Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

He’s not wrong :smirk:


Unpopular Opinions about Lego you say. Very well, here is my first post on this subject but in my defense it is to go into more detail not to mention i need to split up this post into a two parter
To me, the only reason why Seasons 8-10 of Ninjago exists (at least from my experience) is simply because of the Ninjago movie and said seasons feels like they are basically Ninjago Movie fanfic taking place in the main series. If the Ninjago movie was different (like say having a different original story or be a Lego Movie styled adaptation/remake of say The Realm of Shadows, you know the puppet show from Malaysia or Indonesia, or Dark Island Trilogy comic thingy) then Seasons 8-9 would have been totally different and if they stuck with the original designs in the movie (regardless if the story would have stayed the same with the Garmadon and his shark people army) then there would hardly been a unnecessary redesign (or maybe there would have been but it would be completely original and not based of the Movie) and S8-10 (Aka Oni-Seasons) is Ignition Trilogy done wrong.To me i see there are several pararells to the movie (outside the obvious) but with an overdramatic plot-twist in the 1st entry (Lloyd stays virgin 7 more seasons appearently). I know it is unfair to compare to Ninjago to Bionicle but then again a lot of diehard Ninjago-stans constantly compare Chima/Nexo Knights to Ninjago to put them down so fair is fair so checkmate. And since there was a rumor that there would be a Ninjago Movie 2 back in the day (or oh well i remember such rumor) and Season 11 is probably what the 2nd Movie would have been about, essentially a different rendition (rendition? more like adaptation) of Rise of The Snakes (and ehhh, Seasons 11 is Rise of the Snakes done rather poorly in my opinion with litle to no foreshadowing of what is basically the 6th Serpentine tribe, okay i know that they are not really the 6th Serpentine tribe but whatever they are the 6th in a shellnut). Also Omega is kind of an Overlord ripoff so they might as well have used Overlord or at least like made Omega the Bstrd Child of The Overlord who is half-Oni and half-Overlord if they really wanted to make a seperate Original Character Do Not Steal that is basically an Overlord clone, worth mentioning is the existance of Omega, Oni and the Woijra (or what its called) kind of retcons the fact/idea that Overlord was the first ultimate evil and as a matter of fact, a smarter move would have made Overlord the overreaching Villain in the same Makuta Teridax was. Like i get not having him to be main villain in season after season but at least to have his presence & legacy somewhat felt in Seasons where he is not the Main to then build up to something greater kind of like Bionicle. Now, i could create a seperate topic/thread discussing why i think Season 8-10 fails as an Ignition Trilogy type Arc, makes no sense and basically only exist because of the movie and its alleged pararells but i am not so sure if i wanna considering the tone of how i express my opinion regarding Ninjago related in the part 2 of my post plus i do not want people to feel bad about themselves for liking something. Hence disclaimer and spoiler in next reply i might make soon enough if i get at least 5 or so likes on this one.
On fairer terms and on other Lego Subjects?
Bionicle Journey´s end (AKA the 2010 story) was not that bad, but it could and should have been better (hence why i am considering to maybe share what i would have the 2010 Bionicle Stars waves to be like and a slight rewrite of the story on a different thread)


Agreed, especially with the Ninjago stuff. I feel like the writers for Ninjago are already running low on original plots, and the last few seasons are getting both more bizarre and less appealing than before due to being a very long series of sequels.


Well, all three were (co-)created by the same person (Tommy Andreasen) and China and NexoKnights were intended to follow in Ninjagos footsteps. It is a fair enough comparison. (Though I haven’t seen them compared, especially not constantly)


I don’t think so. Yes, a big influence was the movie and the raised budget that came with it. But I think Bionicle also had a major influence, since there are many weird parallels between G1 and Masters of Spinjitzu, with the Oni trilogy just being a remake of 2008-2010, which was also the story of reawakening and a good brother being banished while the evil brother ruled the world, all culminating in one giant nostalgia party.

He’s the ultimate evil of Ninjago and was created alongside it, as told in Misako’s legend. That never really changed. The Omega is not from Ninjago and Wojira was before the time of Ninjago.

