I think the story for G1 took itself way too seriously and that “G1 purists” take it way too seriously in turn.
I liked every Hero Factory wave except for IfB. Brain Attack was probably my favorite; I even remember liking the alien-like theme song.
I think G2 is great and provides more emotion than G1 ever did.
The 2015 animations were great because they made it easy for me to follow the story while also being in college.
This though. Definitely agree
inb4 za warudo.
I don’t enjoy Bionicle’s later years, excpet the technic vehicles, titans, and a few canisters.
I don’t enjoy the Mata/Nuva Build much, due to the extremely specialized and blocky pieces.
I like G2 better than most of G1.
I don’t like the Toa Inika.
The only Toa canister building system (from G1) I think I enjoyed a lot would be the Metru/Hagah build.
I don’t enjoy the Inika Build.
I think the later Toa using that build looked goofy.
I kind of liked Brain Attack.
I don’t like G1’s specialized pieces that were extremely blocky, and had little use or armour/technic attaching. And this goes for HF’s first wave too.
I liked HF’s 2011 “Build a Hero” phase. It felt like a LEGO-like conecpt, and it was simple and effective for the theme, and did CCBS a lot of justice, IMO.
I enjoyed what HF had to offer.
Bara Magna wasn’t needed.
G2 is under-rated.
The villians in G1 were better sets than the heroes.
I hate the “doom and gloom” the community has when sets first release.
G2’s Villians get the short end of the stick.
I don’t care for the serials. Though I really do appreciate the time Greg took to write them, they were not needed and still confuse me to this day.
I love the Stars’ Armor Piece.
G1 is overated.
I love G2’s story. It has a good mix of what to take from G1, and where to place it, while adding so much of it’s own, really neat flare.
Dude, like, everyone hates the Inika build.
Not everyone. I doubt Callan LOF hates it.
He’s one person.
I beg to differ.
I should stop dealing in absolutes.
It is the way of the Dark side…
“only a sith deals in absolutes”
I thought/think the toa metru suck
I think the Mata are glorified gear-boxes with appendages.
I still love 'em
Umarak tho
Same. I read halfway through one and I was like NOPE and never read another one since. I just read the summaries from BS01
I noticed that some unpopular opinions aren’t that unpopular after all.
For example I found out that a lot of people don’t like the Metru all that much (I mean you can’t even pose the frigging shoulders!).
I dont mind the metru shoulders…there.
The shoulders are the worst part of the Metru. I mean, they have all this new articulation, except for the shoulders. EVEN THE MATA HAD SHOULDER ARTICULATION!
But they didnt have knee or elbow articulation… or even head articulation. pathetic by todays standards.
I too really feel like villains are getting shafted in G2. They get less sets than the Toa and their allies and in my opinion their set designs are arguably less impressive and look like they generally receive less effort than the good guys. Does anybody else feel this way or is it just me? Think about it. Villains could really use more love in the future.
I think that almost the entire Bionicle community agrees with you on that point. I want villains that look like they would at least be an even match for the Toa, if not look stronger than the Toa.