Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“I see. Well, now that you’re back in working order, there’s something I muss discuss with you.”
Railfire delivered a swift blow to the back of her head. Not hard enough to cause any damage. The last thing he would want is to undo the work he did. But still hard enough to send a message.

“When you are injured you seek aid from a professional!”
He scolded.
“Centuries of half done, unqualified self repair has put you in a worse shape than I have ever seen in my entire career! It is a primus given miracle that you haven’t fallen to pieces by now! From now on whenever you are harmed, I ask that you let me do my job, and come to me so that I may repair you! Do you understand?”
His tone was harsh and angry. Though throughout all of it there was a subtle hint of worry to his voice.

“What do you cough mean self-repair? I don’t think I’ve repaired myself… ever?”

“Then where in Primus’ name have you been getting these shotty repairs from? Because it has most certainly not been from me!”

“I guess they just healed back wrong? I don’t cough know! The only time I remember going under was when I got my guns! Heck, it might have been from the guy before you, whatever his name was!”

The medic pinched the bridge of his nose and tapped his foot. It was an absolute miracle that she was still alive.
“Well, from now on, you will come to me when you are injured. As the on sight medic is it my sole responsibility to make sure all of you are in top working condition. If you do not come to me then I cannot do my job, and you put yourself at a tremendous and unnecessary risk. Have I made myself clear?”

“Alright, alright! Not sure what’s got you so cough jumpy!”

“After so many years of wear and ill maintenance, your internals were all in critical condition. All it took was one minor shock to send you over the edge. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to live in such a fragile state? Imagine if you had gone in a match against my progeny. A single blast from Maximus would have killed you on the spot!”
Railfire took a deep breath and calmed down.
“But what’s worst of all is how easily this could have been avoided. I just do not understand why you would go all this time without once coming to my aid?”

She listened to his diagnosis with a growing concern.

“Nonthing in particular, I just never got injured enough to need repairs! Any nicks I got in battle healed up in a few days, no need to bother you with them!” She explained, sounding worried

“You are not bothering me by coming to me for help. It is my job. All you’ve done is put yourself in harm. I had to replace nearly every vital component in your body. So please, I ask of you, as the designated medic here, please do not hesitate to come to me for aid.”

“Woah cough wait, you just gutted me? Please, I need know, war, or cough beast era parts?!”

“War era parts, mostly. Though with some smaller exceptions here and there. The biggest being your fuel pump. I had to scrap something together at a moment’s notice just so you would survive. You will need to stay in my care until I can create a custom piece that is sufficiently strong enough, while still small enough to fit.”
He explained.

"wait, did you say cough, my energon pump! That’s beast era?! Get it out, get it out as soon as possible!

“It’s not Beast Era. Its a heavily modified war era pump. I had to scrap nealy half of it just so it could fit. And I’ll need to design and make a new pump from scratch to serve as a proper replacement.”
Railfire explained.

It was a good thing Machbreaker had the tablet, because Tie-Grabber had some things to say. Though he decides that, even though she likely couldn’t understand him anyways, to keep his mouth shut. But it was really, really hard to do so. So just walks up to clean up any mess they had made in the process.

“You’re welcome.” Machbreaker replies with the tablet.

“Thank Primus… the cough I was worried… I… didn’t have the best experience last time…”

“Alright doc. I’m out of here.”
Razorclaw said. She transformed into beast mode and walked out.

Hookshot and Ramjet walked in. Hookshot smiling when he saw the two railroad minicons. He eagerly warbled something the others couldn’t understand.

“Hey guys! I got something in mind I thought you two could help us out with. You know, while our bosses are off doing their own thing.”

“I can imagine. Their construction is so far removed from our own, I try my best not to mix parts unless absolutely necessary.”

“What’s worse is when your surgeon knows and cough doesn’t care”

“I take it you’ve had poor experiences with medical professionals in the past?”
Railfire asked curiously.

“To say the least.” she said, obvious disgust in her voice.

“The last time I saw a doctor was the surgeon before you. I had gotten a minor injury in a fight, cough not to bad, but enough to require anesthesia. When I woke up, I didn’t feel the best, but I didn’t cough think much about it. That is until my energon pump failed mid-fight. Turns out cough the creep had seen all my old internals, and replaced them all cough with beast-era components, and not new ones either, and cough tried to sell my old internals as curios. Something about my physiology was cough incompatible, and it’s a good thing to, or he would have gotten away with it. Honestly, I would have died if Wideload hadn’t held a cough gun to the creeps head and forced him to replace the parts. Haven’t seen a doctor since”

“That my dear Juliana, that was no medic. That was a crook. A charlatan trying to make a quick buck through false practices. I’ve known more than a few in my time, and have made sure to deal with them as they deserve.”