Essentially an Escher-dimension? I’m more than happy to get behind that.
A what
Why do you need such a complex pocket dimension? Make it a blank space, give him the ability to enter/exit/trap people inside, revolve his character around that mechanic instead of making him Batman but with portals.
I know Obsidian’s only targeted the dimension thingy, but there’s a lot of other things that really outclass the ability to play this character in rp. He can pick and choose his fights, use a multitude of different options for forcing people into a portal(which includes spawning whatever the heck he wants out of them as part of his weapon catalogue), and if it doesn’t work, he can always simply pull small aircraft out of the portal and escape.
I’m not a GM or Co GM, but as a player in this RP, this does not sound like a fun character to interact with, fight, or even watch.
Now that you put it that way, I agree about the gadgets and stuff. Didn’t think about how batman-y he sounded. I still like the idea of him being enhanced with the dimension, but I can totally ditch the forming matter and gadget stuff.
Essentially. It’s kinda like that but empty space except who and what he sends there
That’s in no way similar. One is non-Euclidean, one is just empty. Blank void has a lot less going for it imo.
The physics could be like that but there’d be no physical structure. Unless… idk. I think I’m gonna do heavy revision anyway. Might as well consider sprucing up his dimension
All right, I haven’t really been able to come up with a good backstory, but maybe a passable backstory will do. Also, if anything seems disjointed, it’s probably because I didn’t get the best night’s sleep last night, so I’m rather tired right now…
Name: Thelryn
Alias: Patrick Gordon, General Kraken
Gender: Male
Species: Atlantean
Alignment: Hero
Backstory: Thelryn is a high-ranking soldier in the Atlantean army, whose aggressive tactics earned him the nickname “General Kraken”. After hearing some of Aquaman’s greatly exaggerated stories of both the late Superman and the Justice League, Thelryn decided to travel to Metropolis to pay his respects to the great superhero. Little did he know, his trip to Metropolis would result in much more than he bargained for… (sorry if this seems rushed, since it genuinely is ).
Powers/Abilities/Equipment: Basically, Thelryn’s abilities are similar to Aquaman’s: enhanced strength, the ability to breathe underwater, etc. (however, he can’t communicate telepathically with sea creatures)
As far as equipment goes, his only weapon is his trident (which is basically the same as the one used by Trident in the Teen Titans episode “Deep Six”). Thelryn also wears a set of bronze and gold Atlantean armor (nothing really special, just rust-resistant armor).
Appearance: Thelryn resembles a human in his mid-60’s. He has green eyes, gray hair, thick eyebrows, stubble, and a small scar over his left cheek. As stated before, he wears bronze and gold Atlantean armor, as well as a dark green cape (I’d include a picture, but I’m not very good at drawing humanoid characters).
Well, that’s about it. Please tell me if there’s anything I need to change.
Now, I’m going to go drink as much caffeine as possible so I can stay awake
This is mostly fine, just a couple bits I want to point out
He would definitely have a different Atlantean name
It does depend on your fiction to some extent, so this is an honest mistake, but I’m going with a more recent mainline comic interpretation. While Atlanteans do have low-level telepathy among each other, this only extends to other sea creatures fairly rarely in the royal bloodline, so it’s unlikely that this guy in particular would have it as a power.
I haven’t seen Teen Titans in a while, so forgive me that I’m skimming the wiki for this. From the looks of it, it just shoots unspecified energy blasts. Is that accurate to what you had in mind?
Other than that, I don’t have any major issues. Approved.
Okay, now I need to come up with an Atlantean name, and I’m certainly open to suggestions
Got it. I’ll just remove that.
Yeah, pretty much.
let’s try this again
Name: Vance McGregor
Alias(es): The Warden
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Alignment: Skeptical hero
Bio: Vance grew up well, to wealthy parents who are still alive and retired to a small farm. They left their previous estate, a mansion on the outskirts of the city, to him. He lives there alone, and the family business was sold to investors, but he receives a royalty. He was always skeptical of superheroes, never really finding them interesting as a kid, and growing to question their motives. He trusts the government even less, wanting to leave meta-human accountability to meta-humans. A freak incident occurred while touring the R&D department of the company, which he was still connected to through his philanthropic activities. The researchers were demonstrating their work on attempting to find and travel to a theoretical parallel dimension. When the machine was activated, malfunctions occurred, and Vance failed to escape while helping the lab team escape. He got sent to the other dimension, and found a complex maze of varying angles and seemingly impossible construction. He felt a connection to it. Finding himself with powers within the dimension, he was able to traverse it effectively until he discovered how to leave. He designed his own suit, and usually travels the world going after anyone misusing superpowers since he believes in meta-humans holding meta-humans accountable. The snakebite dealing attracted his attention, and he finally decided to bring his crusade to his hometown.
Labyrinth: The name he came up with for his personal pocket dimension. He can send anyone or anything into the dimension if he can force them into a portal. He has increased speed and strength within Labyrinth, and can manipulate the complex maze it’s comprised of. There is one place of escape besides Vance, but it is not likely anyone would be able to traverse the complex structures effectively enough to find it let alone know where they’re even going. The only way anyone but him has gotten out so far is by his release, but most of the people he’s captured have only been lower-level meta-humans, as it’d hard for him to get someone much more powerful in.
(Thanks @TichePotato for the idea)
Teleportation: Using Labyrinth, he can teleport by moving within the parallel dimension to the location on earth he’s parallel to. He limits his use of this in combat due to it being more time consuming than traditional teleportation and usually uses it for long distance transportation when his Lambo is not a good alternative
Suit has jet boots for brief flight, made of extremely durable armor, and could be modified with strength enhancing mechanisms (he could pull the mechanisms from the other dimension for short notice scenarios, similar to hulkbuster but not nearly to that extent. Wouldn’t increase his strength to any more than one of Iron Man’s normal suits)
Appearance: Typical mid-late twenties billionaire with auburn hair. Slightly stocky and about average height.
Template by smacksart
Yeah, there’s not really an exact science to it, just kind of fantasy-esque, with soft, flowing consonants, “n”, “m”, “h”, “s”, “l”, “f”, and similar, as opposed to say, “k” or “g”. Not to say there aren’t exceptions, there certainly are, but generally that’s how the names go. How about Thelryn?
A marked improvement. Alright, you’re in.
Thanks. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay active
Yeah, that’ll work. Thanks!
I’ll just update my original comment with the new name…
EDIT: All right, the information about my character has been updated.
Not to be a butt, just letting informing you that Answer would be in his costume. Not that he wouldn’t be disheveled, that could easily still be accurate based on his actions and demeanor.
Here’s his costume for reference. I don’t think you would/should need to change anything, just wanted to inform you, before I reply.
Okay, we seem to have a bit of a problem here.
No, he wouldn’t. I just barely allowed eL to do what he did because yes, technically centennial park is next to the suicide slum, but there should be some time between her leaving the park and her being anywhere near that alley. This is a secluded drug deal, why would it be happening right next to a political rally?
I must’ve underestimated the ability for this to all snowball into one single thing. Stuff is going to happen at the rally, I was just waiting on a reply. Other people will be after Iosif. We don’t need half the RP cast chasing after two random thugs, okay? Please
Post the map bro
I mean, I did in the original post, but just for clarity’s sake:
If you open the image in a new tab, you can zoom in and actually be able to read stuff
I had also hoped that “elsewhere in the city” would be enough to say that you can’t just stroll from one of these scenes to the other.
Middle of a city park
Middle of a derelict rundown district of the city itself
Again, the alley is not within sight of the rally.
why it’s wise to have notifs for both topics