Didn’t see this thread anywhere, decided to make it. (if thread exists please delete this mods)
So what was your first Lego set?
I can faintly remember playing with a Duplo train set when i was like 2-3.
I think it was a Rock Raider’s set, or an Arctic set. My older brother had them, so I had them.
My first lego set was the 2002 Star Wars set Ewok Attack.
My first LEGO set was a Duplo race car.
I believe it was just a plain-and-simple bucket of Lego Duplo. It had a bunch of fun elements like chrome bricks, animals, and other accessories. I even have rare footage of the beginning of my “life’s obsession.”
In terms of system Lego sets, I think among my first sets were a Jack Stone car, the original Droid Escape, and a little further down the line was the 2002 Jedi Starfighter.
EDIT: actually thinking of this more, it was a bionicle, a toa metru, forgot which one though
twas a bucket of bricks!
not duplo
maybe I had duplo when I was 2, dont remember
but I remember the bucket of bricks the most
The Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader transformation set
Of regular pieces, it was a Make & Create box (or whatever the name was in 2003.)
I did have a bucketful of Duplo before then, including 2 Bob the Builder sets.
My first official set (not just a random box of Legos) was a blue Creator robot I can’t remember the name of.
Mine would have to be Huki from 2001, but I got it while in Europe, so they still sell things in stock, and I was only about 4 when I got it.
My first actual System set was an airplane. Don’t remember the set number, though.
my first set was this big red bucket full of a bunch of parts with a bunch of different instructions to build well over a dozen different models.
Man I’m really gonna show my age with this one
I’m 90% certain this was my first lego set when I was a little kid. Before that I had just the basic bricks and slopes packs that my mom got me when I was 2. I never had dulplo, just straight lego. I remember getting this set and being so impressed that there were little figures, and specialty parts and not just bricks and slopes. I remember this little thing rocked my 6 year old world. Lol
My first actual LEGO set (my first building toy set was a BTR G.I. Joe hovercraft thingy) that I can remember was the 4615 Red Recon Flyer:
There was one that I liked considerably more, the 4617 Dual Prop Turbo:
I was so crazy excited when I got this one, I think my first thought was something along the lines of “It’s yellow! It’s bigger than the red one! It has TWO guys!”
- looks back fondly to a simpler time *
Youre about the age as my uncle. I remember going through his bin of old legos and finding part of that set years ago…ARE YOU MY UNCLE?! xD
The very first set I can ever remember getting, aside from Tahu, was this-
I remember back in my day, when we still used all black…2-bit long… rod things the Bionicles had, this set however came with a RED one, instead of black, and that always really confused me as a kiddo.
Here it is:
This guy
Maybe. shifty eyes
Mine would be sir danju from knights kingdom in 04. Oh knights kingdom…youll always be remembered of your awesomenes…