Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

i like HF and G2 not above G1 though


I think G2 gets a lot of undeserved hate, but so does HeroFactory. Both had potential to be great, and both were…

…at times.


I think Nuva Symbols are a good idea. Sure, I agree that their appearance in the story was a little too convenient for the bad guys, but I like the idea of having them as a sort of counterbalance to the Toa Nuva’s enhanced powers. Like, you’ve got increased powers and new abilities, but if your enemies steal your artifact, you’re powerless.


I agree with this. As you said, it’s a counterbalance, and it kind of makes sense that these extra-powerful Toa might need an external source to store their extra power.

What I don’t like about the Nuva Symbols is the specifics of how they work.

How can the Nuva Symbols tell if they are in “friendly hands” or not? It makes way more sense to me that the Symbol is required to be in contact with the Toa (or at least in their general vicinity), or, if available, on their Suva. The story could have worked exactly like this with just a few minor changes that don’t actually affect the plot.

Another thing I don’t like about the Nuva Symbols is the way that they’re tailored to the 2003 story in ways that don’t really make sense as a general concept in the larger universe. Why would the symbols be designed to fit in the Nuva Cube? What happens if a Toa Nuva is created that doesn’t have a Nuva Cube? I agree that it makes sense for a Nuva Symbol to be able to undo a Toa Seal in lieu of an actual Toa, but that doesn’t explain why the Nuva Cube was even created in the first place, or why the Nuva Symbols were designed to fit in it.

And finally, it doesn’t really make sense that Artakha would have made the Nuva Symbols. Again, what happens if a Toa Nuva is created that doesn’t have a god-like figure watching over them? (Although, admittedly, Greg has only said that the Nuva Symbols were “most likely” made by Artakha)

In summary, I really like the concept of the Nuva Symbols as external power storage for a Toa Nuva, but I don’t like the in-universe specifics of how they were used in the story.


Ah, very true. I’d agree with that as well, and

I feel this makes much more sense storyline wise.
As for the Nuva Cube, maybe that was only a thing because there was a Toa Seal active at that time. But it’s still kinda iffy

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They won’t. This isn’t the late 90’s. LEGO is the largest toy company in the world and they (usually) know what they’re doing.
As strange as these out of nowhere one-off licensed products may seem to us long time fans, the simple fact is: they sell.

I’m not saying that I like it that way, but that’s just the way it is.


Try saying that to Trolls World Tour.


Or Angry Birds :clown_face:


here’s an unpopular one for you: Angry Birds lego was actually pretty neat


The felt elements from TWT are underrated. I’m surprised to see few to no one actually use the keetorange wings from volcano rock city concert in a dragon moc. Or use the purple wings as bogmire arms. Or use the silver cupcake holders as fake gears.

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It had some cool ideas and neat potential! I may have been more interested if… well… it was game-inspired rather than movie-inspired…

I honestly am not even sure I want LEGO Super Mario minifigures anymore. I’m fine with what we’ve been getting.


It would be better if it was samus instead of mario.

That would be really cool, and I’d love to see some Metroid things, but Samus also just doesn’t have near as large an audience as Super Mario does.

Maybe one day!



I like the Hero Factory 2.0 headgear and I wish we got more variations


Honestly, fair

If it had more time to develop, it would’ve been great. Customizable helmets would’ve been really cool, but for some reason they never fully covered their faces.

The 2.0 helmets are my favourite Hero Factory helmet variety, because the designs aren’t limited to the colours of the main characters. You can have Evo’s helmet design, but with Surge’s colours and Furno’s head if you wanted to. It was so much easier to create your own characters because there were so many unique combinations of parts to choose from, as opposed to the character-specific helmets most other sets had. Some of the headgear pieces even worked backwards, such as Furno’s goggles becoming something similar to a visor, or Breez’s becoming a pair of horns.

All my Hero mocs use the 2.0 head because of this reason, with Vex notably using Nex’s headgear piece backwards to give him a pair of helmet-mounted floodlights.


I agree.

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interesting that many of the HF helmets can be turned around and still be used