Your Destiny (or Destiny 2) Guardian

It costs a lot of glimmer to get in, but depending on the week (and it’s most of them), if you have an okay team you can win the first few matches and then you get beat down the rest of the time. A looot of gatekeeping in that mode. But the 3-win reward is guaranteed if you get the match completion weekly bounty done.

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I think I’m finally starting to settle on a design

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Look at you rocking that MMXX title. You got carried or you did it by yourself?

Carried in what aspect? Not to ego stroke but there are plenty of activities in the game where I tend to be one of the primary forces in the fireteam.

Carried to get the title what else? I take it you have a six-man fireteam, which is good but there’s also trials of Osiris to complete, to achieve this title. As well as, to get that Master Triumph Score as well. However, if you did this all only with your fireteam, then that’s great. Some people ask groups from LFG Discord Servers to carry them.

Oh, we have a clan of friends and TTV members that has been advertised here before, a lot of those I’ve done with them.

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Can Confirm: Invi carries more than he gets carried.




Oh really? I didn’t know. I’m currently looking for more friends to play Destiny 2 with. I’m on PC however.

Well even though it was an Xbox ad (and that kinda fell apart), most of us play on PC now.

Interesting, I never knew Destiny 2 was so prominent in here. Well, if y’all play on PC and are interested in making new friends. I’ll join you guys in doing activities.

Just send me a friend invite on Steam. Should be the only Tenebrae Invictus on there. At the moment we’re a little wary of adding new people but we can always give new people a shot.

All right. I say you shouldn’t worry. I’m not a toxic player but like everyone, we all have our “over the edge” moments, if you get what I mean. My name on steam is Lord BT-74 just so you know.

Rockin that Assassin’s Cowl, nice. Not too bad with your outfit but man now I’m just thinking about how fun the helmet is to play with.

For some reason it’s inconsistent with me. Sometimes it has to be powered melee others it works fine as a regular hit

Just make sure you’re using it with Gambler’s Dodge, the one that refreshes melee. It is really fun rolling around groups with top tree arc and punching them all out, free health regen and constantly going invis. You probably already know but man I’ve had some good times with that.

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Gotta do it with Mindbender’s Ambition

Nothing new armor wise, but man that blue stasis looks a little nicer than the purple void glow. Easily in my top 2 subclasses for warlock.

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My Guardian’s had a couple notable changes since the last time I posted him.

Callisto-9 and his Ghost, Starside, venturing the cosmos.