Transformers: Tournament of Terror. Sign up and discussion topic.

If someone nearly killed my friend or shot me in the arm, I’d probably hold a grudge too.

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Not him, him I get, it’s everybody else in this place! Every is so irrational!

Okay, so Max and Axis make a little sense, if you were just plucked from everything you knew, I’d be a little off balance, but this is a bit far.

As for the NPC’s, you’d think that the fighting in an arena like this would teach people not to hold blood feuds, but apparently not.

None of it makes any sense! I’m trying to understand these people, at least enough so I can pretend like I can at lease understand what sort of vibe they give off, but then they act so bizzare, I can’t figure it out!

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So are you talking about Hotshot? He’s the only one that fits what you’re talking about.

Everyone else hasn’t been all that agitated.

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Every NPC seems to be on edge, just in watching the other PC’s interact with them. It just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, you would adapt to this life after a few months, and it would become normal. Just, it seems like whoever it is, from the doctor to the tier 2’s just all seem ticked off for no apparent reason.

Maybe it’s just me, but that’s the feeling I get.

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I don’t exactly see what you’re seeing.

Railfire is more stoic than anything else.

No one else has really been ticked off. The most I can imagine are the few who questioned whether or not they could trust Maximus after he went mental in the arena.

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Name: Spirit
Faction: Deception.
Alt mode: A B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber
Weapons: Sniper Rifle (Not shown in picture, but it as a stock sniper rifle with cybernetic design.) Arm Missiles that she can fire off. Her hands can reveal razor sharp claws.
Abilities: She can turn herself invisible to eyesight, radar, and heat. She has auto-aim programmed into her head. She can speak min-icon as some of the more animalistic ones were good friends during her demeaned state pre-war.
Bio: She was a highly skilled technician pre-war. She was a fairly normal Cybertronian. She was not too cheery or too harsh. She was a neutral person, kind, but not outgoing. She eventually found out about corruption deep within the Cybertronian Senate and when she became a whistle-blower she was cut down quickly. She found herself tied down and empurata was preformed on her. This left her with three fingered hands and a glassy face. Shortly after, the war began. She joined the side of the Decepticons and fought gallantly in the war. She fought fair, and unlike most of her compatriots didn’t torture anyone. However, that didn’t mean she wasn’t consumed by her desire for revenge on those who wronged her. Her kills were clean and painless, and efficient. The war moved to Earth. This started to shake her vengeance and she wavered. The beauty of earth, the simplicity of the Switzerland towns were she landed. That’s when she started to slip. She got attacked by Autobots and started to develop PTSD from being hunted across the globe, being far away from support. Then she was taken, and the current events began.

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Huh. That would be the third sniper character at this point. Cool.

Just one more and we can start a club.

Not fully opposed to this, but it needs to have a weakness of some kind. An imperfection with the ability. Like only being able to do one at a time, or something like that. Whatever it is, that’s up to you.

But aside from that one issue, I really like this character.

Now in order to know how much I need to fill you in on, I need to know how much you’ve read out of this topic. I got some exciting ideas for how to involve her with some of the cast.


Hm, say it has a loading time of thirty minutes? I was basing this power off the design of the S.H.I.E.L.D. planes and their cloaking. That’d be best seen in homecoming with the plane not camouflaging when it was damaged by Vulture. That’s the tech I was basing it off of.

TLR gave me a summary of what has happened so far plot wise. I assume my character would either be new or newly revealed. I did read the topic post though.

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So the cloaking doesn’t work if sufficiently damaged? That could work.

That’ll take some time, compiling all the NPCs, locations, and plot points into one post. So you’ll have to give me a bit on that one.

As for your character, she could easily be a bot that’s been around for a while, and like I said I have some ideas that would really make her fit in.

Alright let’s go with that.

I wouldn’t worry that much. AJTAZT gave me a pretty good run down of what has occurred.

Do elaborate. I’m excited to hear what you’ve got!

