Discussion: RP Etiquette

So, as a little discussion what are your thoughts on RP etiquette, for example what is even considered etiquette, etc.
surprised there isn’t a topic on this already

I know for one that sticking to set realism within the RP is always considered polite. May or may not have learned that one the hard way. For example having your character do something that doesn’t fit exactly in the realism of the RP, tends not to the best thing to do.

So what are your thoughts?

I’ve played on certain forums where auto hitting and meta gaming and controlling other peoples characters is totally acceptable


huh, that would certainly be a different game.
I know I personally don’t mind certain cases of auto-hitting where a character pats someone on the back or a slap even.

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Yeah, everything is a lot more tame, so everyone is always on the same team I guess, and just want things to wrong smoothly, like to the point where they ask the GM what they were planning on them doing so things could run smoothly.

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That makes a bit more sense, if everyone is on the same team, you’re probably less likely to run into such issues.

Number one rule: Don’t meta game. Most problems I have found at a DnD session come down to meta gaming. Someone being disruptive or complaining about something? Usually meta gaming. Cheating at dice rolls? Meta gaming. Roleplaying someone else’s characters? Meta gaming. Auto-hitting? Meta gaming.

Don’t meta game. It’s bad.

Also you can solve auto-hitting by DnD-styled dice rolls.


Anyone who’s RP’d with me on here knows that I half-joke about rolling a die for an action now and then because I think it’s a relevant joke and I want to try to keep things balanced and fun for myself.

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Letting OOC knowledge(that you know, but your character doesn’t/shouldn’t know) effect IC interactions.

For example, say two characters just met, and both have weaknesses listed in signup. During a fight, one magically knows the others most hidden weaknesses right away, without so much as a single wrong guess, and just spam whatever that is.

Or, say a character has a secret identity, listed in signups, that they have hidden really well IC, and some person they’ve never met before comes up and calls them out as [insert real name here].

Yeah, please don’t do stuff like that.Or at least try not to. We all make mistakes though, so I understand.


Biggest problem I’ve encountered is someone who took any actions against their character as deeply personal attacks, and used that to start fights ooc. It’s not like people were against them in character for no reason, but they always acted like that was the case


I’ve seen that before, I find it happens when someone gets way too invested in a character(s) and thinks the world of that character.

As for me I have a small nitpick about the signups.
I feel this;

Name:Bill Nye
Title: The science guy
Example: Example
Example: Example
Example: Example
Bio: Does a science show thing and as a rock on song.

should be this;

**Name:**Bill Nye

Title: The science guy

Example: Example

Example: Example

Example: Example

Bio: Does a science show thing and as a rock on song.

as this is much easier for me at least to read.


Oh yeah I feel you there. Adding just the bold makes a world of difference



I hate characters that are literally invincible! Like you can’t attack this one guy!

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You can, though public opinion will soon go after you.

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I don’t mean autohit I mean autododge which is incredibly annoying

Also meta gaming is really common, like uncomfortably

to add to formatting a Sign Up
it doesn’t have to be exactly how I formatted it.
For Example, once could format the sheet, like I formatted Skir Desh.

though the requirements of the RP do add to this.

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What? GM’s never do it/s

I feel attacked


I mean, for example, superheroes. In general, no one is really going to know who is actually behind the mask. Then, someone comes in and is like “Oh, Superheroboy, or should I say, JOHN DOE!” Or something like that. Not like dark and brooding edgi guy “seeeeeecrets.”


Yet it is like that, granted I did that with Kyro but still! I only did it as a parody

Half the things I did starting out when I was first role-playing… Honestly kinda annoyed me. I used to do a stupid thing where I would try to create a character plot hook and… it basically was left unexplored. And when it was explored I basically did everything without a plan. and that’s how Symphony was created./s

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