In hopes of keeping some semblance of order to the sign-up thread, this is the new home for OOC discussion, artwork, and general rambling around the current iteration of the Okotan Adventures RP.
In hopes of keeping some semblance of order to the sign-up thread, this is the new home for OOC discussion, artwork, and general rambling around the current iteration of the Okotan Adventures RP.
@jayzor17 not to sound rude, but can you please respond in the Ganoru plotline?
I need to figure out where Capella is first
And about that: how does the bartender know “Ganoru”, again? Is it just from Ganoru coming to their inn previously? Has he been using this particular bartender as an information source in the past?
Yes. This is what I was going for.
@jayzor17 I would suggest @:ing the current active players to this topic so that they’ll find it and use it.
Anyways there was this question I had regarding my characters, namely its about Era and she’s looking for info around one of my characters. So my problem isn’t really about the info she will recieve but were she could possibly find it. Currently she’s heading towards a town not far from her hotel.
You could’ve just asked me. She’s with Dad and Rena’s group.
If there’s ever a sequel to this, I might join
I need a fresh start to this game. I kinda wrote myself into a hole in the start of this one.
Did he buy the milk yet[quote=“meepinater, post:8, topic:49927”]
If there’s ever a sequel to this, I might join
It might be a while yet. This game’s going strong, if a little slow currently.
Creating new characters could be another option, if you wanted.
I might, but everybody’s already so invested in their individual character plots that I’m not sure where to go.
Plus, I have one character that’s sitting at home in TCOTMM
Would attacking them with Skull Spiders help?
His name is Creath.
Because you probably forgot, like I almost did.
Hm, so he’s a scientist? Anything in particular he might be pursuing at this moment?
More materials to work with.
Specifically exotic ones, ones with special properties, rare ones…
Coming up with something in particular might give you a place to start.
Elemental crystals, then.
That popped into my head.
I meant Dax…I guess I’ll blame auto-correct?
Speaking of The City of the Mask Makers, can we please give it a real name?
Honestly, the acronym gave me an alright idea for it if we can. Thoughts on naming it Ticotem? Or literally anything other than “The Ancient City of the Mask Makers” or “The City of the Mask Makers?”
I can whip something up that would be in a similar way to how I’ve done stuff like this before.
Interesting, uh… Jumbled literal pronunciation of the acronym, but…[quote=“Runa, post:19, topic:49927”]
Speaking of The City of the Mask Makers, can we please give it a real name?
It might be more convenient if it has an actual name that was lost to time (except for Ekimu because he’d definitely know it somehow) and it was a possible sideplot connected to the main plot, similar to how Gladius’ crew is trekking through the jungle after Vizuna. Maybe have it relate to uncovering info about the Spider Queen?