Gringat's Chibi Self-MOC Project #2

Mata Nui, “Self-MOC” of Greg Farshtey (or maybe Christian Faber), nominated by @Toa_Kasai.

Only ever had the smaller set, so that’s what this chibi was based on, though the shield takes more cues from the movie. Jetbug’s head ended up working surprisingly well here!

Something funky happened with the third picture, sorry there.

More renders!

If you’d like to nominate a self-MOC from the community, please check the rules at the top of this page, then put your nomination below. All nominations are put into a hat and the next one is always drawn at random.


Never thought of it that way.


I don’t agree with the idea honestly. He’s better represented by Artakha if anyone. This MOC spawned a huge argument on Cossy’s discord about that.

It’s probably better to call Mata-Nui the “Self-MOC” of Christian Faber, since he came up with the idea of the robots on islands and the Matoran Universe to begin with. According to MSEP, Faber’s diagnosis and treatment for cancer may have been the original inspiration for the Bionicle storyline, with Makuta representing that within Mata-Nui’s body.


I thought Artahka was Greg Farshtey’s self moc /s

I nominate…

HORRIOR, self-moc of HORRIOR.


Although Mata-Nui, per this evidence, does indeed seem to be the representation of Faber, if we go with saying he’s actually Greg’s self-MOC, then that would shed a whole new light on Tren Krom’s dialogue, LoL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would that make Bob Thompson be Karzahni, with the two of them locked in combat over who Miramax will let decide which one of the Toa Metru go bad in Web of Shadows? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if Artakha really is Greg’s self MOC, then I nominate him, in addition to Jalon The Temporal Shade (both Future & Past Versions), self MOCs of @Arceane64, Knoxus, Knight of Nights, self MOC of @Connor_Hoffman, and Voltstorm, self MOC of @TheCobaltCorsair. :+1:


I nominate Cordax, self-MOC of… well, @Cordax.


Knoxus, Self-MOC of @Connor_Hoffman AKA Wombat Combat Pictures, nominated by @Cordax, @Jathru_Cranli, @N01InParticular and @SonicBionicleMaster!

Cheeky redesign of the Luna Dial and the head design. Here’s a render and exploded view of the latter:

And, as ever, some renders of the whole fella, with some replacements due to limitations in what’s available in the Biopack for now.

My chibis from this project are now on my Bricklink Studio Gallery!
Work continues on reverse-engineering older ones but new ones will be added as they come to be.


Yo, this is excellent. A little simple in certain areas, but really captures the feel and appearance of the original MOC. Are those claws on the head pressured in?


They’re kind of trapped because of the little notch at the end of the claw, no pressure. Try it for yourself!


Yay! We’re getting more chibis!


Altron Nuva, alternate Self-MOC of @Altron, nominated by @Monarth!

I went for the nuva version primarily because I only have one regular white Akaku and that’s bound up in my WIP of the Nui for Series 9, but I also think the nuva version has a bit more visual pop.

As ever, there is a version, and I finally figured out how to get working instructions over on the Bricklink Gallery. These will only apply to uploads from today forward though.


This looks great!

1 Like


Looks great!


I nominate Toa Muton self moc of @LegoDetective


Nope, this fella:

I keep the top of the topic updated as new chibis come in, as well. Series 1-7 are on the old page and 8-current are here.

Ghid has been nominated and his name is in the hat. It might show up next or in several years, who knows? XD

@Tarkur This is the first Reddit specific Self-MOC I’ve had recommended for the project. Great stuff.

@Jathru_Cranli I’ve only just seen your edit. Consider those added - I’ll treat the past and future versions of Jalon as separate nominations. Ofc I’ll have to leave Knight of Nights Knoxus out since Connor’s already had one and my policy is not to repeat the same community member’s MOCs. I can make an exception for Artakha though since he’s canon and all. :thinking:


I know my self moc was nominated but its been in the hat for 2-3
years, lol, iirc @KAI_BORG nominated me



we can only hope for several years from now

also gosh golly gee I really need to post that new horrific version of my self moc with the system face for reference


I believe Traykar the swift could be deserving of Chibi. He is a wonderful MOCcer and a great story writer.
Here is a newer version of his Self Moc.

And here is another with a brick built head from a bit ago


you could ping him since he’s a boards user