BIONICLE Eternal Fan Project Models (Matoran Group 1) - Sukiru and Melody

Greetings all,

This is the first model release for the BIONICLE Eternal Fan Project. Bionicle Eternal is a story-based project, with custom constraction models representing important characters from the tale. Visit our advertising thread on these boards for more information about the project and its members, and also our website, where you can read about the lore, story, and characters.

For the first wave of content we have prepared twelve models, three written teasers, and one main story, split into acts and chapters. Our content will follow a weekly release schedule, which is as follows:

  • Week 1 (1/12018) - Matoran Group 1 (Sukiru and Melody), and one teaser
  • Week 2 (1/8/2018) - Matoran Group 2 (Brahn and Katta), and one teaser
  • Week 3 (1/15/2018) - Matoran Group 3 (Saburo and Shu-Tural), and one teaser
  • Week 4 (1/22/2018) - Toa 1 (Maerkon), and Chapter 1 (Beginning of Act 1)
  • Week 5 (1/29/2018) - Toa 2 (Vineon), and Chapter 2
  • Week 6 (2/5/2018) - Toa 3 (Kerila), and Chapter 3
  • Week 7 (2/12/2018) - Toa 4 (Friana), and Chapter 4
  • Week 8 (2/19/2018) - Toa 5 (Yeela), and Chapter 5
  • Week 9 (2/26/2018) - Toa 6 (Grillon), and Chapter 6
  • Week 10 (3/5/2018) - Chapter 7
  • Week 11 (3/12/2018) - Chapter 8
  • Week 12 (3/19/2018) - Chapter 9 (Conclusion of Act 1)

Our website will be updated weekly with the release of new models and new story content.

Matoran Group 1 - Sukiru and Melody

Sukiru: Matoran of Fire. Loyal to his people, reserved, reliable, a model warrior of the Ta-matoran, and one of the few friends of Grillon, Toa of Fire.

Melody: Matoran of the Green. A warrior prodigy, but a good soul, who idolizes the two Toa that fight for her nation: Grillon, Toa of Fire, and Vineon, Toa of the Green – whom she looks up to as heroes fighting against those who would destroy everything she loves.

Thank you for looking! As this is the beginning of our project we sincerely hope you will enjoy our content. Your constructive feedback is always welcome because we actively strive to improve our models and writing. Be sure to look out for the first teaser story, also coming this week, and to check back next week for the second group of models.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this, and see you next time!


Something feels off. Might be the rectangular shape of the chest compared to the skinny waist.


Yeah that’s what it is.

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Which I may suggest fixing with the application of a single tire to the “Technic, Axle Connector with Axle Hole” piece holding the legs.

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I mean, the official G2 Protectors had skinny waists too, so…

And I like them. They may be small, but they pack a lot of charm. I especially like Melody’s backpack.


They have a lot of detail to such little things, with the system pieces.

And good posablity too.

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Since skinny waists seems like a common sentiment, it’s definitely something I will revise soon. I really like @LeKrahka’s suggestion and I’m going to explore that for these models and the rest of the matoran. Thank you all for your feedback!


These are pretty good, I like Melody the best because of his colour scheme, but Sukiru is good as well.

I guess MOCists think alike


Well, Melody’s actually a she.


I just assumed it’s gender

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At least you didnt call it an attack helicopter.

In my opinion I really like the skinny waist. At least I dont mind it. Kinda reminds me of mask of light.