There are two NPCs I have in mind here. Railfire, the medic. A former warrior with outstanding combat abilities, but swore off fighting after the war. His abilities are a tightly kept secret. Only two or three other individuals know. To everyone else, he’s just the grumpy old medic.
(Don’t have a picture of him just yet, but this is what his alt mode looks like)

And Blackout. A hulking heavy weapons warriors. Doesn’t talk much, but thinks a lot. Sort of a violent piece keeper in the commons.

I’ve been toying with the idea of having these two decepticons being in the same squad for a while now. My idea here is that Spirit was a part of that squad. Giving the three a shared history during the war could lead to a lot of interesting interaction opportunities.

That’s an interesting idea. Say they were part of a squad before she was reassigned to earth? Then she was captured later and ended up here?

My idea was moreso that this squad (The 802 Ariel Combat Squadron) were sent to earth as a group. Of the four or five individuals, Railfire was the only one not to take on an earth vehicle mode. Then perhaps they became separated somehow.

Separation works great. I kinda need that for her current mental state. Seeing as that is sorted out…How should I start?

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Maximus and Backbreaker are currently in the middle of a match, so you could be in the tribunes watching. That’s also where a few other NPCs are.

Railfire is in his medical ward still fixing up Jetfire.

And Blackout is in the commons eating energon.

For character dynamics between the three, like the idea that Railfire his been very reserved to his former teammates while trapped here. Whereas for Blackout, those two are the only ones he feels comfortably speaking with openly.

I’d say my character would be fairly reserved as well. Very cautious around everyone.

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And I completely get that. But I also like the idea that since they were a team, and have a history, they would be relatively more open with one another.

But ultimately, it’s your character. So its up to you.

In other news, I’m planning on adding a minicon NPC to the cast. Mostly for the sake of @ajtazt’s trio. I feel that their actions are too often isolated and not really involved with everything else. Especially with the language barrier.

Nothing concrete in mind yet. Just wanted throw that out there.

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I think the pacing overall is fine, at least when there is decent direction for what the characters should be doing. I do wish there was a bit more of a directive as to where we should be trying to head towards. If only because the initial description makes it a bit conflicting in that it sounded like most of the game would be the escape (as in, immediate). And while I realize that is still the main plot point and will eventually lead to that, it’s more of a backseat.

I suppose what I’m trying to say and ask is how long, provided characters cooperated, is the idea of them to remain in the arena? However long it takes until Maximus can muster the others and escape successfully? Just looking for a general idea as I wouldn’t want to commit to any major or possibly derailing ideas if that is looking to be a short time for that part.

Otherwise enjoying so far, just like a rough and vague outline of what we might expect. If that is acceptable, as someone who loves being cryptic and trying to give suspense, I fully realize that might be too much info for us.

Edit: LOL. Just as I post this.


First of all, thank you for the detailed feedback. I very much appreciate it.

Second, I do have a plan where the escape is concerned. The problem is that the whole thing, from gathering support to the big break out, is relatively end game. At least as I have it structured. That’s why I’m waiting to start that. Because when it does, that’ll be close to when this ends.

Of course, now that I think about it, I could restructure it so that the support and planning phases are more of a slow burn. Instead of being on a fixed track, they take as long as they have to. And now that I’m writing all of this out, that’s probably what I’ll do.

So, I suppose you might be able to expect something there soon, but I can’t say anything concrete right now.

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That’s sounds good to me.

As for my trio, I didn’t intend for them to be quite as isolated, but it is more than a language barrier. Sure, it doesn’t completely help that pretty much only Oddball and maybe Griffin can understand them with ease. Though I think my slower/lesser rate of activity is mostly the problem. The game may be going at a slower pace right now, but I can’t afford to give the same level of activity as you or some of the others. And I much rather not soft-lock anyone in a conversation if I can’t reply back in a day or two.

That and they’re pretty much prison rats, so trying to come up with reasons why they would interact with the larger bots is a bit challenging.Though another Minicon NPC for them to do something with would be much appreciated.

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