What Bionicle Kanohi would you wear?

Yes, it is really classic question, but, since many new people joined Boards in spring, I’ve decided to post it once more.

So which Kanohi would you wear in our world, for everyday usage? Only canon Kanohi, I suggest. Both appearance and power matter. Any color.

I would wear flat silver Suletu (mask of telepathy), an intact version of Kongu’s.


Purple Mask of Conjuring. So I can have any power I need.

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I wouls choose the Kanohi kualsi, both for its power of teleportation to a location in sight and for its apearance. For me it’s the best looking kanohi of them all.
And I really like it in flat gold as in Toa Iruini, but I think it would look very cool too in metru blue or black.


I’d def wear a blue-grey inorganic Calix. Or maybe a Kakama.

A blue Kakama, of course. It is my favorite mask, after all.


With the mask of charisma I would probably be able to stop all of the political bickering in the world, I think that would be an awesome outcome. Either that or an Olmak to escape it.


Miru nuva, great mask of levitation, old dark grey.

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The mask of creation obviously - this way I’m having all the powers as I can wish into existence pretty much everything.


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I think Sanok in LEGO’s newer purple / “dark purple”.
For one, 2006 was the year I really got into BIONICLE, with Hewkii and Hahli being my favorites
For two, I like Sanok’s design and power, not the most useful for legitimate situations but you could have some fun with it I think
For three, my favorite color is that nice deep purple, so I’d go with purple

I’d personally use KhingK’s inorganic Sanok, but the organic one looks good too


A gold miru


All, thank your for you answers! Now I am going to spark a conversation. But anyone can still join of course!
@ProfSrlojohn But people do not have any powers to copy, and mask powers cannot be copied (as I recall)… may be you wish to copy flight from birds???
@Kanohi_Cantri Nice one, great masks are for great deeds. And a plan for escape, of course.
@JeyTheCount It is hard to fully harness all the legendary Kanohi powers, you know:)
Also, I just thought: Eljay will wear golden Miru or will he:)?

You’re confusing the mask of conjuring with the mask of emulation. The mask of emulation (left) can replicate any shown natural ability, while the mask of conjuring (right) allows its user to program any power for themselves for a short time, given a weakness.
image image


Od course Eljay would.
Speaking about my choice: what I wanted to say is that due to MoC power to just make stuff out of thin air I can make myself wings - and such have the power of Miru or an energy field - and thus Hau’s ability is mine.

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@Kanohi_Cantri Yes, I am wrong again. Sorry. Then this mask is a great choice.

The mask of conjuring would be cool but knowing me I’d probably use it wrong and fry my brain

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the mask of shadows is what ill wear due to the power set and being a near rare mask in canon and having more importance then most kanohi from 01 to 03 like the mask of light and the second mask ill wear is the hau due to the shielding ability

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I’ve always been partial to the mask of repulsion myself. Unmutated of course.
I value my personal space.

Conjuring and phychometry would definitely be in my Suva though.


A stylized grey Pakari.

Something a bit like what my selfmoc/sona wears. :wink:
Tropi icon blueberryblast


probably a calix/ mask of fate (non organic)