What's Your MBTI Personality Type?

Oy, how would you feel if somebody called you a guy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, unrelated, y’know something I noticed on that huge list of character personality types?
Zaktan is an INTJ.
This explains so much. XD


I hereby represent all of the INFPs!


Was there ever any real doubt?

Nope. :stuck_out_tongue:

It adds to it, but a lot of the characters on that list that I like are ENTJ or INTJ.
: p



I only get Kapura, Nuparu, Roodaka, Kalmah, Mutran, and questionably Nuju.


Nuju might be INTP?

(breathing intensifies)

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I’m an ISTP. Cool.
In other words, I’m Onewa.

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@Viper So, you’re like, an E/INTJ groupie. That’s a new one. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Political_Slime Nuju is totally an INTP. He’s more logical than Spock. Well, maybe not quite, but you get my point.

I didn’t know slimes needed to breathe. Interesting…


we dont

we just breathe when we get excited

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Ah, I see. scribbles on suspicious-looking notepad

Edit: forgot to make this a reply to @Political_Slime

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I got Water Toa, and Lewa.

Wait a sec…


oh god

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Carapar is INFP.

ENTJs gotta stick together.

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I’m apparently INTJ…anyone else?

some other #FancyStats:

I have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
I have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
I have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (50%)
I have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (44%)

I’m gonna bring this topic back to say that I am INTJ. Exact stats say I am 76% Introverted, 44% Intuitive, 72% Thinking, 53%Judging, and 8% Assertive. The element comparison topic placed me as a Gravity, and the character topic said I am like Kopeke, Nidhiki, and Zaktan. I am ok with this. The test also said I need a EN?P in my life.

So I took this test again and basically got INTJ. However, I’m WAAAAAY too indecisive for that, so I don’t know really what type I am…

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It is now official. We are one in the same. XD

First: ENFP
Second: ESFP-A
Third: Link’s broken.

Took this a while back, but I just retook it and got INFP.

So I took this test YET AGAIN and got INTJ again. However, I had little to no preference to Thinking over Feeling. Upon researching INFJs, I found that I identify much more with them than with INTJ. Sorry @Ranaki_Pakewa.

having said that, i probably have traits from both

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