On a world far from Cybertron, a wicked games master known as Iota runs a depraved and twisted colosseum. Using cybertronian slaves he has collected over thousands of years, he pits them in brutal fights against their will. Most prisoners have given up on the hopes of freedom long ago. Until one young predacon arrives, and immediately tries to start a revolution. Who will stand by his side, and who will stand against him? All the while having to face one another in the pit. All this and more in New Horizons: Tournament of Terror!
Whoo! Alright. I’ve been developing this game for at least two years now, and I am super excited to finally launch it. Now this is part of a series I’ve been working on, and thus there is a bit of background information you need to know about when designing your characters.
Soon after the Great War Cybertron was faced with an energy crisis. As a solution autobots and decepticons created smaller, more fuel efficient forms, known as maximals and predacons. These smaller Cybertronians then became the new naturally occurring beings produced by the Well of Allsparks. Over time as maximal and predacons began to out number their war era counterparts, the old autobots and decepticons were exiled, one by one, for various reasons. Whether they were legitimate or not is up for debate. This time is known as the Mass Exodus.
Now to the tournament itself. The aliens which populate this planet are known as the Vex.
A race of beings made from intelligent gas, housed within robotic bodies. Their society is a very isolated one. While most of the galactic community knows of them, there is little interaction. Cybertron in particular is completely unaware of their existence.
The Vex stand about as tall as maximals and predacons. Additionally, as a means of security, autobot and decepticon prisoners have all been shrunken down to their scale.
Character profiles are to be submitted as such:
Faction: (autobot, decepticon, maximal, predacon)
Appearance: (An image of some kind would be ideal, but a text description works just as fine)
Alt mode:
Abilities: (Optional)
Example of a filled out sheet:
Name: Maximus
Faction: Predacon
(Credit to @decepticonaiden for making both this and the Vex art for me)
Alt mode: Robotic dragon
Weapons: Pole axe and sniper riffle
Abilities: Electricity absorption, manipulation, and expulsions
Bio: A young and curious predacon, part of the space pirate faction known as the Star Talons, Maximus along with his friend Axis were captured by the Vex while out on an exploration mission. Inexperienced and too stubborn for his own good, he refuses to simply accept this new life as so many others have, and does his best to light the fires of rebellion.
First are character rules
There is a strict limit of two. If you want to introduce a new character after we’ve started, and you already have two, one of them will need to be dropped.
I will allow pets/minions for characters. No more than three per player. They are not allowed to speak, at least not to any extent understandable to anyone other than their owner. These are not characters themselves, but merely extensions of the actual characters.
No OP characters. That’s fairly obvious. I’ll judge this on a case by case basis.
Gameplay rules.
Of course be fair and kind to your other players. I will have a zero tolerance policy to fowl play and the aggressive OOC behavior.
Play reasonably. No auto hits, infinite dodging, acting with information your character shouldn’t know, all that basic stuff. Be credible for your actions, even if they put you in a bad spot. If you die or become seriously injured because you did something stupid, that’s on you.
Death is permanent. If a character dies they cannot return.
And that’s it! After all this time I am so excited to finally start this. I hope it goes well.
The game will begin some time Saturday or Sunday, depending on my job and homework.
Confirmed players: