Ok, I’ll enter this one instead.
Here’s my entry.
I personally feel like this should’ve been a rule, if Artakha turns out to be almost all gold, silver, gun-metal, etc. It would conflict heavily with his canon description and therefore wouldn’t make any sense, for example, why would he be described as having “gray-green armor” when his armor is gun-metal or something?
You’re right, but I can’t think of any entries that I have seen that have been predominantly non-green. There have been a few with a second primary (meaning most important, not red-yellow-blue) colour, but green has always been there.
There are a handful that green is a bit more secondary to the metalic colors. I think they softened up on the 60% rule due to vagueness in determination of the percentage. For future contests, I’d recommend that if there is gonna be any color restrictions, make it a full piece count (excluding stuff like bones/connectors/pins etc) and determine percentage that way!
But ya @Propulsion I agree, perhaps it should’ve been a harder rule this time around. Alot of community upsetness from the rules dropping without a discussion period kinda led to it being softened. Thankfully next contest we can have a solid rule discussion period! As for this one, a large majority of the Artakha’s are predominantly green, so there’s a high likelihood the winner will be mostly green!
-Solaris Magnus
Being described by their secondary colors has some precedence in canon. Hewkii Inika is described as being yellow, despite primarily being gunmetal. And, if I recall correctly, the 08 sets were described by their secondary colors rather than their primary grey/silver/black.
Though to shoot my own argument in the foot, the later can be excused because they are members of a team, but Artakha is an individual. And Greg might have not have seen the final set, similar to how he gave Jaller Inika two swords.
Yes but it hasn’t always been the main color, nor secondary for that matter.
I don’t know, people really like the ones that aren’t green…
Primary example for both of your replies is @WholesomeGadunka’s MOC.
Hewkii was a little upset no one had commented on the fact that his armor had turned from brown to yellow when he became a Toa.
Agreed. Hewkii did have quite a bit of yellow on his body though, to the point of which it would be reasonable to describe him as such.
He stood at least 10 feet tall. His armor was gray-green and covered in runes carved at the beginning of time.
I think that Artakha should reflect his description, which is to basically a titan with runes layered on top of of sand green armor that covers a decent portion of his body. Personally, I prefer Artakha with gunmetal and sand green. Voting hasn’t started yet and if people want something different, then so be it.
If the will of the people puts that entry into the #1 spot, TTV will have to find a way to reconcile the two. Thus is democracy.
What makes you think they would do as such? and how exactly would they do it?
Maybe in the art contest we could add more sand green on the MOC by adding runes of that color on the drawn portrayals of it?
@ Above convo
Not necessarily, in terms of the color palette. As @Mesonak clarified this weekend, you are voting for an entry that has a fixed color scheme, unless it is not sand-green, in which only the alternative green can be recolored in the art contest. This was the whole reason for restricting multiple shades of green in the first place. So if this particular MOC wins, which it may, since it utilizes sand green, though not necessarily as its primary color, then that’s the color palette the artist(s) have to work with.
While the argument could be made to allow the art portion to recolor at will, that would be disingenous to all those who had to alter their entries to remove multiple shades of green to fit within the art recoloring portion. I personally know a friends who is still waiting for pieces as his had multiple shades of green. You’re voting for any MOC understanding that the color palette of the official artwork can only be altered from Mata/Metru/Lime green to sand green.
@Jathru_Cranli That would be a possible solution, though could lead to more debate given that the desription of the runes is being layered over his sand-green armor. A viable suggestion though!
Really can’t stress enough - Post the ruleset a few weeks in advance of the following contests. We can hash out these potential pitfalls that are cropping up now before its the week before voting!
-Solaris Magnus
If we wanna get into semantics the Phantoka and Mistika were still mentioned by their primary colour despite most of them being less than 60% that colour by that point lol
-Solaris Magnus
Good point. Same goes for the Mata. Lewa is described as “Green”. He has the same number of Mata and Lime green armor pieces. So from that, should Artakha have been relaxed on the 2 shade rule? Possibly.
Also nice signature btw Millsy XD
-Solaris Magnus
I don’t know, I’d say that that entry has enough green to at least have green as a co-primary colour, with black.
I think the model looks blacker than it really is because of the lighting.
As @Sharnak said, because they’re members of a team, it would be awkward to call them gray, gray, gray, silver, silver, and silver, therefore they would be called by their highlights instead.
The gold definitely makes up the co-primary category, and besides the “black” is the color of the armor and the green is primarily underneath, this is relevant because in Artakha’s description his armor was said to be gray-green, not gun-metal.
But with respect to Matoran Universe inhabitants, the word ‘armour’ is used simultaneously to describe what we would call skin as well as external armour.
In fact, there is often no difference between the two. Any protective covering is part of their body. So saying that his armour is green, it could be in reference to his ‘skin’ colour, or it could be in relation to external armour.
It should also be noted that external armour seems to be kind of rare in the story. The only beings that I can recall being stated to have external armour is the Toa Nuva, with their Nuva Armour and later their Adaptive Armour.
So the green likely refers to his true colour, as that is how the word ‘armour’ is usually used in the story.
I made this out of CCBS cuz the only G1 bionicles I have are 4 of the toa mata/nuva and 4 2009-2010 sets that are technically my brother’s, and matoro (in pieces)
Hi there! Thanks for entering! You’ll need to also add a link to your topic along with the picture. Just copy paste the URL and edit it on to your post!
-Solaris Magnus
Good point, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it’s not primarily green, the black and gold are definitely in a higher amount outwardly.