Unconfirmed Phantom Images

eventually, I might build it. At this point, I may as well start a patreon for reverse engineering contest models lol.

Also the reason I called it mantas tamer before is becayse the creator called it mantas tamer after his name. He also called the motors “mantas motors” even though they are manas motors. idk

If someone has the bulk of parts and they send them to me I’ll build it and make instructions, otherwise I will probably build in a few years, at least once I finish kanohi dragon and catapult scorpion though.

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So there is more information about this build out there? I didn’t see any mention of “mantas motors” on the brickshelf link

(Also, you should totally start posting instructions of the recreated models you build. Vahki6 is a legend in this community for doing just that, and I think your work puts his to shame in most cases)

ty, a lot of my builds are based off his. Reason I don’t post instructions for some is because a lot of my builds still have a few parts that are off color.

There’s an old link to the mantas tamer person/their build on mask of destiny, I think its a link on BS01.

Here it is, it wasn’t on BS01 actually: Mask Of Destiny

There’s a scan of the letter (which, unlike casey’s, and like the yari’s has no mention of being featured in the rahi book or receiving a signed book from greg.

My guess as to why it wasn’t canonized or instructed to be sent in would be due to the use of motors.

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Considering that the Rock Lion got actually featured in the Rahi Beast guide, unlike Phantom, I don’t think the Manas Tamer could ever be the Rock Lion.

The lion’s story was sent, recieved, and featured in the book, except the picture, but still it is in the back of the book, with the other Rahi, like the Lava Eel and the Infernavika. The rock lion said to have tendrils from their manes, which the ManasTamer/Mantas Tamer doesn’t have, and this info came from the Rahi Guide. If the lion’s essay included that, and the Manas Tamer moc clearly doesn’t have these, it is probably not the Rock Lion.

I’m still interested if these images are actually the old Phantom moc or not, it would be so nice to fill that gap in the dark hunter infoboxes… and to not have a contest for him as we would already have the original build.

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Kanohi dragon update for anyone who cares: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247063759393259532/772522018406793216/image0.png

stuff circled in white I have reverse engineered.

Also yeah, it’s clear the mantas tamer isn’t the rock lion. A scan of the letter is on that mask of destiny website I linked, and it was never meant to be sent in. Phantom and rock lion were initially meant to be sent in.


I think we really should ask Greg what’s the deal with the different letters. I’m starting to suspect that his comment about all contest winners that never got put in the book or magazine because they "“either sent in their model too late or didn’t at all” might have been just to alleviate hurt feelings. But of course, we can’t jump to conclusions until we get an official answer (if he even remembers what exactly happened)

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Sooo… What’s the status on this? Has Greg been asked? If not, is there a plan to?

Obviously, not just anyone can email Greg, otherwise this would have been done by now, so this question is more for the people who can.


So in other words, these photos be like:

And then the skeptics were like:

But the people who think it’s legit were like:


So to summerize, what would we want asked if a mail was to be sent to Greg?

  • (with photo & essay attached) Do you recall if this is the entry which became Phantom? (this is obviously, the big one)
  • Out of the 50 winners of the Rahi Contest, only some recieved the prompt to send it in for the book. How come?
  • Did that at all apply to the DH contest? (Presumably no, as it was listed as a prize for the 35 DHs, but not listed at all for the 50 Rahi.)

Any other questions?


Seems good to me.:+1:
(We don’t want to word it in a way that could get it de-canonized, after all.)

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Odds are, he doesn’t remember it, so we could even mention in the letter that he probably wouldn’t remember it, but then bring up the similarities between phantom’s concept essay and the bare bones amount of detail we got in the encyclopia. We could also attach Casey’s email/reddit if greg were to contact him. Finally, we could mention how phantom’s builder (casey) was documented but unnamed to have issues mailing in the model to the point that it couldn’t be photographed for the book.

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This seems a bit like a leading question. Start by just saying “do you remember this?”, then elaborate as necessary.

In fact, it might be a good idea to lead with this one:

Because his answer to this might affect how we ask about Phantom.

For example, if he says “not all of the Dark Hunters were invited”, then that makes it very likely that what we have here is Phantom, and any questions about this model would be more or less just for the purposes of having a citable source.

But if he says “all of the Dark Hunters were invited”, then that significantly drops the chances that this is Phantom (though the essay similarities are still there), and it would be smarter to show him the entry without mentioning that we think it is Phantom.


Once again, I feel this would be best as a followup. I think we should

A. first send him a picture of the model and essay, asking him if he remembers anything about them, and if he does, what does he remember.

B. Ask about the contest discrepancies. Why some letters for the Rahi contest ask for the model to be sent in and others don’t, if not all winners were intended to be published and canonized, if the Dark Hunter contest was the same, etc.

C. Now we bring up the details, we send in Phantoms encyclopedia description, mention the story about mailing issues, etc. But most importantly, we do NOT bring up how the community feels about this all.

D. If all goes well, we do the same for the MantasTamer and any other unknown models that may pop up in the future


If you guys think it could help, I can swing by my parents’ after work and grab my contest pictures and scan them in at high quality.


If anyone does actually ask Greg, it should definitely be in the least-leading manner possible.

They certainly couldn’t hurt!


Hey guys, I was finally able to get over to my parents’ house and grab the pictures. I scanned them in at 600 dpi, but that doesn’t exactly help that they were taken with a crappy digital camera. Anywho, here’s the link!


So, hate to add to all of this again, but with the recent speculation going around about the “Silver” moc that ended up in an episode of Hero factory, and his original purpose. Should we add that to the list of “contest concerns” we have for Greg right now? Should we actually make a formal list of all these things?

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What speculation is there? I have heard nothing.

We’re talking about the big robot with the Cordak blasters from season 1, right?

I’m not sure what else there is to put on the list. We ask him about Phantom. What else?

(Also, I could totally see that big robot being Marendar, just at a different scale.)

EDIT: I did some research, and it seems that “Silver” is a MOC created for a Lego-sponsored, Bionicle-based, MOC Contest on BZPower a while back.

So what is there to ask Greg about?

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Wasn’t that MoC originally supposed to be a robot guarding the Valley of the Maze but was repurposed for Hero Factory?


I did not know that. That really sounds like a precursor to Marendar.

I guess I was right.

Regardless, it is not Marendar. So what is there to ask Greg about?

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