What were some terrible Bionicle set designs you hated?

Most of the barraki, specifically mantax, he looked really weak and flimsy.(Now if you excuse I will go and polish my shotgun just in case)


im coming back on this topic to say the barakki were my least favorite even though they my least favorite villians actullay they were my only villians i collected completly

Barraki are swag yo.

Sadly, I can’t shake your opinion…

At least they were all unique.

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as much as I liked pridak visually, man, was he a finicky hunk of plastic.

also I dislike axonn,

and aside from lewa and the makuta, all of the 08 sets.

and some more probably, but I suppose I’ve summoned enough vitriol towards myself.


I was gonna give you crap for hating on Pridak… but then you used vitriol correctly and… well… I didn’t have the heart.


Honestly, my number ONE least favorite sets were ANYTHING that used the Av/STARS build except for Nektann. And even then, I didn’t really like him.

To narrow it down further, I wasn’t a fan of Mahri Nuparu, because he was so BLAND. He had a cool mask, though.



You be talkin’ 'bout mah mate?


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he’s super short for a titan, has big doofy hands, and the rode is a dumb mask.(the axe was cool though.)

also, I understand why they went with the gold/blue silver/red color schemes for the titans, but gold/red and silver/blue would have looked better IMO.

someone make a gold and red brutaka plz.



why you do this Yink


his hands arent doofy at all.
the only thing doofy is the ball joints at the fingertips
aside from that they were great
the axe handle should have been bigger though

purple and gold brutaka ftw

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I hated the toa-mata/nuva. Only redeeming factors were the gearbox, and that just made it worse.


Any set that just had a second blaster instead of a weapon or just one blaster and no weapon(Kongu, Gali)


I absolutely hate Mistika. Seriously. Makutas were acceptable, but Toa… Oh… Those silver parts! They just looked like some cheap bootleg Bionicle ripoffs, or some cheap Mega Bloks robots Bionicle wannabes, but not like actual sets.
Builds were not creative at all, except of Onua, but it was more random and silly than creative. Gali was man, Tahu was looking ill and by the instinct I wanted to feed him and cover with warm blanket. Also, masks were strange: Tahu was a dog and Onua was Makuta, Gail was just manly looking again.
But it all comes from a big frustration in general.
In 2007 Lego announced that in 2008 Toa Nuva would return in a NEW adaptive armor. Me and other fans were drawing beautiful pictures of new building system, awesome masks, bright colors, parts and stuff, but as a result these were, once again, Toa Inika with a really bad color schemes. But Phantoka somehow managed to look bright and nice, with some nice colors under grey and masks that were looking somewhat like Toa Nuva masks. Mistika did not. They don’t even look like one team with Toa of Phantoka. Silver and masks were two things that made me hate those sets. And frustration.
I don’t like 'em.


But Mega Bloks doesn’t do much constraction! Anymore. I think they stopped a while ago.

but they are,

[quote=“InfectedKanohi, post:74, topic:4223”]
purple and gold brutaka ftw
[/quote]LMS? is that you?



I REALLY hated the Toa Hordika, because of their spinliness (is that even a word?) and their gear function was just, ugh.
I also disliked the Piraka because they were clone sets with nothing going for them except a shooting function. I mean, I like the Toa Metru, Bohrok, Vahki, Rahkshi, and Visorak, even though they scream clone, but at least they weren’t (in my opinion) straight forward like the Piraka.
The Stars, Agori, and Matoran for obvious reason, as well as any titan before 2006. Their builds just weren’t for me.


@squeaverking They do just a little time to time. Not much like they used to be.

@MarkSurge9411 Vahri are nice, but to me it’s nice to have one, maybe two of them, because they are clones, just as Rahkshi.
Bohroks and Visoraks are a little more interesting, thanks to their color schemes.
And for Piraka, I don’t think they are bad. They had some nice colors and nice new building parts. But yeah, they were clones, and Inika were. Still, I prefer Toa to be quite similar in style, so they look like a team, because Mahri to me are like a bunch of random guys chilling together, not a team. Toa of 2015 did it right, being similar in style, but quite different same time.

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Another design I hated? The 2008 Toa. Tahu looked okay, but not the greatest. Onua just looked stupid with his mask, Gali seriously needed another weapon. She was really bland to me, and her mask reminded me of a crab. Pohatu looked more like a duck than anything. Lewa and Kopaka were the only ones they got ‘right’, and even then they looked too…modern. All of them did.

The 2008 Makuta were bloody brilliant though.


The villains of 2008 were definitely better looking than the heroes, particularly the Mistika. Honestly, if Tahu had Onua’s build, Onua had Gali’s, and Gali had Tahu’s with a slightly beefed up armor layout, they would have looked a lot better, and that’s not even getting started on the masks. Gali in particular looked like some kind of old, grumpy man. Ugh…