If anyone out there has custom Bionicle related MTG cards post them here. Shoutout to @pizzacheetah for coming up with this idea. These are a few I made on MTGCardsmith:
Also, the flavor text on these cards is a bit weird, so if anyone has suggestions for alternative flavor text, please speak up.
Edit: The Keetongu art is by Demitsorou from Deviantart. Edit:
I am now officially taking requests.
Thanks, @Cyclopian, I’m new on the message boards and didn’t know that. Also, This topic is different from the other two. One was a different card game, and the other was a different point of discussion. I think.
Update: Also, @Cyclopian, nice Ben Reilly profile pic.
I got the art for the six toa from AndrakaNuva on Deviantart. If you want to make custom cards, Mtgcardsmith is free and you can download your own cards for free, without an account. Link here: http://mtgcardsmith.com/
I use the different type of cards on this guy’s, still figuring things out. Also I’m really tired right now, I don’t know why I decided to make this right now.
No, I meant the TTV community hearthstone cards from a little while ago. @Hutere_The_Toa_of_Air, you seem to be taking requests, so can you please do one of me? Make my description as follows: “A mystical being, possessing the ability to create MOCs that will either be loved by every one or utterly despised by all, has no clue how to actually play this game.”
And make this my move set:
Being confused- Since I have no clue how to play this, add 1,000 damage to whatever isn’t supposed to be able to be damaged.
Amnesia: Do something that everyone will forget happened by next turn.
Here’s the picture: