So, due to my internet being completely goofy and unbelievably frustrating, the previous draft of this Topic did not safe. - Basically, two whole hours of writing went into vain. - It is infuriating.
Anyways, I will try to rewrite it as best as I can.
This MOC was created and cobbled-together under the influence of previous attempts at Makuta MOCs, specifically my Texxidos revamp and Makuta Ahkaxx.
This MOC is made for the amazing Brotherhood of Makuta project by our lovely board memeber @Gilahu
I had quite an excessive story written for this guy, sadly my drafts were lost in the making and so I will have to do with a shortened version of it.
Here is some basic character blurb.
Name: Morathix
Titles: The Fifth Son, The Fifth Brother, Wrath the Serene
Morathix was the fifth Makuta to emerge from the pool. Thus, he refers to himself as the Fifth Son of Mata Nui. - While many other Makuta hold brotherly relationship to Mata Nui and see themselves as his equal, Morathix thinks of himself as the Son of the Great Spirit. - Since his inception, he tended to spend lonely and long nights in his secret laboratory that was located far away from any other Makuta. - Henceforth, many viewed him as an outsider. - Despite not appearing in presence of his brother too often, Morathix always knew about the latest happening and intrigue among the Makuta. - This surprising informativeness made many Makuta paranoid and uneasy when in his presence, some even feared that he knew their darkest secrets.
While Morathix was present when Teridax set the Plan in motion by overthrowing Miserix, he was also soon informed about Miserix’s supposed “death.” - When he got the information that the one responsible for Miserix’s demise is Krika, he started suspecting that Miserix is still alive due to Krika’s nature. - He always accounted for Miserix’s return one day but he didn’t dare to investigate his disappearance any further because he was kept at bay by the fear Teridax imposed.
Since then, Morathix started thinking about all the possible outcomes and plans that Teridax might have in mind. - Unluckily, Morathix was never able to strike, for whenever he tried, Teridax put a new obstacle in his way with the intention of stopping Morathix’s curiosity.
Only few years before the Plan was near its end, Morathix mysteriously disappeared and his possessions were passed down to the Makuta that were close to him. - Nobody even dared to question his disappearance. - Some rumors indicate that Teridax finally had enough of his brother’s constant prying, others say that he is still alive. - Regardless of that, Morathix never appeared again and did not attempt to interfere with the Plan. - Even then, most of the Brotherhood was restless about his demise and gossips about his Matoran experiments started spreading.
Not too long after, the Brotherhood uncovered a group of beings calling themselves the Collective of Truth’s Eye. - According to this group, Morathix was its leader. - Each member had a title corresponding with one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Wrath The Serene - Makuta Morathix
Pride The Consuming - A Steltan Noble named Dahanos
Envy The Malicious - A Vortixx Male named Bohan
Lust The Thirsty - A Vortixx Female named Drakees
Gluttony The Hungry - A lowborn Steltan named Borrag
Greed The Selfish - A Steltan Noble named Mohra
Sloth The Lazy - A Skakdi Warrior named Pohnok
Each member of the Collective was either experimented on by Morathix or supplied his experiments. Teridax ordered the Brotherhood to exterminate them. - Not a single member survived. This marked the end of Morathix’s legacy.
Personality: An outsider to many, Morathix was cold, calculative and calmly savage, if that makes sense. This behavior later erned him the title of Wrath the Serene - He would often instill fear just by mere eye-sight. In intelligence, he was second to only few Makuta, Teridax among them
“It is curious, how quickly the tables can turn against you, how easy it is to deceive or get deceived… How simple is it to get into a state of checkmate… Being a victor is truly marvelous experience. - But do you know, brother, what is even more satisfying than that? - Being the defeated… knowing that the victor wont enjoy the fruits of his victory for long and that bitter demise awaits him.” - Morathix to Teridax on the Plan
Mask: Kanohi Brakkax: Allows the user to replay memories of the mask’s wearer. - This ability can be used to display memories of all beings that wore the mask at one point or another. - The user needs to actively search for the correct memory in order to replay it.
Age: 100 000
Now that the story is finally out of the way, let’s get rooooiiiiiiight into the MOC.
Edgy pose
All according to my design.
Full body shot
Comments, Praise and Criticism are welcomed as always.