For the Bomohku who live deep inside the Vezohi Jungle, every day is a fight for survival. It is thus no surprise that their shamans who know the secrets of alchemy and medicine take on a leading role in their culture. Some even say that the shamans are capable of receiving prophecies from Mata Nui himself in their meditations to guide their people safely.
While the shamans are not required to accompany hunting parties, and tend to be less combat-trained, the natural agility of the Bomokhu still applies to them, and many a foe who expected a shaman to be easy prey had to learn their lesson. The shamans can wield their staffs to great effect when defending themselves, but far more dangerous are the vials with poisons and other alchemical substances they might throw at an enemy.
I really like this series of Bomohku mocs you have going. They are look like they come from the same species, but their armor, colors, and accessories diversify them really well.
I really like the color scheme and use of technic panels on the shoulders; it’s like they’re wearing leaves