The Antidermis pool (Gilahu's Brotherhood Project Makuta WIPs)

Dang Gilahu, doing mata nui’s work. Every now and again I pop in to check out how this project is going and seriously kudos to you for keeping up with this.

but i also end up remembering the makuta I submitted to this and god they do not reflect my current style in writing or building aaaaahhhhh


Doing what I can :wink:

If I haven’t already revamped your Makuta (which also goes for anybody else’s Makuta I haven’t revamped yet), then there’s always still time for you to do so yourself and thus potentially influence my eventual revamp.

And technically even revamping their backstories is still somewhat possible from your side. Only once Makuta stuff gets released by RSG (though at this point I have no idea when this will be) will it be too late for substantial Makuta backstory edits.

I believe the only one you might not be able to do too much with anymore is Nebunie (Nebunie was by you, right?). Since her backstory was a slight bit lacking, I polished that one up quite a bit behind the scenes already.
But especially for Apaliska I’d really love a more modern take from your side.


Amazing how this is still going. I admire the commitment, Gilahu.


I’m amazed as well. Good job, Gilahu.

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Oh nice. But yeah if I have the opportunity to redo some backstories and you’re down, I will happily do so. I made those makuta when I was in like middle school so naturally the writing is a little uh… interesting, let’s say. I’ll keep you updated with any edits I make. :+1:


So I’ve recently completed a revamp of Marzek, should you want to work it into your version. I see that you’ve already seen the post Gilahu, but I’ll link it anyway: Makuta Marzek: 2021 Revamp

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So I’ve started looking into a better backstory for Apaliska, and had a few questions regarding things I could and could not do.

1.) In the Biosector Article regarding Makuta, it mentions that the OOMN and Miserix killed an unspecified number of Makuta. Can this amount have another added to it? :eyes:

2.) To what extent can I make up Rahi? I wanna keep the Animal-Funkifier sort of thing Apaliska has going, but I also don’t want to egregiously break the cannon. Could I create one or two fictional Rahi that have no effect on the greater canon?

3.) To what extent can I come up with unique abilities? I don’t think I’m going to do anything crazy here, but it would be fun to give him a little something spicy, but nothing crazy or super convoluted.

I don’t think there’s a set amount Rahi in the universe, and considering that the Makuta’s original purpose was to make Rahi… I don’t see why they shouldn’t have a few attached to their name.

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I’d personally prefer that to not be the case as there are plenty Makuta that met such a fate already. Plus the ones killed by Miserix are all accounted for in Brotherhood Project/RSG lore.

Going off of memory, I believe the current Apaliska draft has him being killed in a staged accident. The perpetrators being some of his brethren who had enough of him. Though of course you can change that.
(Also I believe currently I have set Apaliska’ death at around the time of the Convocation, so at this point he was still a biomechanical being - you are free to change the time of death, though. If anything shouldn’t line up I’ll make sure to point it out and we can work on a solution.)

As long as the Rahi are not intended to be the biggest, greatest, most powerful ever seen etc. you’re absolutely free to make up a few if you want.

As Hawkflight said, Rahi creation is the Makuta’s main business, so it absolutely makes sense for everyone of them to have created some.

I’d be careful with special abilities. You are somewhat free to add special properties to weapons/tools, but anything else I’d say would only work if it is explainable as an extension of a power Makuta naturally possess which can be gained by training. (For example Chirox’s ability to fully control his Shadow Hand would be such an extension via training)

dang, wish i was part of the board and community when this was all being put together, i’d have loved to get my makuta oc included. then again, i am not great with doing mocs, or getting the time or money for the pieces either. wishful thinking i guess. fun thread though :slight_smile:


Oh yeah my bad I was like super not clear, I meant for like his weapons or his Rahi, not him.

As for the other stuff, duly noted, and I’ll keep it in mind.

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Finally acquired a Carapar head - which means @Ahkmou’s Makuta Belgahn is up next.

For immediate reference, the original:
Makuta Belgahn

And what I have so far:

A core feature of Belgahn is his girth, wich I’ll try to maintain to a degree. I will likely go for slightly different proportions - mainly reagrding the legs. They will still be short, but not as short as in the original, as per my current plans.

Unfortunately I forgot I only had two of those marbled pieces I used on the soulders… gonna need at least 4 more for the limbs, if not more.

Well, but anyways, feel free to give feedback.


Arms for Belgahn:

Lower arms were difficult. Tried out a few things, but Bohrok feet in the end was the best I could come up with.


One more update: proportions and feet. Because why only use two pieces per foot when you can go custom and use 37 instead? :sweat_smile:


Looking good so far :clap:


Update on Belgahn - slightly modified feet and legs.

Not yet sure what to put on the inside of the thighs.

Otherwise now I need to get some more Carapar armor shells (I’m very happy I managed to include them in both upper and lower legs, though, after I couldn’t make them work on the lower arms), especially since I also want to use them on the tail.


he’s not fat anymore :frowning_face:


You think?

In my eyes he retains a bit of a potbelly, but of course his girth is far less pronounced than in the original (though you might of course argue that this is one defining feature of teh original).

I personally like it this way, though - in my eyes he still looks heavy-built, but not overexaggeratedly fat.

Though if there are specific suggestions for how to make the girth work better, definitely feel free to share.


Meanwhile I’ve also started on another Makuta to go with these guys:

Because the combiner doesn’t look… that great.

Question is tail yes or no? With the digitigrate legs I think it could work well, so I’m tending towards yes at the moment.

Not gonna add wings because he only had those temporarily in Federation of Fear.


I think it might help if you shortened the legs a bit. Part of what made the original look so chonky was the short legs in relation to the torso. I’m not saying go to the same extreme as the original, but shorter legs would definitely help the look.


Probably true, but I won’t shorten the legs. It was a very deliberate decision to make them fairly normal length. a) because I want these proportions, and b) because I want Belgahn to be above Toa height.

Also they gave me far too much trouble to scrap the design :sweat_smile:

Maybe this helps a bit as a comparison: Vozatth is pretty much standard height for my Makuta at which I orient myself.