is physically incapable of speaking.

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Is there a problem with his voicebox or is it because he doesn’t have one? I presume it’s the latter.

Ask Chrome. I honestly have no clue.

Sorry for not posting much, y’all. I’ve had a busy coupla days this week.

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Deus is mute; he can’t talk, but he can understand modern cybertronian fairly well. He can write in cyberglyphics thanks to being made of Golden Age-era computers, but not in modern cybertronian.

As far as his intellect is concerned, he’s kinda like a G1 dinobot.

It’s all good.


So, no voicebox, understands all three languages (English, Ancient and NeoCybex), can write Cyberglyphs and has G1 Dinobot intellect.

I have a feeling he also doesn’t have a T-cog.

I got work again; see y’all later.

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Sorry for my lack of activity recently; my first week of work was a bit hectic. I should have more of a handle on things now, though.

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As always life comes first before the RP

Speaking of, GTG. Sorry.

You stole my line!

Yo, @Jcton @ProfSrlojohn Here’s Deus’ character sheet:

Name: Deus ex Machina (“Deus”, for short)

Faction: neutral

Appearance: Deus is a tall, lanky bot with a physique similar to that of a Geth Prime from the Mass Effect trilogy.

His armor is a patchwork of colors- mostly earth tones- and some of his body’s interior mechanisms are exposed on his abdomen and limbs.

Alt-mode: none. Scans done by Forcep indicate that, while he does possess a transformation cog, Deus has no alternate mode at the moment.

Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Deus has a modified Nucleon Charge rifle built into his left shoulder, but he cannot use it. He possesses no built-in weaponry at the present time, but he does have a enhanced physical strength and, like a junkion, he can endure pain and injury to a greater extent than most.

Deus also understands the ancient language of cyberglyphics, thanks to the Golden Age-era technologies that comprise part of his body. It is currently unknown whether or not said technology grants him other abilities, as well.

Bio: Deus was created rather recently during a battle between our heroes and a particularly bothersome mechanimal. The Hot Spot Cube imbued a random collection of ancient artifacts and lab equipment from Sprocket’s laboratory, and cobbled it together into a newborn cybertronian. Deus is mute, though he can express himself in writing and has demonstrated an understanding of neocybex. Though somewhat simple-minded, he is also very thoughtful, curious, and kind-hearted (kind-sparked?).


Okay, so we can control Deus now?

Yeah. He’s with Daria right now, so I’d say @Jcton gets to control him first.

Also, a guide to y’all’s new stuff:

The Sword of Judgement:

Forged by Solus Prime, the Sword of Judgement was originally wielded by the sixth of the original twelve cybertronian knights, who was also the first Chief Justice of Cybertron. The sword was primarily a mere badge of office, though upon rare occasions it was used to carry out executions. It is currently wielded by Alterion (@Toa_Vladin ).

The blade of the Sword of Judgement can be cloaked in energy that allows it to deflect incoming projectiles from energy-based weapons. This sheath can be dispersed in a sudden blast that damages anyone near the wielder.


A curious hybrid of a mechanimal bird and a combat drone, Blackbeak belonged to a cybertronian pirate who Thrift ran afoul of a few decades past. He’s a one-of-a-kind creature, and has been gifted to Delta.

Blackbeak can fire a claw from his mouth that can ensnare enemies; its sharp teeth also cause damage to his targets. Blackbeak is a very angry and violent individual with little respect for authority, though a Binary Bonding procedure could make him more obedient.

Combination Sparks:

Forged from residual energies from the Omega Lock’s creation, combination sparks are fairly simple devices in function. Two bots possessing combination sparks of the same frequency can merge into a singular gestalt form, which possesses some of the weapons and abilities of its components. One set of combination sparks has been given to Gronius and Wildsong (@Toa_Vladin), and another to Pixel and Spectrum (@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister @meepinater).

