BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

OK, now I need to get this set. Him and QB are the only 2 I don’t have yet, and I don’t even care for QB at this point.

If you get in touch with customer support desiring to buy the sets, chances are they’ll be honest as they want to make money and to help fans with problems.

I’ve also already covered this, but customer support do NOT get notified of a cancellation of a theme OR at the very least, tend to be notified after its public knowledge.

To be honest, every new theme is given a projected three years. Them confirming it before the first wave of sets still allows for the potential situation where they end up changing their mind and ending/cancelling it.

Over 15-20 minutes spent calling customer support today, added to the 10 minutes or so the day before enquiring about the sets and chasing up details… and everyone is talking about an email that appears to be badly translated :L

Did anyone expect the mistranslation of an email to confirm Bionicle 2017? That seems like a stretch - even if it did not have translation issues, its clear that the email (like the phone call’s I’ve had) is simply expressing that they have not heard about any cancellation.

Even with bad translations, its easy to decipher the meaning from the context of the question asked and the response;

  • “We have no information about the Bionicle to be removed from the production”

Which essentially is saying;

  • “We have no information about whether the Bionicle theme is going to be removed from production”

Its the same thing i had from customer support, because as mentioned… they do not know these things. Customer support is ‘out the loop’ when it comes to knowing about cancellations, they tend to find out close to last.

Official Lego stores would be the better source of information - given they would presumably be notified either via catalogues showing the next waves or simply by a memo explaining that the Bionicle theme is being discontinued.

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But lets say that a person asked a say, Lego employee, right, they are most likely not allowed to tell about the future of a theme. Even if someone’s not lying in their post or anything, what could they possibly say to you?

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The LEGO employee that was rearranging the LEGO isle to fit the company standard, even though LEGO probably doesn’t care how the sets are arranged on store selves. And that that employee says that BIONICLE will be canceled forever and will never return and then kicked the customer support person and kicked you as well.

Because they’d totally do that.

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Yeah, thats what I said the first time I saw the e-mail reply. :expressionless:

Depends, we’ve had cases before where information about a theme being discontinued has come from other sources - in some cases Lego employers at stores saying about a new theme or the cancellation of an old.I don’t believe Lego are really given any ruling about announcing the end of a theme.

Customer support especially as mentioned are ‘out the loop’ - they are mostly there to deal with website issues or missing parts or delayed orders - so they wouldn’t really have a reason to know the future plans of every Lego theme.

It’d be like telling the entire script of a movie to an actor who appears for only a minor cameo role in the background of a scene with hundreds of people - they don’t really need to know the knowledge and chances are even if they did it wouldn’t add much to their service because their role is so specific.

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Unless said employee is ignorant and not aware he is not (presumably) allowed to tell.

Most of the time someone gets fired due to braking the confidentiality law. The thing like that happened when someone spoiled 2015 Bionicle release…so knowing more than you are allowed in a company is a bad thing, specially when its releasing valuable information marketing and profit wise very important.

Wow, thanks for doing that man

I thought I once read somewhere (maybe here?) that even if you tell like, a close friend or even a family member about an upcoming set you could get fired. So this does hold some merit?


That would make sense, but it would be great if they let kids work for lego.

I really would’ve liked to see Lego recolor bohrok eyes in gold for Ekimu or something this yeat


There were gold ones on Brutaka

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Really… off to bricklink then

Hmm… the gold Bohrok eyes are in less sets then I would have thought… LEGO Containing element 4287801 | Brickset
Are they no longer produced? They would look good on Ekimu, even if it was additions to the torso a la Tahu Uniter.

Now that I think about it, I sort of wish they produced transblue feet for Ekimu. If there really going to continue the “clown shoes” they might as well start making stranger colors.


@Scarilian @LoganMcOwen Just picked up these:

at a LEGO shop in the UK. They are available!


Am I the only one who can’t view pictures on

a LEGO shop or from the website?

From a shop. It was £18 as well, thought it would be £20.

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