Unconfirmed Phantom Images

If we accept that the images are canon as-is, how would one go about citing that?

Because the real proof of legitimacy is that the original poster of the images has the signed Dark Hunter book, but that isn’t exactly a citable source.

Looks like Wolk’s already gone ahead and started uploading the images and updating the Phantom page.

Gotta say, this year has been remarkably fruitful for the Bionicle community. Here I thought the original Miserix creator resurfacing was monumental.


I agree, showing this to Greg and asking would be nice for confirmation as to whether this is canon or not. I would lean towards a yes, but I don’t want to make any assumptions - however, considering that Greg hasn’t posted for a very long time this seems difficult, but this is pretty substantial news and very exciting for the community, so it might be worth is Eljay and Meso could send it along side the Artakha contest results? :stuck_out_tongue:

(This gives me hopes that one day the Rock Lion will surface.)


An excellent idea, and I’m glad to see Phantom on BS01. Send the Miserix remaster too while they’re at it.


A remaster isn’t quite the same thing though. It’s the original MOC that won the contest.

Surely that deserves something in Trivia or the Gallery section for Miserix?


At best.

While we’re at it, it’s also worth noting that the second reddit post of what Phantom looks like now doesn’t percisely match the original entry.

Do you mean to put the remaster on BS01, or send it to Greg?

Because the remaster definitely isn’t canon, but Greg could totally canonize it as an alternate form of Miserix.

I’m not sure he would do that though, since it doesn’t have the background of having previously won a contest. At that point, Greg would just be canonizing a random MOC.

It would pretty sweet if he did, but that definitely opens the door for people to ask that their own MOCs be canonized.

Ah. Victory.


Not sure if you meant the remaster of miserix or of phantom, but the current phantom is different despite having PICS OF THE ORIGINAL MODEL from 2005. The canon model is right there in those pics. There’s no way all the DHs and rahi are still built. if what you say is correct, wolk, at least half the canon models are now piles of parts.

not yet, we need one of those images or a fully recreated model to be posted instead of the “no image” section. another copy of this photo set was mailed to lego.

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Right, but I’m saying his canonical appearance would be the way he looked in 2005, and Miserix’s would be the way he looked in 2008.

@vootcaboot Not much, just pointing out that picture isn’t the canonical depiction, and therefor (while it might have a shot at going in a gallery or the trivia section) would not be what’s in the infobox.

What’s that matter, considering the same person, uh, has the original pictures?


miserix remaster was made by the original creator.


It just means that the new images can’t be put on BS01.


I know, but it wasn’t made in the context of the contests.

Obviously both, and the latter is a means to the former. Just put it in the trivia section and call it a day. There’s a difference between a random moc and a remaster made by the og creator, right?

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I suppose…


no one seems to believe that the old photos are canon despite the moc changing. Thats it guys, every tahu mata is now canon since the original prototype was destroyed

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I’m pretty sure everyone is saying that the old photos are the only things that are canon. The new model is not.

The original photos are definitely the canon appearance.

To be clear - I’m saying:
This one is canon(?)
This one is non-canon