ANNOUNCEMENT: Community project: We Build Heroes.

Oh okay, lol

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Alright, here’s my last one
Name: Terrin Cutter
Tool(s): saw arm
Power(s): has an antifreeze inside his vital processors and a general resistance to cold temperatures
Personality: Terrin is reckless, cocky, and free-spirited. He hates when people “cramp his style” and lashes out at authority figures. However, he has a good heart and does what he needs to to help people, although he is known for ignoring orders and doing it his way instead, often ignoring the law. As long as you aren’t trying to tell him what to do he is fairly nice guy, and a great friend, especially at parties.

Extra random fact, he specializes in cold weather missions


Name; Raya guardian
Weapon; duel blades that can combine, guardian armor has duel missile cannons and large buster blades; also has a thruster built in for short flights

She’s always been the cautious type though some say overly cautious as for her she’s the kind of hero to wait it out and at least have a small idea of the enemy rather then rush in even if theres limited time much to others annoyance. Treats most mission with an all serious military attitude.


Hey, you used the same chest piece as me! That’s cool

It was red with the silver mid section but I found the silver and changed the design to work with it. Besides for ccbs I always liked that chest look compared to that later core peice.

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I think this is a great way to celebrate 10 years of Hero Factory. Might have to whip up a contribution myself.


Purely out of curiosity, does anyone have tips for making prefab torsos custom? not sure I have enough parts for three torsos lol.

You don’t need to make three, just one. But you can make two or three if you want.

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I know, but having three is important to my story.

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Aight here’s alpha 2:


Shouldn’t it have 6 heroes instead of 5 though?

Eh, I don’t really have a reason for 5 I just am doing it.

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I think that 5 is better because 100 divides into 5 evenly.

Although, if that is the case, I think the last team (Omega 5) would have to have 6 members.


… yeah :lying_face:

That’ll make 20 teams.


Once we get 100, I might continue it if people like this sorta thing.


@Cordax what are we going to do for beat 1?


I might enter if I get around to building something


EDIT: oooh, beta 1, yeeeeaaaaah, we already have builds for most of them.



dang it’s refreshing to be able to build full-on sci-fi contraction.

edit: *constraction