I’ve got nothing witty to start this topic off with.
While this was always going to be the hardest contest to pull off, along the way we ran into a slew of unexpected difficulties and life challenges that prolonged an already daunting task. Many of which include harassment, burn out, lack of assistance, vitriol, physical and mental health decline, and poor communication.
And now we can put it to rest and move forward. But before we do that, without further ado, we present to you…
Expand for the results
Winner: The toa Hagah (bionicle canon contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2)
By specterL
And now, that concludes the third BIONICLE G1 canon contest.
Unsurprisingly, we’re taking another break for the holidays and to recoup and reassess before moving on to the next contest. We’re going to work on refining our new auditor team, making some infrastructure adjustments, and working with more parts of the community to continue to include as many members of it as possible. As such, the next contest should begin (ideally, assuming all goes well) in early 2022.
Meso and I will be discussing our side of this contest on Monday, December 20th at 7:00 PM Eastern.
Thank you all so much for participating, and congratulations to the winner. A special thanks to our auditor team for their work in aiding us with the home stretch.
Please be polite and respectful in the replies and in your conduct. It would make our lives easier.
Thank you all once again,