Visit Facelift in order to have the combination sparks installed within your characters… and hope he doesn’t take an organ or two in the process. He might insist you don’t need that asynchronous transfer adapter, but…

A curious message…

Redstocker was only left with a strange riddle recorded on an outdated datapad:

“To walk the path, find the key to its end…”


Sentinel Shield:

_The Sentinel Shield was one of the standard weapons of the Knights of Cybertron. Lady Corona’s pilgrims have given Gatecrasher (@ProfSrlojohn) one that has been restored with modern cybertronian technology. _

The sentinel shield can project an energy barrier that can be expanded to protect up to four cybertronians, including the wielder.

Sentinel Energy Bow:

Another weapon once carried by many a Knight of Cybertron, a Sentinel Bow has been restored with modern technology and given to Juliana.

The bow functions as a semi-automatic energy rifle, but the wielder can charge the weapon for two posts, after which it can release a burst of three shots simultaneously, striking multiple targets.

Light tank alt-mode:

This model of cybertronian tank has been out of production for nearly 7,000 years, but its speedy treads and disproportionately-large cannon still make it a reliable vehicle mode. A datacard containing schematics for this alt-mode has been offered to Epsilon-5 (@BlackBeltGamer98).

Visit Facelift to have this alt-mode properly installed… and hope he doesn’t just take your T-cog while you’re in stasis…

The Twilight Saber, and additional enhancements:

Forged from Dark Energon tempered by the energies of the Omega Lock, in the image of the Star Saber. the Twilight Saber grants power at the cost of risking heresy. It has been left for Zepar (@BlackBeltGamer98) in the angelicon’s hab-suite.

The Twilight Saber exudes dark energies that sicken and weaken enemies, and cuts from the blade are rendered more lethal by the Blood of Unicron comprising its edge.

Zepar also receives additional enhancements in the form of a modification to his cannon and fire breath, tainting them with Dark Energon, and the ability to channel the Blood of Unicron through his Energon Repair Ray to raise up to two dead foes as terrorcons that he can command.

The Vector Shield:

Another Knight weapon restored by Lady Corona’s inner circle. It has been given to Actaeon (@Jcton).

The Vector Shield projects and energy barrier that can expand to protect up to three cybertronians, including the wielder. Shots from energy-based weapons absorbed by the barrier charge a cannon built into the shield.

A curious orb:

Driftburn/Scraphsot (@Jcton) was given an orb of sentio metallico, the amorphous metal that comprises cybertronian bodies, with little explanation as to what it does. He’ll have to find that out for himself, it seems.

The orb is in actuality a modification that allows Driftburn/Scrapshot to separate his two identities into two separate bodies, with his consciousness and spark shared between them. Though unable to transform in this state, both bodies have full access to their respective weapons.

“The Big Stick”:

A human from a time long past advised carrying one of these. A terrifying amalgamation of an X-12 scrapmaker minigun, a chaos-rift combuster, and a launcher that fires swarms of tiny, energon-seeking projectiles. It also has a bayonet, because why not? Daria, for her love of weaponry, has been given this weapon. It awaits her in her hab-suite (@Jcton).

Hard-light Projection Technology:

Such technology was lost to cybertronian-kind following the end of the Golden Age, but a small sample of it has been recovered in the ruins on Planet Omega and given to SideStep (@meepinater).

Visit Salvo to have this installed into SideStep’s cane. Holograms can now interact with the world and attack enemies.

Combination Enhancements:

The Splitter brothers (@meepinater) have been given a datacard containing instructions for a procedure on how to restore their combination ability.

Visit Facelift to have SlipSplitter restored.

Energon Grenade Launcher:

Blight (@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister) has been given a grenade launcher modified with Golden Age-era medical technology.

Grenades launched from this weapon detonate harmlessly to produce a healing aura that mends the injuries of all in their radius.

Jet Alt-mode:

A datacard carrying schematics for a sleek cybertronian jet awaits Caedia (@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister) in her hab-suite.

This jet is equipped with an energon blaster under each wing and plasma missiles.


So, If Zepar grabs the Twilight Saber, he’ll be affected with the enhancements?

I’ll make sure Epsilon is awake for the procedure of installing his new third mode.

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I fogort we weer goign to contruuul hinn

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I want a doohickey