Well isn’t that exactly what I did
At first I thought you meant design themes and I was super confused
I’ve never done it, but I think it’s neat to see, especially when the song was made by the builder specifically for the moc.
oh wait he meant themes as in theme songs
In that case, I definitely agree.
That is actually something really, really cool that i might try.
However using themes from video games that you didn’t make yourself i find rather cringe.
Yep, I want to try it too
The only MOC I have that uses a theme song does so because the lyrics match their story extremely closely. I wouldn’t do it otherwise, especially with soundtrack music that was created for a different purpose.
I don’t do it for MOC’s (since I no longer make MOC’s), but I occasionally do it for my own characters, which are, like, basically the same thing, so I guess I’m equally as guilty of this…
don’t kill the cringe, kill the part that cringes
let the cringe die.
kill it, if you have to.
love that stuff
Primaris Toa inbound…
Wait thats just a Toa Nuva
I am Throughly disgusted.
This is why i don’t buy legos anymore.I just buy bionicle.I swear,if lego keeps on not seeming to try actually cool and enjoyable sets it is going to go bankrupt.
Ya can’t please everybody I suppose
I imagine that spice girl fans are quite happy about these sets
Irnakk was the perfect way to promote combo models. I wish it was something Lego did more often. I can imagine them selling Toa Jovan with red and white recolors or Umbra with a green ruru.
Maybe this could set up and foster an actual successful reboot of Bionicle.
All Brickheadz are lame.
In retrospect: IMO, HF was way better than G2, at least when it comes to the story and the characters.
The story of Hero Factory was, not that great, but (!), it did its job well enough. It certainly could have got some use of a darker tone, and more developed characters & lore, but overall, it provided a good enough foundation, for a very versatile sandbox-like theme with its basic setting and premise.
Though, G2 overall, had better sets, with some pretty neat looking & useful parts, (e.g. 2015 armor add-on) but every time, I look back on the HF sets from pre & post CCBS introduction phase, I can’t help, but feel, that G2 could have used the same or a similar kind of creativity, when it comes to the character’s appearances.
Most notably, in the case of the villains.
The skull gang was alright for what they were, but the 2016 elemental beasts were… Meh, at best.
Imagine, if they had more varieties, like the Breakout & Brain-attack villains, or if they had more nuanced tribal aspects, like what Which-doctor had.
Also, HF had more time for worldbuilding.
Yeah, that too.
personally i like the beasts - but maybe to fit tha animal theme of the year - have them be part animals - like mermaids, harpies, Minotaur styled fing and have umarak be a centaur or the aforementioned minotaur