July 7, 2021, 2:25pm
Here this is it.
This is indeed the one from the picture with 'Nika Guy, but not actually the current version. The current version is this one, where I fixed a few things regarding the proportions:
Name: Ornek
Kanohi: Akueldu, Great Mask of Thrown Vision
Assigned region: None
Status: Dead
Created by Mata Nui from a pool of Antidermis somewhere on the Souther Islands, Ornek formed the Brotherhood of Makuta along with his fellow Makuta. He started out with creating Rahi like everyone, but never found this task quite to his liking. Whenever his duties allowed it, he thus practiced his combat abilities and also studied tactics later on, soon advancing to be one of the most respected military commanders within the Brotherhood, even though his duties hardly ever involved more than fighting against small pirate gangs or the occasional Rahi.
His first real campaign was the one against the Barraki led by Teridax. Being well aware of Ornek’s abilities, Teridax entrus…