BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

is Tuyet a Metru build? Go!


You,Youā€™re soā€¦

Of course, we know, there will be no discussion about METRU
because he has already said that there will be no Metru restrictions in the future.

Oh, uh, Iā€™d been meaning to bring this up. As a suggestion, I think it could potentially be a pretty good idea to recruit some members of the boards - specifically the really lore-oriented ones - to help look through all the source materials and gregarchives quotes. It could be a major time- and effort-saver on yours/Mesoā€™s part, and itā€™d also increase the level of activity the community can take in setting up the contests, which (Iā€™d) foresee as being a generally positive thing.


I can agree with this. Weā€™ve seen stuff like the dark blue Helryx slip through the cracks before

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Totally down for it. Until then, people are welcome to do that now, and alert us so we have it on file. We can bookmark that stuff and have it ready when itā€™s time to go. Now would be a good time for it, since itā€™s up next but we have quite a few weeks left with the Hagah.


Frick, where did this year go?

In that case, there was this topic a couple months ago that has some relevant Greg Answers in it. Itā€™s a start, anyways.


What do you guys think would be the best color scheme for Tuyet?

I think most people definitely picture a main color of Metru blue and any metallic armor being primarily gunmetal with a mixture of silver/gunmetal weapons.

What of secondary? Iā€™ve heard/seen all metru blue, seen a lot of black, and a handful of lightblue/mata blue.

*Also I have this idea that I know that others may dislike, but Iā€™ve pictured Tuyet having a secondary color of purple. This idea just makes sense to me because I feel like it would work with the persona of Tuyet, kind of as an association to the self-perceived regality and pompousness.



I think any combination of: dark bluescale color, (so in LEGO terms Metru blue or purple), gunmetal or silver, and some black, are all acceptable options, and the most likely to be used in most entries. Iā€™d definitely be down for more unique takes, though.


I am new to the contests, so sorry if this is sounds ignorant but did Lego ever make bronze Bionicle pieces? I would love to see the Hagah be 2-2-2, Gold-Silver-Bronze. Kualus being bronze would avoid him looking like a standard Toa of Ice or a Toa of Light.

Hey this may be a dumb question but forgive me if I didnā€™t know. Did Perp3tual ever have a physical example for Pouks outside of the artwork? Itā€™s kind of hard to see what Pouks looks like with his entry so I was curious.

Here. I already posted pictures for these on each poll.

And hereā€™s reference for the masks. The dark grey one belongs to Pouks.


Okay I admit those are pretty cool looking. Iā€™ll have to find the image of Bomonga if there is one as well.

Hereā€™s the whole team.


Nice I really think his Bomonga and Pouks will win.

If nothing else, I really want his Kualus to win.


Both the color scheme and the actual design of the MOC could use some refinement imo, but something like this would be cool. (Iā€™m really hoping the MOCist reenters this for Tuyetā€™s contest).

They made a handful of copper pieces, notably these masks, but not much else besides, unfortunately. Ironically, the Kualus I entered for the contest was copper.

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I like the ideas youā€™ve mentioned, purple would be unique.
After seeing @KanohiReqiā€™s imagining, I think glow in the dark blue could be a fun idea if one was to use Takadoxā€™s parts. Also the bright blue used in several Hero factory sets would go well with that.

Definitely Metru Blue and Black as a base however.

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Sand blue?


Honestly, Iā€™m really open to every any blue color, but I do think that metru blue would make her look better next to Lhikan, and would difference her from Helryx. Maybe something like medium blue as a primary color would be too clear for a Toa of water. I donā€™t think she need to have a metallic armor, but anything but gold should work fine (maybe metal blue).

Not really sure about the purple part. It would depend on the MOC. Same with the secondary color and if done well, she could even have a third blue tone.

One thing that would be handy would be the mask been blue, so one could paint it with the same paint than Helryxā€™s mask.

Would that boob armor be allowed now? It could be considered a sexualitation of the character.


Iā€™m actually pretty satisfied with the final batch of contenders. Not all my favorites made it, but I think Iā€™d be happy with any of the Kualuses or Bomongas that survived to this point especially.

If anyone got the short end of the stick, Iā€™m a little disappointed with the final Gaakis we got. Theyā€™re all a little plain imo, but I think a nicely drawn new mask could compensate for that.

Congrats to everyone who made it to the finals! Looking forward to seeing some great artwork soon.