Unconfirmed Phantom Images

I’d just send all of them Greg and add each onto BS01 or any other fan wiki, probably in the trivia section. There’s no need for anyone to overreact or yet again muddy the waters.

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That’s good enough for me. That is proof that Greg officially linked The Unseen Winner to the character of Phantom.

The images are fully canon.

Are you able to link to that thread?

This is every relevant link I could find, originally compiled by Skello.


The Miserix Revamp has no reason to be canon, no matter if it’s the original creator or not. It’s still a revamp - not the model that was canonized. Same as if MisterN was to redraw Helryx now, that redrawing would not be canon, and rather irrelevant to mention on BS01. The BS01 article is not for following the creator’s career.

No, the post was mistaken.

Actually, according to this post the story came from the creator, not from Greg. With the entries, the MOCists had to send in an essay on their creation. This is why we can fully blame Krakua for the Mask of Telepathy and the element of Sonics, they were chosen by the creator.


I don’t think anyone’s arguing that it is, just that it’s noteworthy trivia.

If that’s the case, that only strengthens the case that this model is canon.


I say we make everyone unhappy by decanonizing Phantom entirely.


I would like to apologize for wasting everyone’s time with this.

After seeing this quote:

, it should have clicked for me that this was proof of Greg recognizing The Unseen Winner as Phantom’s official appearance, whatever that Unseen Winner may look like.

I have spent the last 12-ish hours arguing that The Unseen Winner was never officially attached to the character of Phantom, but I see now that this was proven untrue by one of the first sources I looked at.

So yes. Greg has approved The Unseen Winner as official canon, and we now know that these images are what The Unseen Winner looked like, making them Phantom’s official appearance.

Sorry again for wasting time with these arguments. The Phantom page should feature one of the four original photos as the headline image.


Hey guys! So I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t read through all of this. I just want to say thank you to everyone who is championing for this and until I either find my letter or Greg weighs in, my word is all I have. I think that anyone questioning whether or not I truly won the contest based on my little evidence is entirely okay! I have no problem with anyone questioning something that isn’t factually backed up, even if that thing is about me. Whether I have the canon Phantom or not is a question I don’t even have the answer to. All I know is that I won a contest a decade and a half ago, but I didn’t make it to the book for some reason, assumably a mailing mishap. What I also know is that the description for Phantom matches somewhat well with my moc that I’ve kept for years. I remember in my essay writing about having protodermis tubes and that he had gliding capabilities. Is this Phantom? I think so, but only Greg has the answer.


Honestly, even if on some off-chance this was some elaborate hoax, I’d sooner take a fake than keep leaving the infobox empty. That said, I fail to believe it could be fake and I’m honestly just happy to finally have a physical representation for the character.


Here’s the page describing Phantom. It does mention limited flight capabilities:

Does anything else sound familiar on there?

The Increased strength and experimental protodermis were also something’s I had written in my essay, but he couldn’t turn invisible (maybe this is a way to work around him not having an appearance). My essay also never stated that he was a Matoran, but Greg has the power to pretty much write in any story details that he wants. When I won the Rahi Beasts contest, they took a lot of liberties with the backstory


Thank you so much for providing these pictures, it’s very much appreciated! If you could find and provide the original essays you wrote for either, that would be very helpful. I believe you mentioned before on reddit you weren’t able to find the papers for Phantom, but what about the Furnace Salamander?


I was happy to provide the pictures! Unfortunately I do not have any of the original essays (for either). I used my dad’s laptop which I doubt is even around anymore. I’ll call my parents and see if they do, but I think my luck will be slim.

That’s unfortunate, but at least we have the pictures.
One more thing, you gave Phantom a Rhotuka launcher on his left arm. Beings with Rhotuka in story have a power along with it. For example, the Toa Hordika’s spinners corresponded to their elements, and Roodaka’s mutated its target. Do you remember if you assigned Phantom’s Rhotuka spinner a power?


I just texted my mom, waiting to hear back on that laptop. But tbh, I think it was more of a “ooh this looks cool, imma put it on his arm” kind of a thing. Nothing is sacred. :joy:


We may be in luck!!


Yeah lol, I was just curious.

And that seems promising. Hopefully the essays still exist lol

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If they do exist, we could at least find the dates of the files.

Random thought, why not have a canon contest to draw this character? Only difference is the MOC already exists.

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I would love to draw this actually. But I’d remaster it a little more.