Toa Nidhiki, The Rogue

Figured while taking pictures of my Artakha, I might as well finally take pictures of my Toa Nidhiki MOC. So here you go:


He can do an one-handed handstand.

Accurate Inika size, but full custom build. If you wonder why the neck is built like it is - I think it kinda works, but more importantly, since canonically Nidhiki wears a green mask, and I don’t paint parts or use 3D prints, the only alternative would be a custom head. And for one of those I’d need the neck socket to be located deeper. So this was the original plan. Only turns out there’s not a lot of small dark green parts to work with… so silver mask it was.

What else is there to say - I kinda was inspired to build this MOC after reading some of the story material again where Nidhiki appears as a Toa. He’s actually a quite interesting character. With this MOC I wanted to represent a Nidhiki that has something in common with his mutated form: I tried to get this across via thin limbs and the colour distribution.

Next are planned a matching Tuyet and Lhikan. And then… potentially more of the Toa Mangai? Maybe I’ll aslo at some point update this Nidhiki with a bit of custom cloth.

But anyways, C&C as always appreciated!

Update for current reasons:
Studio file

And because by now he has some friends, just for the looks:


Naho or we riot :stuck_out_tongue:

This is pretty cool. Using those thrusters for shins is something I never would have considered, but it works really well.


Really dig this, has a great old school vibe! Excellent rendition :+1:

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