Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

This is a good sentiment, imo. If the majority of people vote for an entry, it should win. I think that rules should be as minimal as possible to allow for creativity, but I also believe that people probably aren’t going to vote in some far out, wacky MoC. The voters will choose a good MoC like they did the last two goes round.

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In my opinion, I’d have it look as full from the outside as possible. That’s what really matters. The pit of the build could be hollow, but if it looks solid from the outside and holds up, then nobody should be the wiser.

I’m grasping what you mean about the skeletal integrity. But even so, if we got actual sets of the Hagah with different attributes like I mentioned, but they still had that sense of being a team, I’d have no complaints.


define “completely”.

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I personally like it, tbh. Maybe it’d be better if the Matatu was upside down, but I still like it. It reminds me of how creative constraction used to be with face pieces; from the rahi to 08 takanuva to Certavus to even Artahka’s shoulder pads. Could’ve been implemented better, but it’s fun, imo.

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having just finished fully reading the document, I also think the group art contest option is one of the better options

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To me, the defining aspect of “Metru proportons” was always the width and angles of the chest/shoulders area. Of course, this purple MOC dumps all over that, which is why I changed my mind about the definition of a Metru build.

I still love the “Metru proportion” look in general though.

I agree. I think that, regardless of the format eventually chosen, the final Art should be done as a group shot.

My personal preference would be individual MOC Contests followed by a single group shot Art Contest.


Beautiful MoC, my man. This is exactly the kind of thing I’d vote for in a Hagah contest; its unique, but clearly a Hagah.

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As an artist,
I fear no man. But drawing 6 highly greebled and geometric robots in one image?
It scares me.

Challenge accepted mate.



Oh hey. There’s some room for versatility in FFA with hagah themed metru builds (read: metru torso, hips, shield, technic connectors, etc.) when combining artists and builders, but nowhere near enough to warrant solely a moc contest that might have its mask changed by some artist. As much as I’d like to submit my mocs, I’m fine with having only art if not FFA.

I think people are getting too invested in a toyline that was never 100% internally consistent, especially since my friend @doni posted his Pouks only to get flack for using a certain 3D printed mask and listed with people who also used it. It’s similar to how some made a fuss about Helryx’s armor color being dark blue because they didn’t like the moc. If something you don’t like wins, take the L and replace it with your own headcanon.


Why go nuclear and disqualify it? If this entry was in the polls, I just wouldn’t vote for it. I doubt the majority of people would vote it in, and even if they did, the majority of people would have gotten what they wanted. The most people would be happy.


wait that’s a thing?


I think I said this in the old topic, but I believe the Hagah should be as similar to each other as the Toa Mata are to each other. You’ve got some that are near identical (Tahu, Lewa, etc), you’ve got some with different legs (Gali, Onua), some with different arms, etc. They all have very similar color blocking. They use the same torso, but some (Pohatu, Onua to a lesser extent) get creative with it, resulting in different proportions. I’ve never heard anyone say the Mata didn’t look like a cohesive team despite their differences, and yet they’re not strictly clone sets.

Kodiak’s Bomonga that I linked earlier is I think roughly the upper limit to how different the Hagah should be able to be from Norik and Iruini (just as Pohatu is the “upper limit” in how different the Mata can be from Tahu). I wouldn’t want all Hagah to be that different, but having a couple is fine and wouldn’t be detrimental to team consistency, just like Pohatu and Onua weren’t detrimental to Mata consistency.


There is no room for compromise. Either make it extremely strict so that it looks exactly like the two toa hagahs we got with different colors, or make it completely free to build with no restrictions at all.

Restricting the contest so that it has to have a metru torso or a certain part does nothing. Nenon has a metru torso and she doesn’t look anything like a toa metru, yet if we follow that line of logic, she’s a metru build and would be a totally acceptable entry for a hagah contest. Just slap on a shield and spear and you’ve got an entry.

I’m not arguing for either side, I’m saying for a contest like this, you need to choose complete restriction or complete freedom. There’s no in between.





From The Document:

In addition to all of that, because these characters are part of an already established team with an already established aesthetic, there should probably be a rule of sorts mandating that their appearance can’t deviate too far in aesthetic from Iruini and Norik (no 100% CCBS limbs or overly greebly, ornate armor for instance that looks out of place with G1)


Why? The last two contests have had a combination of restrictions and creative freedom. Why should the Hagah be different?


From a staff perspective, I’d advocate disqualifying it purely because it’s so different from the rest of the Hagah. It’s a fine MOC, incredible even, but the Hoseryx scenario has made me pretty jaded about “if people don’t like it they won’t vote for it.”

I also have no patience for the community not coming to a conclusion on this one, thus I would like us to come to one.

Remember these are Canon contests intended to create the canon appearance of the four missing Hagah, and as such they should look like they belong next to the two existing Hagah. Variations on a theme, if you will. I’m all for customization within that theme, that particular MoC is so far beyond the theme that if we DIDN’T disqualify it there’d be pitchforks, and if we DID without a clear enough ruleset, there’d be pitchforks.

Basically y’all like pitchforks.


This is the kind of creativity I feel we should keep open. I wouldn’t mind seeing something off the wall like this that uses the Metru torso in a unique way. Especially like this, we already have the precedent of Pohatu Mata to allow something like this. If the Mata build can be creative, then the Metru build can too.

I just wanted to say that this is also a great piece of precedence to keep in mind. Visorak all have a pretty uniform look, we all call them clone sets (because they are), yet they all have subtly different limb construction. These sets came out in ‘05, the Hagah’s year. I think this shows that we could pull off a consistent look without having literal pallet swap builds.


You can ask the people who want complete restriction of anything custom

Generally speaking, my headspace is here at the moment. Thus far, I’ve seen a lot of good points about qualifications for Metru builds, but my primary concern boils down to the specificity of restrictions and how to anticipate potential loopholes for them.

Like @TheJerminator quoted, the only thing that leaps to my mind is putting in the stipulation that they have to have a similar aesthetic to Iruini and Norik, but ideally I would like for that to be much more specific and less broad. Figuring out how to exactly word that to catch instances that could bend the guidelines… that’s the challenge. Would love some thoughts on that.

Thank you all for the points thus far, we’re reading everything and mulling it over.


Are you one of those people?

We’ve been talking about standard Metru torsos and upside-down Metru torsos, but has anyone considered:

Sideways Metru Torsos