Ta-aki leads his men to the edge of the forge. He looks across the black waters that separate them from the mainland.
“Is anyone here not able to cross that water? Or are you scared? If you are either of those go back and live your rotting lives! Because a life here will rot, but our lives out there will prosper.”
Ta-aki readies a folding bridge. It is similar to a ladder, being spaces between the planks of metal. He lifts it high and swings it, with some help of (npc) platoon members. The bridge squeals as it swings over the black water. The bridge suddenly stops hitting the other side. Ta-aki warns them for the last time,
“It’s now or never.”
He begins to run over the bridge.
Eric gives Ta-aki a look of great annoyance. He didn’t join this team to get yelled at by somebody with no idea as to what life is really like out there. He didn’t even expect his life to get much better like promised. He just wanted to mess with Makuta’s plan, and get his revenge. And so he started marching across the bridge.
Ta-aki waits for the others,
“Don’t take all day! We need to be at the next village by nightfall!”
He watches for loose dangerous Rahi.
Everything seems too silent.
Eric looked back at Fycas. “Do you want the sound of angry rahi instead of silence? If not stay quiet.” He turned to face the sound. “Speak of the devil…”
Eric raises the lightstone rifle at the Kane-ra with one hand, and kneels down and places his other hand on the ground. “Oi, leader,” he starts, not bothering to hide the contempt in his voice. “Don’t you think that the rahi might’ve already noticed us based on all the noise you’ve made?”