Completely agree, the ties are all there to make this work. Garmadon, Pythor, The Time Twins, and Harumi were all linked to the Great Devourer, and Clouse and the Sky Pirates used the powers of the Dark Island (Clouse also released Nadhakan). The only main villain factions in Masters of Spinjitzu that was not once affiliated with the Overlord were the ghosts and the Oni. The bad thing about using the Oni is that you really couldn’t get bigger than that. They were the most ancient force of evil the Ninja could ever face, and now they’re gone…


The Makuta becoming gaseous creatures was stupid


The Makuta being gaseous creatures would have been cooler if it had been portrayed as a strength rather than a weakness


I’d argue that it was. Teridax’s many “revivals” and fakeouts were a result of his gaseous form. For example, if he had been solid, he would have been crushed under the gate to Metru Nui.

His gaseous form is also what allowed him to possess machines and other beings. Without being gaseous, Teridax could not have enslaved the Matoran of Voya Nui, he could not have possessed a Maxilos robot in Mahri Nui, and he would have been unable to execute his final plan of taking over Mata Nui’s body.


I mean, I’d argue that the Makuta are already powerful enough with all of their Kraata powers and shadow stuff. They kind of need some sort of weakness to not seem too overpowered. And even then, as Jerminator points out, they are still formidable foes as is by taking advantage of their antidermis form.


The Star Wars buildable figures are pretty good, actually:
While yes, their builds are a bit repetitive at times plus, their head molds are both ultra-specialized and horrendously ugly, they do feature some pretty intriguing build solutions/techniques put into them, plus they can be handy as parts packs with those CCBS & Technic part recolors.


And without them we wouldn’t have Kualus’s rad scarf!


I honestly enjoy Galidor! The show was fun to watch, the lore and world is intriguing, and the sets are cool because they’re so unique. There’s many interesting parts that actually work well with other Lego.


Instead of having Ninjago slowly become a mech theme, we should have an Exo-Force reboot.

I’m just saying it could work.


I’d be down for this idea so bad! :100:
The sheer possibilities with all the current parts with an Exoforce reboot would result in some spectacularly designed sets.
IDK about you, but I always thought that after Bionicle Gen1, it was Exoforce, which had the best story and world among all Lego themes.


If modern Lego designers could run wild on sets with mechs as the focus, rather than just something in the set, I’d imagine we could get some ridiculously cool sets. I’d be especially excited for remakes of the classic mechs with new building techniques.


Matoro’s sacrifice wasn’t that emotional or tragic, it only had the impact it did because Lego had never had a character die like that before


I could see it being more sad for someone who had been keeping up with the story as it came out since 2001


Yeah ngl, Matoro’s death may not hold up to other stories nowadays, but at the time it was gut-wrenching. If you knew anything about the story prior to 2007, you knew you were losing a real one.

The book wherein he dies starting from after the story had concluded was an excellent bit of foreshadowing to it, and there’s several nods to it being Matoro’s demise in particular through the book as well, but not only had LEGO not killed off a character like that before (or since, really), most modern media with any long-running standing at the time hadn’t managed to pull it off, either.

So to those who share in that unpopular take, I’d say give BIONICLE Legends #8: Downfall another chance. Most of the Bionicle story’s characters are less complex than a crowbar, but Matoro manages to strike a special chord even among such a limited cast.

Anyway, unpopular opinions: uhhh…

…okay, here’s one: TT Games should stop making LEGO titles. They’ve clearly lost their magic touch.


-I’m ok with the retirement of trans neon orange and green.
Of course, like many others, I probably will miss both of them in the long run, but I can accept their absence since we got their opaque versions in recent set waves.

-TLG, in general, should be more circumspect when they pick their movie licenses. By this, I mean that they often choose films to make sets off of, which either failed massively in the ratings (Both on the critics’ and the audience’s side.) or at the box office, and because of that, they can’t attract enough customers to justify the demand for them.
(Looking at themes like The Angry Birds film, Trolls2, Prince of Persia 2010, etc.)


I remember playing DC Supervillains after years of not playing a LEGO game and realizing how boring and same-y the levels were. As if it was Lego Batman 2 but even less interesting than that one was.

Only good part of it was the custom character creation.