Star Wars Anthology Films (Minor Rogue One Spoilers)

question, din’t the CIS create the Death Star plans or something in the prequils? or is that being reconned in Rogue One, given how the father of Jyn Erso seems to have an important role in creating the Death Star in Rogue One.

Yes, the the Geonosians did create the plans for the Death Star, which they gave to Dooku, which he gave to Palpatine/Sidious in Attack of the Clones. Designing the plans and actually getting the bloody thing built are two different things. Jyn’s father is probably a lead architect or something that is being forced against his will to help get the technological terror finished.


I feel like when Saw shows up, Jyn is gonna say something like “And I hired a motivational speaker!”

Its already been revealed what he is, he is the guy who knew how to use kyber crystals as a power source, that’s why the empire is on jheta

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Ahaaaaa. That makes sense. I figured it would be something like that. Vader must feel weird knowing he helped blow up the original kyber crystal for the Death Star with Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars. :joy:


This movie is automatically great, solely because of this shot…


I highly recommend watching this video, it helps to clear a lot of things up about the DS’s construction:

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now no more trailers

I don’t want them giving anything away, even though I trust the Star Wars marketing department knows what they’re doing as shown by TFA’s marketing, unlike another studio

cough cough Batman v Superman cough cough


I’m still scared this could end up like Suicide Squad, where they showed so much footage in the trailers and never revealed the plot, and then the plot was a mess. That probably won’t happen but I’m still scared.

So did anyone see the leaked images of next year’s Rogue One sets? Pretty cool, right?

Update: So someone named “delta.customs” on Instagram found an early figure of Moroff. (This guy)

Minifig is definitely legit and nearly flawless.


Oh yeah, he’s on the loading screen for Star Wars: Commander.

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What do you think the color of milk is for the Star Wars cow that Disney is milking? White, blue?


Green. The color of American dollar bills. 'Cause Disney is practically printing it.


I seriously hope that doesn’t happen with Rogue One, it does seem unlikely though seeing as people at Disney seem to actually know what they’re doing unlike WB. But it’s a scary thought to keep you up at night.

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Yeah, on the upside the Suicide Squad trailers showed off none of the plot, because there wasn’t really a cohesive plot. Rogue One on the other hand has a clear narrative from the trailers: get in, get the Death Star Plans, and get out, with a few hiccups along the way. That, and we have a much smaller cast of main characters in Rogue One than in Suicide Squad. It looks like Jyn, K-2SO, and the captain guy will be in the film throughout. I think it’s safe to say Rogue One will get a much better reaction from Star Wars fans than Suicide Squad got from DC fans.


I haven’t actually given much thought to how exactly they’re going to steal the plans up until now. We’ve gotten very little footage of the inside the Death Star so far. It makes me think that a big part of this movie will be the rebels’ efforts to recruit a team and then actually get to the location where the plans are being held.


I think there will be VERY little scenes inside the station itself. We’ll see it from the Imp’s prospective, but I don’t think the Rebels will actually infiltrate the Death Star itself.

This seems more likely, Anyone who thinks the Rebels are going to actually get inside the station are silly.


New TV Spot. Yey.


As long as they dont reveal too much Vader all is good

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So I’ve been thinking this for a little while, does anyone else get a feeling that Rogue One is going to have a Halo Reach type ending? I can notice similarities between the two and obviously that’s no guarantee of anything, but does anyone have that suspicion?


I would like that, mainly cause I love Halo reach…

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