Tempest - OOC Topic

So I suppose this was inevitable, and I’m sure plenty of you saw it coming. I’ve been hesitating to see if there was some way I could turn the tide, but I suppose it’s easier to face the music rather than keeping everyone in limbo.

Tempest has ended.

It was an extremely fun concept, and it might’ve had better chances two or three years ago, when users were much more active, but with half the players falling off for weeks at a time, I think it’s time to throw in the towel with this endeavor.

Several of you put a lot of time and effort into this rp, and I want to thank you for the dedication you’ve shown. It was a fun concept, and I’m glad I got the chance to try it out, even if this is how every RP I’ve run tends to go.

So what happens now?

If you’re looking for more RPs to write in, there are two I can recommend: Tales of Glory and Valour: The Seafarers is a fantasy sailing setting about a crew of misfits trying to restore the heir to the throne, and is perhaps the most resilient RP I have ever seen, bouncing back after the longest and most dead of lulls in activity, so if you’re worried your time and effort may be wasted, don’t be. It’s also a fantastic RP for deep character exploration, building your writing skills, and the GM is very based.

And The Battles of Some is set in a futuristic war where the survivors from all sides race to evacuate a doomed planet, and white it is fairly hot off the presses, it’s got a fantastic start so far, and I have faith the GM will carry it through to the end. I’m involved with both these RPs on both the writing side and helping with some of the worldbuilding, and both of them are worth checking out.

The RP topic for Tempest will be closing soon, if it hasn’t closed already by the time you’re reading this. Thank you once again for putting up with my silly ideas and giving them the time of day, and I hope to see you the next time I ignore my better judgement and start yet another RP.

Until next time,