Star Wars: Stranded on Zoma V

“I must stay with the wounded.”

Wannabe’s voice remained calm and emotionally neutral, but the droid’s three-light eyes remained locked on Bravebird. Mostly because of his decision but partially because now everyone knew some idiot someplace had decided to call him Wannabe and now he have to live with everyone calling him that.


“I’m not leaving him.” Tesz said, turning to Bravebird. “You can go to the Captain if you want, but-” She let out a ragged cough. “But I am not leaving my master.”

Resolve creeping into her voice. “Enough people have already died in this crash, and I know he’s still alive up there. If we can save him, we have too.”

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“To prevent further casualties, I would consider it wise for all Clone Troopers to rendezvous with the Captain.” Wannabe said, still locked on Bravebird. “I will ensure the Commander’s safety under all circumstances.”

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“And what if something happens to you Doc?”
Quips asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
“Where would we be without our favorite cynicism dispenser? Besides, the kids injured and last I checked, medical droids aren’t built with the joints and servos that can allow for the fast movements needed for combat, one of us need to go with you.”


“I’m with you, Commander. If there’s a chance that the General is still alive, we must try to find him.”

“If anyone here wants to head over to the rendezvous point, I won’t stop you,” he said to the other Clones. “But I’ll help the Commander in her search. The General is too valuable to give up on.”


“I was assigned to this mission and department based on such modifications as would enable me to operate during combat.” Wannabe responded, not turning from Bravebird. “I would not suggest this course of action were I not confident in my own function.”

It was hard to tell if this was satisfactory or unsatisfactory to the droid as he immediately broke eye contact and looked at Tesz. “Do you possess your lightsaber?”


Tesz gave Bravebird and Wannabe a weary smile and a thankful nod.

“Y-yes. Right here.” She said, patting the hilt attached to her belt. “Why?”


“In order to access the main elevator shaft as an effective means of transportation, we will need to traverse through the elevator.” Wannabe responded. “This will pose some difficulty as I am not equipped with cutting devices designed for the penetration of thick steel. However your lightsaber will suffice.”

“We are on limited time.” Wannabe said to the assembled Clones. “Locate the Captain or locate the General. Those are your options. I will remain with Commander Tesz Nel’Sha.” His eyes traveled towards the fallen bridge.


“This is CT-8604, nearing the front now sir.” Buoy answered on coms.

He makes it the section and looks around to see if any of the others had made it.


Tesz nodded. “All right. Let’s move.”

Without waiting to see the other clone’s responses, she sprinted toward the back of the bridge, hanging wires and broken control panels flickering in the otherwise enveloping darkness.

“CT-15-0663, did you read me? Get your group to the front of the ship.” Duke repeated. “This death trap of a ship will be crawling with droids soon, and I don’t intend on having to wait for stragglers.” @TheCobaltCorsair

Buoy wouldn’t find anyone else there yet.


Wannabe managed to keep only a few feet behind her, the darkness seemingly closing in as he advanced. It was a dreary path that lay before them, enough to inspire a sense of dread in anyone who decided to venture into the unknown, the perfect home for a beast of unknown design to lurk in, imaginations conjured of terrible design jumping from the shadows to ensnare the foolish.

Wannabe was, of course, better than lesser intellects like that. Fear was a response triggered by a lack of knowledge or the knowledge that something can and will cause harm to you or something you have invested interest in. And Wannabe did not have fear.


“Well, I think you two are qualified enough to help her find the General. I’ll be off to the rendezvous.”
Boomstick thought it quite unwise to disobey a direct order from the Captain. That man could become far to angry far too quick.
“I’ll tell the Captain that you stayed. Best of luck.”


Quips kept pace with Wannabee and Tesz, he knew that the both of them would be able to handle themselves, but the Clone would feel better if he knew the Kid didn’t receive any worse injuries than she already possessed. He also knew the Doc was more than qualified to provide aid in the event of injury, but who’s to say how well he could do if the structure around them began to give out.
Either way, who’s to say any of the normal maintenance paths to the bridge were accessible or if they’d have to find an… alternative route. If that came to pass, Quips was certain he could find such a path.


“I read you, Captain, but I’m afraid that the Commander has different orders,” Bravebird replied. Back in Bravebird’s days with the 501st, Captain Rex would’ve understood why he wished to aid his Commander, despite the inherent risk he would be taking. However, he doubted that Captain Duke would be as understanding. At least he could honestly say that he was just following orders. “We will meet you at the rendezvous point when we find the General.”

With that, he turned to follow Commander Tesz, Quips, and Wannabe to the other bridge.


As they got to the far, windowless side of the bridge, Tesz’s lightsaber snapped to life, bathing the small area around them with a green illumination.

The elevator doors were half open, and Tesz peeked her head inside, staring to the side down the shaft, closer resembling a hall than an elevator. If the elevator pod was there, it was obscured in darkness farther down the shaft.

@TheCobaltCorsair Bravebird would hear a static filled pause on the Captain’s end before Duke finally replied.

Commander’s orders, eh? Blast. “Fine.” Duke growled back. “But move quick.”


Quips peered down the long tunnel through the scope of his rifle. It didn’t provide proper night vision, but there was enough of an illumination from it to be able to make out the general shapes of objects in such a dark environment. If Quips was seeing things correctly…

“Commander, I think the elevator pod is still down there, it seems to have gotten dislodged from its rails.”

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“Alright, I should be able to cut through it with my blade.” Tesz said, stepping through the gap in the doors and heading down the tunnel like shaft.

Duke, Legacy and Rook continued down the corridors of the destroyer, debris, bodies, and hanging wires littered the way, but they kept a decent pace despite Duke’s apparent injury. Ahead, Duke’s light fell on a sign labeled “Armory” pointing left.

“Alright men, keep it brief. Only take what you need. We don’t need anything slowing us down.” @wild_toa @N01InParticular


After grabbing a DC-15A carbine, a flashlight mount for his helmet, and slinging an RPS-6 over his shoulder, Legacy waited outside the armory for Duke and Rook, then asked:
“So Runner, whats your name? We probably should know what to call you given we’re stuck with you for now”


Being what seemed to be the first one there was more concerning than exciting. Were his brothers trapped further in the ship? He should go help them! But orders were to be by the front and the captain was very certain about that.

With nothing else, Buoy looks around to see if he can spot any droids coming. If not, he starts fortifying this position with anything around. Whatever wreckage could be used to make cover, scavenge any supplies lying around.


Nothing would jump out at Buoy at first, though there was feint, far off humming sound, and, where those three H shaped shadows on the ground? They seemed to be a ways away, but they were moving. Fast.