Transformers: Tournament of Terror. Sign up and discussion topic.

Alright. Good to know.

@MaxinePrimal @ajtazt

Is the fight between Maximus, Nebula, and the Not!Maximus happening in/close to the medical bay?

Nebula and Maximus are in the barracks. The imposter is running away from the medical bay. Though if things play out right the encounter could happen near there.

Okay. So Backbreaker and Oddball would have seen Not!Maximus make a break for it after Nebula skedaddled, yes?


Crud I’ve been away from this too long. Anyone willing to fill me in?

What part do you recall last?

Um… Juliana was being told off by the Doc for leaving too soon.

Right. So Backbreaker and Grimlock duked out in the arena, which resulted in Backbreaker getting very beat up but he also hurt Grimlock pretty bad too. Probably the most successful of those who have fought Grimlock as seen in-game so far. After which, Backbreaker was taken to get repaired by Railfire and Grimlock return to his chambers, repaired by Penicila. We also learn that Backbreaker’s old name was Groundbreaker before he changed it for the arena.

Simulus, pretending to be “Maximus” was acting strange as it had been a long time since he last impersonated someone. Others start to question it, but don’t challenge. Maximus (real one), under an illusion disguise, found Nebula tied up and freed her. Nebula revealed the cause of the disguise and KO’d Overclock easily. Though realizing his minion was in trouble, Simulus went to save him and Spirit tagged along. Some chaos later and currently both parties in the fight are just talking to each other.

“Though with or without his minions, he can siphon memories and knowledge from other beings as they battle him or his projections.”–Simulus/Stimulator profile.

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@Chromeharpoon @ajtazt @keiththelegokid

Alright everybody! First I would like to deeply apologize for my extended absence. I’ve recently fallen ill, and haven’t really had the energy to run this.

I want nothing more than to run this story along and wrap it up. But it keeps catching and dragging, and I can’t imagine this is very fun for anyone at this point. I started this RP unplanned and unprepared, and it really shows. Which is why I’m so excited to get to the sequel. But getting there has been a problem.


No apologies needed, health in any form and IRL stuff always comes first.

Though as for the RP itself, yeah, that became most evident when the tournament itself got forgotten. It’s also why I had my characters go off to sleep, a lot has happened in this in-game day. Calling it a night gives a chance for all characters to regroup (like Prof’s), catch up, and really plan the next set of actions to take and hopefully wrap up things soon. But on the bright side for RP related things, it has been giving me some extra time to work on proper character profiles for the sequel.


Well that’s good to hear.

My current plan is to get a player character into Tier 3. Problem is my options are kinda limited to Chrome’s and Kieth’s characters. Since I’m pretty sure Prof is out at this point, and yours aren’t exactly applicable.

After we get that done, we can finally get to the big breakout sequence, which I am actually looking forward to. Got some great reveals coming up.

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Nah, I’m still here, just not sure what to do with myself.

I’ve been keeping an eye out for a place to slide back in but I just hadn’t found one.

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Well a perfect spot would be in the conversation Backbreaker is having with the predacons. Also, glad to hear you’re still on board!

I hope you start feeling better soon.

May I ask what Tier Three is?

I was kinda planning on having Ramjet and Spirit team up. Obvious Penicillia was going to pair with your doctor…and I was going to introduce Doomshot the Minicon Shotgun for Clusterfire at some point.

Glad to be here!

I mean, that would require Juliana to be let out of the medical wing.

Also, I forget, did we ever finish that insecticon subplot?

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Tier 1. I meant Tier 1. It is one step below champion. The elite four of the colosseum. One from every faction. So far we only know the autobot and predacon representative. Being Warpath and Tarantulas respectively.

For the sake of ease, lets just say that got wrapped up and she’s back in Tier 2.

The what?

Oh? I’d have fun making a Decepticon Tier 1 character. Can I dm you some specifics?

The little subplot we had with the guy who was using Juliana’s private simulation. We dig up who did it, but she got interrupted before she had a good conversation with him.